All Chapters of A Mate For The Hybrid Alpha : Chapter 31 - Chapter 38
38 Chapters
Chapter Thirty OneNaomi couldn’t sleep.She had spent almost an hour tossing, turning and rearranging her pillow but to no avail.She considered watching a comedy to help with the sadness she was feeling but she wasn’t up for that.She loved romantic comedies. But it didn’t seem like the best time to watch a lovey dovey couple work through their issues and run into each other’s arms for an emotional happy ever after.She would probably scowl, boo and toss popcorn at the TV screen.She loved love and didn’t want that to change.In the past, she had never been too convinced about that soulmate stuff. Yes, there was someone out there for everyone. But if that didn’t work out, you could move on and fall in love as many times as you needed to until it felt right.Now, the soulmate stuff was starting to make sense and that was because of Daykan’s arrival into her life.It felt magical when she was with him. It was disheartening that after what had happened tonight, the fairytale scales h
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Chapter Thirty TwoLacan had always been a firm believer in the ‘happy wife, happy life’ saying and now was a prime example.His mate was clearly unhappy so life wasn’t looking so good. Hell, that was an understatement; she was positively fuming.He had just arrived from a meeting with an outside pack as a representative of the Moonstruck Estate’s Council of Alphas.He had expected to get home, kiss his beautiful mate, go for a solo run if the pack had already ran, take a relaxing shower and cuddle with Areria.But all his plans had gone down the toilet.He had gotten home, sat on their bed and only managed to take off his shoes before Areria had stormed into the house with a shocking tale.Now, she stood with her arms crossed and hovered over him as she waited to hear what he had to say.“Welllll? Say something.” She impatiently tapped her foot on the floor.“What did Jeycob do? Daykan wouldn’t just attack him out of the blue.”“He said something about his mother or stuff like that.”
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Chapter Thirty ThreeDaykan was walking to the Council’s meeting room. It was more of a hall but a small one compared to where they held their general packs’ meetings.It was where the Council sat to determine issues that affected the collective interests of all the packs within the estate; Daykan was obviously one of those issues.Individuals were rarely ever summoned to such meetings and never for a fight between members of the same pack. It would have been slightly different if the parties were from different packs. But then, the Alphas of the affected packs could sit together and discuss. There wouldn’t necessarily be any need for a Council gathering; unless all the packs had been involved in the fight. He could imagine that; it would be a bloody melee.So dealing with little ol’ him was equivalent to a bloody melee between the five packs; the story of his life.Perhaps he had always been looking at this the wrong way. He should have ditched the negative outlook a while ago and
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Chapter Thirty FourSThere was about a five second pause.“Lacan, could you repeat that? I don’t think we heard it clearly.” Algorne recovered first.Yeah, repeat that, Daykan echoed silently.They had all heard what he said; a room full of werewolves with more than average hearing.But you could hear something so unbelievable that you would be convinced your mind was playing tricks on you.“You all heard me. Daykan should be free to go because he hasn’t done anything wrong.” Lacan said firmly.“Excuse me? Hasn’t done anything wrong? We all know what he did! He admitted to it himself! We all heard him! The boy in the hospital is more than enough proof.We all went there and saw the condition he was in. It was horrible!” Licia said adamantly.“Don’t misunderstand me. I didn’t say that he didn’t do anything. I said he didn’t do anything wrong.” Lacan said slowly because he was tired of being asked to repeat his statements or being misinterpreted.“So, attacking another werewolf in such
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Night Hunt
Chapter Thirty Five“Pop, are you sure we should be out here by this time?” Paul Caddie tried to keep the quiver of fear out of his voice.He mistakenly stepped on a twig and jumped at the unexpected sound of it breaking.His jump caused him to trip and bump into his father, who was a few steps in front of him.Paul stumbled back with an apologetic look on his young face. “I’m sorry Pop.”Simon Caddie turned around and barely managed to keep a lid on his irritation. “For God’s sake Paul! You’re a twenty one year old man and you need to start acting like one. So stop fidgeting like a damn schoolgirl and stay in one place before I accidentally shoot you. You’re annoying the shit out of me!”“I’m sorry Pop. I’m just a little nervous. I was wondering if we should be out here by this time. How about we come back when it’s less creepy?” Paul swallowed nervously. An owl hooted nearby and he barely managed to hold back a squeal of surprise. Any more irritating sounds out of him and his dad
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Special Trio
Chapter Thirty SixA beautiful woman who was almost as tall as Daykan came into view.Her bright red hair was just a few inches above her knees. Although most of the time, it was braided, Daykan had always wondered how she managed to take care of it.There was definitely a lot of drying and shampooing involved; not to mention the time and effort it took.She had bright blue eyes and a small nose which sat above full lips. She was curvy with a full chest and an even fuller behind.“Senina what are you doing here?” Daykan groaned and ran a hand through his hair.It seemed like everyone was now drawn to his apartment. In the space of a few hours, he had received more visitors than in the previous month.Senina rushed forward and threw her arms around him. “I’m so glad that you’re safe. I was really worried about the Council’s gathering.” She pulled back and looked up at him.There were unshed tears in her eyes and they made the orbs shine even brighter than usual.“Day, I thought they we
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Chapter Thirty SevenDaykan felt lightness in his chest.He didn’t shift his gaze from Naomi as he walked towards her and Louis.He was so happy to see her. He had missed her so much.For a second, he forgot what was going on between them and toyed with the idea of drawing her into his embrace.But he instantly remembered when he reached them and she flashed a small polite smile.It was not the grin or bright smile she had usually greeted him with in the past.“Hi Naomi,” He said softly.“Hi Daykan,” She replied in a similar tone.“Hi boss,” Louis flashed a friendly grin at Daykan.“Louis,” Daykan nodded at him and briefly glanced in his direction.But he immediately swung his gaze back to Naomi.“You haven’t been here in a couple of days.” Daykan said gently. “I’m glad to see that you’re back. I thought that you had moved on because you were finally done with my gym.”Like the way you’re done with me, he finished silently.After Naomi hadn’t shown up for the next three days after the
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Chapter Thirty EightNaomi had resolved that she wasn’t going to turn into one of those ladies who became bitter and spiteful because a guy had rejected their advances.She wasn’t going to key his car or pour sand in his engine oil compartment.She was going to be mature about this and show that they could still perfectly interact with each other. It wasn’t the end of the world.She didn’t hate Daykan or wish him bad. She could be cordial to him and maybe they would settle into an easy friendship. Everything would probably be back to normal after she got over her little crush. She really did like his gym and wanted to continue working out there. She was enjoying the exercise thing way more than she had expected.She wasn’t going to stop just because she had developed feelings for her trainer and for some reason, he did not want to admit feeling the same way; and found it easier to just push her away.Although she did understand how it could get awkward if they decided to continue t
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