All Chapters of My Brother Is My Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
29 Chapters
Chapter 11
Alex’s POVDespite telling Alexis that she was my mate, I concluded in my heart that I wouldn’t treat her as one. With the recent happenings and what I have discovered all those years, I could no longer deny the fact that Alexis was truly my mate. There was no mistaking. The moon goddess knew all about this. But why? The question kept coming to my head, but as usual, there was no answer.I was in my father’s study, buried in one of his books concerning the long history of the pack. I needed a distraction and his library seemed to be the perfect escape.A knock came on the door. “Yes,” my answer came out more gruffly than I expected.“It’s Gena,”I heard Gena’s voice outside the door.I exhaled deeply. “Come in,” I said, despite knowing that I didn’t want to be disturbed. But, there was no way I could have her standing by the door, especially after I displayed affection for her earlier this morning.The door knob turned and she walked in. “I was wondering where you were,” she said, smi
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Chapter 12
Alexis’s POV I stood up to leave in frustration and anger as Alex sat beside Gena but stopped when I felt pulled back. I looked to see a tiny line of my cashmere top stringed to Alex’s hand. It was caught on his ring. We stared at each other like what the actual fuck was going on? This was only seen in movies and not in real life! The intensity of the gaze made my knees buckle and I snapped off the line from the hem of my top, and I walked away. I couldn’t bear that look he gave me. It made my heart flutter, weakened me to my knees and my stomach churned. I couldn’t be feeling this way for my brother, but it seems since he told me he was my mate, and my mate confirmed it, the mate bond had become stronger. This feeling was threatening to consume me. I sighed deeply as I fell flat on the bed. I placed my hand on my chest and squeezed it. What was happening to me? ***** The next morning, I contemplated going downstairs. I didn’t want to see my brother or Gena, especially after wh
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Chapter 13
Alex’s POVSeeing Alexis lose her footing on the stairs, the mate bond between us suddenly kicked in, and I found myself hurrying to her rescue. I had my arms wrapped around her protectively before she could fall. Her sudden sharp intake of breath almost made me lose my senses and throw caution to the wind.When her eyes opened to finally grace mine, I got lost in those twin pool brown orbs of hers and I ached to hold her this way. With the mate bond smothering, I got back to my senses and let go of her like she was some flame that burnt me just by touching her.She almost fell again, but I caught her by the wrist and pulled her, ensuring she was standing properly. “You should watch where you are going,” I said to her more coldly than I had intended to.“I didn’t ask you to come help me,” she retorted and raced up the stairs.What? I was flabbergasted. Did she just wave aside the fact that I saved her from falling, and act rude to me? The effrontery!“Did you see that?” I inquired f
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Chapter 14
Alex’s POV“Welcoming the daughter of the Reinhardt family, Alexis Reinhardt,” I heard the announcer say and I turned in the direction of the door to see my sister, only to be confronted by a drop dead gorgeous woman in the stead of my sister. My jaw dropped, but I was quick to maintain composure as I stared at her.Like a moth attracted to a flame, I was immediately drawn to her. She wore a green emerald dress that hugged around her, revealing the symmetrical lines of her body contours. The long slit from her thigh to her legs, exposing her satin skin was enough to drive any virile man crazy. Her hair was tied up in a bun, with gemstones embedded in them, leaving two curled locks dangling from each side of her face. With each step she took in those silvery stilettos matching her necklace that sat idly on her neck, giving a more detailed look to her cleavages, she seemed to draw from the very core of my soul.I could see all eyes were on her from both genders. She was the only one wit
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Chapter 15
Alexis’s POV“Uh?” I mouthed, just to be sure. I was still in disbelief.He lifted my chin with his finger as his eyes pierced into mine. “You’re my mate, princess,” he said.My toes curled as butterflies filled my stomach. Did he just call me princess? My head swirled and almost burst with excitement. The hottest guy in the room just called me princess!I regained my composure and looked over at my parents. They were smiling and holding hands. Excitement was written all over them as they watch me get mated to someone.I looked back at alpha Kane. His eyes were smiling despite the fact that his lips didn’t move. I was his mate, but he wasn’t mine. My wolf didn’t feel any mate bond, or was she hiding this one from me like she did with Alex?I began to hear whispers again from the ladies, about how I was stealing all the attention, and how I just got mated to the hottest man in the room.I turned to see my brother in the arms of Gena. I had no idea if he heard it all as he was as expres
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Chapter 16
Alexis’s POVI groaned as the chirping birds infiltrated my ears. I placed my pillow over my head. Why were they interrupting this beautiful dream I was having?“Ugh.. go away,” I groaned again, but their sounds kept getting louder and louder. I realized I didn’t close my bedroom window last night before going to bed. I dragged myself out of bed and went over to the window, shutting it tight. I sighed in relief when the closed window drowned the sound of the chirping birds. I caught the eye of my ball dress and ignored it as I fell back on the bed and placed the duvet over my head. I was about to relish in my beautiful dream again, where I was dancing with my Prince Charming. That was when it hit me.I quickly uncovered myself frantically and looked over at where I tossed my ball dress. With its crumpled look, it dawned on me that I had already gone to the ball, and I had danced with my Prince Charming!“Ohmigosh!” I exclaimed as I bolted out of my room and ran down the stairs. “Mom
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Chapter 17
Alexandra's POVAs if having to watch Alexis and Alpha Kane last night wasn’t enough, I still had to see them together this morning. It caused a deep feeling of jealousy raging from inside of me. My wolf wanted to so badly possess her and claim her as his, but I held him back. Wouldn’t this alpha think my sister and I were already committing sim for us to get mated together?I pushed aside the thoughts and walked down the stairs, determined to ignore them both. They were part of the reason why I had a fight with Gena after leaving the party. I had told her to fucking stay away from me, which looking back, I kinda did regret saying so.I got seated in the dining and proceeded to eat breakfast. My aim was to finish breakfast before anyone else and get out of the house.Alpha Kane and Alexis were seated close to each other and seemed so engrossed in a conversation that made me just want to smack their faces.Gena finally arrived at the dining table. I knew she was still mad at me, and I
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Chapter 18
Alex’s POVI walked into the house and heard Dad say someone should be leaving the house by tomorrow. “Who should be leaving the house?” I inquired, but all I got was silence. “Alexis?” I called my sister even though it burned my throat just calling her name.She turned around and shot me a death glare. “What?” She demanded.I was not about to indulge in her spoilt brat behaviour as I ignored her tone. “Who’s leaving the house?”“Why do you care?” She fumed as she folded her arms across her chest.I groaned inwardly. “I asked a question,” I said.“Me. Happy? You would be able to breathe properly in the house without me being in your way,” she fired and stormed off.“What did she just say?” I turned to Mom and Dad.Mom shrugged. “She has a mate now, you know,”“Yes, and so fucking what?” I replied in annoyance.“Young man, watch the time you use on your mother,” Dad warned me sternly.“Not until I get answers to my question,” I retorted, calling his warning bluff.He advanced towards m
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Chapter 19
Gena’s POV“Perhaps you mistake my sense of anger for jealousy, Gena. Don’t I have the right to be cautious of who is hanging around my sister?” He asked me.I would have believed him if I hadn’t caught him staring at her in a not so brotherly way. I’ve been seeing the signs, but I’ve been ignoring them. The night at the ball made everything crystal clear to me. Night after night, I have been tormented by the thoughts. I had even pushed it aside and felt I was so stupid to think of something like that. It was practically incensed. But, right now, I don’t think I was wrong.“It’s different, Alex. I have seen sibling’s relationship, and with you, it’s on a whole new level. Tell me the truth,”“What the heck is going on in your head, Gena?!” He raised his voice. He was becoming very infuriated. “I have nothing to do with Alexis!” He almost groaned and then exhaled. “You know what? I’m not going to stand here and listen to you say this rubbish. You can have the room all to yourself,” he a
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Chapter 20
Alexis’s POV“Don’t say a word,” he said as he stared deep into my eyes. The intensity of his gaze caused chills down my spine. It was like he was penetrating deep into my soul.He finally let go of me as he removed his hand from my mouth.“What are you doing, Alex?” I asked.“I said you shouldn’t say a word,” he hissed.“Why shouldn’t I? You dragged me here, and you’re saying…”He shut me up as he placed his hand over my mouth again. “Don’t say a word. Just listen to me,” he said, staring at me. “Will you do just that?” He asked.I wondered why he was saying this. But, all I could do was give a mere nod. He let go of my mouth and exhaled. “I heard you told Alpha Kane to give you two weeks to think about moving to his pack. I just want to let you know that you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. I don’t trust him with you,” he said.I was dumbfounded by what he had just said. Why was he all of a sudden all up in my business? Why was he suddenly showing that he cared about me or wh
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