All Chapters of My Brother Is My Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 Chapters
Chapter 21
Alexis’s POVI walked towards the kitchen and bumped into Gena. “Oh, hi,” I said with a smile.“Good morning,” she greeted without a smile, and continued her way.I was astonished as I looked at her retreating figure. Why was she suddenly cold towards me?Did she and Alex had a fight? I wondered. Even though, why would she take it out on me? I shrugged it off as I looked away and walked into the kitchen to get my lunch. Speaking of Alex, I have not seen him since last night. The moment the thought of last night crossed my mind, images of him dangerously near me flashed before my very eyes.It gave me a sinking feeling down my stomach and made my toes curl. I grabbed onto the sink for support as I immediately felt dazed. How could my brother have this much effect on me? I swallowed as I brushed aside the thought. I inhaled deeply and breathed out. I would only think of Alpha Kane. I hoped that the more I thought about him, the more I would see a reason to want to go live with him. I
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Chapter 22
Julia’s POVThe Alpha’s health deteriorated quicker than expected. He was said to be suffering from a disease unknown, but nobody expected him to look so emaciated in the space of two days since he fell ill and was diagnosed. He looked very malnourished as he laid sick in his bed, grasping for breath. Begging for life.I shook my head and so did Richard as he had his hands folded together in front of him. We were standing in front of the alpha in his bedroom, along with the chief gamma, beta and Zeta. Each of us wore a pitiful look on our faces, but we dared not voice any word of sympathy. One thing we knew our alpha hated was sympathy.I still wonder where the man who was full of life two days ago disappeared to.Nothing much was said to the alpha as he could barely speak. We stepped out of his room, and we saw the pack doctor approaching. “He’s getting worse, doctor,” Zeta Jamie said to him.“What’s happening?” Richard asked him.The pack doctor sighed. “Believe me, I am trying my b
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Chapter 23
Alexis’s POVI was done making dinner and proceeded to set the table, knowing that mom and dad would soon be home. That was when I heard a loud bang outside. It shook the house as speck of dusts fell from the ceiling. A cold chill ran down my spine as I panicked, wondering what it was. Was there an earthquake? Suddenly, I saw smoke rising up outside and soon the whole window was misted in smoke. It began to penetrate into the house. What in the moon goddess name was going on. I coughed and covered my nose as I walked out of the kitchen.“Alexis!” I heard Alex’s voice dangerously low as he hurried down the stairs with Gena. She was panicking.“What’s going on?” I asked, as I coughed again.“You have to hide. We’re under siege,” he said, dangerously calm as he look over to the window. I was flabbergasted. “What? What do you mean by siege?!” I yelled and he quickly covered my mouth and hissed.“Do you want them to know people are in here?” He asked in a low tone.It was too late, as a
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Chapter 24
Julia’s POVThe next morning, the whole house was being cleaned by the omegas. The bodies of the rogues were carried out and burnt. The bodies in the fields and the road leading to the pack house which was in the center of the territory, were also exhumed.The windows were still broken as they were, Richard had said he would fix them after we were back from the emergency meeting the council of elders had called again.The stench of blood was still hanging in the air despite the soap and water scrub the omegas were using on the floors. I scrunched up my nose as I walked past them and headed for Alexis’s room. Last night had been really surprising for Richard and I.After escaping from the chaos happening at the council’s chambers through our teeth, and fighting through our teeth from the one happening on the road that led to the main gate were the alpha lived, we had met a battle in our home that ended almost as quickly as we came. We saw Alex rescuing Alexis, and Richard had immediate
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Chapter 25
Alexis’s POVI swallowed hard. I could not possibly blame her for her reaction. Hell, I couldn’t even get angry at her. “I’m sorry,” I found myself saying.“For what exactly?” She asked as she folded her arms across her chest and stared at me.I looked down at my feet on the grass, not knowing what to say.She sighed. “Look, Alexis,” her voice was more softer than before. “I’m mad at Alex, and not you,” she said, and I looked at her.She looked exasperated as she looked away from me. “You shouldn’t be the one to suffer for it,”“I guess I deserve it. After all, it’s my fault,” I replied.She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe,” Just then, Alex walked up to us. “What’s happening?” His voice broke the ominous silence between Gena and I.“Nothing,” I replied and he draped his hand on my shoulder.“Gena?” He asked her, raising a brow in her direction.“Everything is just fine,” she replied.Just then, mom and dad returned, and as they passed us, they hit a pothole and water gushed out. I use
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Chapter 26
Alex’s POVEveryone seemed to be too stunned to speak after what I had just said. It gave me satisfaction to see them have those confusing and surprised expressions on their faces.“Excuse me?” Alexis’s broke the ominous silence surrounding us.I grinned. “I mean, you’re my sister. It typically means you’re mine forever. My sister forever till date do us back,” I teased. I had meant when I said she was mine. I had meant it with all the fibers in my body and soul. I just had to make a twist in it, so I wouldn’t scare her that much.She moved away from me, and I saw Gena walking up the stairs. I totally ignored her.“Should you not have said it that way instead of your previous statement? Why do you like keeping everyone on their toes?” She asked me, getting riled.“It’s fun. Don’t you think so?” I shrugged and grinned as I looked from Richard to Julia. Their expressions were wild. Except from alpha Kane. He had a stoic look on his face.“It’s not funny sometimes, Alex. What do you thin
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Chapter 27
Alexis’s POVI walked beside alpha Kane through the lines of the garden walls. His presence brought peace as we talked about the simplest things. His strides were very powerful even as he casually walked beside me.He was interested in anything related to me. I liked him a lot. He was a nice man inside, and I wondered why he portrayed differently outward.“Did you like the flowers I sent to you?” He asked me. His hands were folded behind his back.I nodded with a smile. “I did. I loved them very much. Thank you,” I replied.“So, tell me, aside being the princess of the house, what else do you do?” He asked.“Believe me when I say I barely do anything. I’m either in the garden or indoors on my phone,” I replied.“That’s fine. You’re a flower that shouldn’t be stressed or rough handled,” he said.“I’ve been meaning to ask..” I began, thinking of the best way to ask him what was in my mind.“Go on, my lady,” he urged me as he looked at me with a gentle smile.I inhaled sharply. “Well, wh
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Chapter 28
Alex’s POV“What do you mean?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.He gave a dry chuckle. “What don’t I mean?”“You very well know what’s happening here. So, tell me,” I squared my shoulders.“Of course. I’m not oblivious to my surroundings. I know you’re in love with your sister,” he smirked.I stared at him expressionless. “Believe whatever you want to, Kane. One thing I’m certain about is that my sister will not end up with you. I’ll ensure that,”“Challenge accepted, Alexander. But, I must warn you, I have never lost a challenge,” He replied smugly as he turned around and walked towards his car. His gamma opened the car for him, and he got in.I watch the car drive away and a sudden urge to prove that alpha Kane must have some dirty secrets that I needed to dig out. That would be the only way I could separate him from Alexis. I could see that she was becoming fond of him, and I didn’t like it.Alphas always had a dark secret or a past haunting them. Alpha Kane would be of no differ
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Chapter 29
"Alex," our dad called out again, his voice firm but worried. "What's going on here?"Alexandra quickly stepped back, releasing me from his grasp. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart."Nothing, Dad," Alex replied, his voice neutral. "Just a discussion with Lexi."Dad's eyes narrowed. "A discussion that requires you to pin her against the wall?"Alex shrugged. "I was just trying to make a point."Dad's expression turned skeptical. "Well, I think you've made your point. Lexi, are you okay?"I nodded, still trying to process what had just happened. "Yeah, I'm fine."Dad's eyes lingered on me for a moment before turning to Alex. "Alex, can I talk to you for a minute?"Alex nodded, and they walked into the study room, leaving me feeling confused and shaken.What was happening between us? Why was Alex behaving this way? And why did I feel like I was melting every time he touched me?I took a deep breath and tried to shake off the feeling. I needed to focus on something else
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