Semua Bab A Mate For The Hybrid Alpha : Bab 21 - Bab 30
34 Bab
Indescribable Rage
Chapter Twenty OneNaomi was a little ashamed of the way she was acting. She had thought that she was stronger than this.Last night, she had managed not to let a tear drop and was at least proud of that.She knew that she looked like crap. She had barely slept a wink during the night.The wise thing would have been to cancel the morning session she had with Daykan. But that thought hadn’t even occurred to her because she couldn’t imagine giving up an opportunity to see him.She had planned to show up this morning and casually mention what had happened the night before.Before she left the house, she had even stood in front of the mirror and practiced how she would laugh a little when she was narrating the ordeal.The laughter was necessary to let everyone know she was doing fine and had already gotten over what had happened.But as soon as she saw Daykan, the walls of deception had come crashing down and her tears along with it.So much for laughing and shrugging it off like it wasn’
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Chapter Twenty TwoDaykan really liked being in control; especially of his emotions.This was one of the reasons why he was desperately looking for a way out of this mateship.Having control of your emotions was not easily achieved when you were in a mateship; especially if you were a male werewolf. They were usually more hotheaded than their female counterparts.Daykan who liked to think of himself as a fairly rational he-wolf that avoided trouble and mostly minded his business had been on his way to rip Jimmy apart from limb to limb.Sure he ordinarily wouldn’t have been happy hearing a story like the one Naomi had told him. But if there had been no mateship in the picture, he would have murmured a few words of sympathy and been on his merry way.Instead, he had been on a warpath because someone had threatened his mate.Another aspect of control Daykan absolutely enjoyed was the one he had over his body.He had been on his way to annihilate Jimmy, Naomi had shouted at him to stop an
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Real Fathers
Chapter Twenty ThreeNaomi had never been silenced with a kiss before.It was the nicest way she had ever been told to shut up; especially because it was now obvious that she had feelings for the guy.If it had been some guy she didn’t like? Ouuuu she would have been so pissed off and probably bitten off his tongue. For all his muscles and hard exterior, Daykan Greystone was the gentlest kisser.He didn’t rush in like a thirsty dog. He carefully touched her lips and parted them with his tongue. She offered no resistance.His lips were so soft that she was tempted to keep them as a sponge for her face.In a moment like this when she hated herself for her weakness and flaws, he kissed her like she was the most perfect person.She finally felt tears flow down her cheeks and this time, it was different. It felt like she was pouring out her pain and dumping all the guilty burdens which had weighed her down for so long.Daykan broke the kiss and she almost groaned in protest.Little did sh
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Humble Abode
Chapter Twenty Four“Hello there,” Daykan replied breathlessly.He was awestruck. It was like all the air had been sucker punched out of his gut.Naomi had finally let her hair down and it had certainly been worth the wait.Her hair came down in straight waves until it rested on her waist; just above her perky bum that he stared at more often than he was willing to admit.The jet black strands looked like they shimmered with the slightest shake of her head.Her green eyes were bolder than usual and he realized that she had worn light makeup.Although she always looked perfect, he felt excited that she had taken that extra step because of their little date.Well not date… it sounded too romantic. It was best to refer to it as the ‘execution of their deal.’Yes! That sounded formal enough. There was nothing else going on between them.She had put eyeliner and mascara around her eyes; that was why they were shining brighter than usual.Her lips were shiny with a transparent gloss and he
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Dancing Queen
Chapter Twenty FiveDaykan wondered if he had given her too much wine. “Umm okay, so how do you want to go about thi…”“Come on!” Naomi interrupted excitedly and grabbed his hand.She pulled him towards the living room but took a glance back at him and stopped.She nodded at his apron, which by the way didn’t have a single stain on it. “During my performance, you won’t need to wear that.”Before he could do anything she scurried behind him, loosened the apron strings and tossed it on a kitchen stool.“Now we can go!” She declared, grabbed his hand again and continued pulling him out.They got to the living room and she nudged him towards the couch which was opposite the TV.Daykan allowed himself to land softly on the couch. Naomi put her hands on her waist and surveyed the area she had to work with.“I just need to move this so I’ll have a lot of space for my performance.” She was referring to a large square wooden coffee table in the middle of the room. It was placed on top a blac
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Buried Feelings
Chapter Twenty SixThe romantic music that had been playing in Naomi’s head since she had arrived at Daykan’s place came to an abrupt stop with a horrifying screech.She was such a fool.It felt like she had been sleeping and having the most wonderful dream. Then Daykan had come along and tossed a bucket of ice water over her, rudely waking her up and bringing her face to face with reality.It wasn’t compulsory that he had to like her but she had really thought that they were on the same page.Had she been reading him all wrong?There was an intense sadness brewing in her chest like a kettle on the stove.The last time she was rejected had been in first grade. She had sent a card to David Snaxx, asking him to be her valentine and he had rejected with “Ewww, no! You have cooties.”She had run home to Daddy and he had told her that she was the most special little girl in the world and David didn’t know what he was missing.She had still been sad but had felt better after a couple of day
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Love Hurts
Chapter Twenty Seven Daykan slid to the floor and put his back against the door. He carefully listened until Naomi started her car and left.He cradled his head in his hands and tried to breathe steadily, but it sounded shaky to him.Had he really done the right thing? Why did it feel so wrong?“You had your reasons remember? They were good reasons.” He whispered encouragingly.Damn! What were his reasons again?Maybe listing them out would help.Daykan held up a finger and enthusiastically nodded. “Umm, well for starters; it would be such a weird conversation explaining how I can turn into basically, a gigantic dog.” Was that a good reason? Although a mateship between a human and werewolf was rare, it did happen.He held up a second finger. “The pack would absolutely hate her and I’m not ready to leave them.”But what if the Moon Spirit popped up through the Moon Seer like last time and forced the pack members to treat Naomi properly?Boy, the thought made him feel like a child rep
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Chapter Twenty Eight Sure werewolves were supposed to keep their existence a secret but it wasn’t like it was prohibited for them to associate with human beings.A lot of them just preferred to avoid any unnecessary contact. For the most part, it did seem like it made things considerably easier.While werewolves looked and acted like humans, there was a slight difference in their aging process; and the older they got, the more likely it was that it would be noticed. This was especially true if they had been living in a particular place for majority of their lives.Generally, werewolves lived longer and took more time to age.A ninety year old werewolf could easily pass for a sixty five year old human. When werewolves were younger, it was easier to lie about their ages.Daykan was twenty eight years old but no one would raise brows if he said that he was around twenty two. But after a considerable number of years, he couldn’t just keep rolling into town and no one would notice that
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Chapter Twenty NineA lunam rixam was an old tradition that started from when the first werewolves existed. Generations later and werewolves still abided by its rules and used it to settle grave personal disputes.It loosely meant ‘moon brawl’ or ‘a quarrel with the moon.’ The former translation was more applicable in the context the werewolves used it for.When a fellow werewolf did something to another that was unforgivable, the aggrieved could issue a lunam rixam challenge.It was basically a fight to the death under the light of the moon. It was usually done in their werewolf form.It didn’t always result in one of the participants dying. It could end in a draw.In some occasions, the winner could decide to the spare the life of the loser. But that was rarely seen. It took a great force of anger and hatred for things to get to a lunam rixam.People didn’t just throw around the challenge because of a little disagreement or slight issue. It had to be something that had eaten deep en
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Alpha's Aura
Chapter Thirty There was a functional hospital within the Moonstruck Estate. But since werewolves didn’t really get sick, it wasn’t used that often.The patients there were offspring of werewolves who weren’t fortunate enough to receive the Wolf’s Mark; purebreds and half-breeds.They were basically a little more advanced than the average human being. They were faster and stronger but nothing compared to a werewolf that possessed the Wolf’s Mark.They lacked the healing abilities of werewolves and were more susceptible to sicknesses. On rare occasions, when a werewolf with the Wolf’s Mark had to use the hospital, it was mostly related to bone fractures. The ability of werewolves to heal relatively quickly was both a blessing and curse. If it would take six to eight weeks for a human’s bone fracture to heal, it would take a werewolf just a few days for that same kind of fracture.The werewolf’s bones would start knitting back together almost instantly.But it didn’t always heal the
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