All Chapters of TAKING BACK MY EX-LUNA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
83 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Alpha Michael's POV; The next morning, I woke up at the shrill ring of my phone, immediately sitting up and picking it to see it was a call from one of the men I'd hired to investigate the children's kidnapping. I picked up immediately, bringing the phone to my ear and sitting up on my bed. "I got an update." "And what is it this time? I hope it's about my kids?" "We found intel where they might be," He replied. "Last night, one of my men caught sight of a suspicious activity going on so we tracked the location to a warehouse." "Has it been checked out?" "It is in progress. We are waiting for confirmation. You just need to stay put for a while." "Where the fuck is the warehouse?" I growled, anger rippling through me. "Send the location to me right now. Do not waste my time." "Alright. I am sending it to you right now." Just as soon as the call ended, my phone beeped with a message. I tapped it open, checked the text to see that it was located in o
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Chapter Twelve
Alpha Michael's POV; I rushed into the warehouse, breaking through doors and pushing past pipes that leaned against the wall before I got to a door. I looked around, searching for any wrench to pull the metal latch from the door but I found nothing. In frustration, I began to walk around, searching for anything available to use. I caught a metal bat resting on the wall at the side and quickly picked it up, hoping it was going to help. It did. I was able to unlatch the door. The room was pitch black but I could hear the cries of the little children in the room. I took out my phone and turned on the torchlight to see them both huddled in the corner. "Oh, thank God!" I cried and rushed over to them. They had ropes tied around their hands and legs and their mouths were clamped shut with tapes. I fell to my knees right before them, untying it until they were free before I pulled them both into my arms. "You're safe. You both are safe. Don't worry about anything
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Chapter Thirteen
Catherine POV: I could barely sleep. It was already evening and Michael was yet to return. I'd spent most of my day running around and asking for his whereabouts. I was so disoriented. So disorganized even. I didn't know if he'd gone to get the kids or if he had gone somewhere else. His men kept pacing around in frenzied movements and I could tell from the looks of things that something had gone wrong. "Hello," I stopped one of the men who had a phone to his ear. He pulled it off and gave me a look of displeasure. Yes, I had distracted him from his call but I didn't care at this point. All I wanted was to know how my kids were doing. "Where is he? He's not been home all morning." The man sighed and looked at his phone before asking the other person on the other end to cut the call. "I don't know where he is." "So what's going on? Why is everyone looking panicked?" "I don't think it's something I can tell you, ma'am. You can wait until he returns. Maybe as
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Chapter Fourteen
Alpha Michael's POV: After she took them in, I felt slightly terrible that she didn't even acknowledge me or show any form of appreciation. Of course, I had messed up terribly in the past by throwing her and the kids and maybe this was just me paying for my sins. But I'd expected some form of acknowledgement and she hadn't given me that. To be honest, it had really hurt terribly and instead of going back to my chambers, I'd grabbed a bottle of cognac and a glass mug, walked back out of the Palace to the courtyard before taking a seat by the fountain and pouring myself a glass. I leaned back into the large statue and continued to drink while looking up into the skies. The divorce papers. We were yet to find it. Telling anyone I'd lost the file containing my divorce papers would think me stupid. A search was still ongoing but it didn't seem like something that was going to be fruitful. I'd given my second Investigator a call and they had been unable to find anythin
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Chapter Fifteen
Alpha Michael's POV: "Gotten any updates?" "Not yet, Alpha Michael. Things haven't really been looking up. We've just been stuck here trying to find some sort of lead." It took a lot for me not to toss my phone over to the other side of the room. I would have loved to watch it crash against the wall for the satisfaction of it but gods knew I couldn't do that. I tried to maintain a cool demeanor while he rambled off for the next one minute. "So all of this means there might not be a lead? What the fuck is your final verdict?!" I snapped into the phone, seething with rage as I waited for his reply. "I don't know yet for real, Alpha Michael. Whoever got their hands on this must have done it to get to you because this is the first time we aren't getting a lead on anything." I ended the call before he could say anything and dropped my phone into the couch closest to me. I raised my fingers through my hair, resisting the urge not to do something nasty. She h
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Chapter Sixteen
Catherine's POV: "Julia!" I called at the top of my voice before pushing out of the lounge chair I was seated on. She'd been playing with Jason who was still concentrating on the Lego house he was building before the flutters of a bird's wings pulled her attention. And now, she was on her feet, going in the direction of the open gates of the pool and not even watching her steps as her only focus was on the bird. I let the book fall to the chair before I hurried over to where she stood and pulled her out of the way before she could dive right into the water. "Julia!" I cried, breathing heavily. "You nearly fell into the water." She clutched her puppet to her chest, her eyes still trained on the bird that seemed to be more concerned about pecking the tree trunk than a little girl who was intrigued by it. "That's a woodpecker. I've only ever seen it in cartoons. I want to hold it." She turned to look at me, her lips forming a pout. Sighing, I place my hand on
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Chapter Seventeen
Alpha Michael's POV: I'd been so thankful that I had stayed back to watch her play with the kids. I wouldn't have caught sight of her going over to the pool or even slipping and falling. Immediately, I lost every form of control, running out of my office and nearly flying through the walls to get to her. From the way she had taken the fall, I knew that there was no way she could regain some sort of control over the water. And now, she lay in her bed, her face pale and her eyes red from staying in chlorinated water for that long. "I'll take care of that," I said to Catherine who somehow found it difficult to lift her hand. She looked up at me for a brief moment, smiling at me before letting the spoon drop into the plate. I took over, perching right beside her and taking the tray from her hand before I began to scoop the soup and push it into her mouth. Jason was right on the bed beside her and she threw an arm over him like she was protecting him from
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Chapter Eighteen
Catherine's POV: The kids are asleep now and it is really late and somehow, I can't sleep. I don't want to admit to it but I know I am still awake because I am waiting for Michael to return. At the sound of gates opening, I find myself sitting up awake and checking to see if he's the one but he isn't and once again, I remain in bed, watching the ceiling and waiting for him to finally return but he doesn't. At exactly ten o'clock, I heard the familiar sound of his car door being pulled open. Pushing to my feet, I hurried out of the room, wondering why I was so excited for his return when I wanted to have nothing to do with him. I stood by the door, watching as his car cruised to a halt and he stepped out. He had bags in his hand and he shut the door to his car before turning and making his way towards the porch. When he got close to the door, he stopped to speak with one of the guards at the door and like he sensed me, his eyes darted over to me and the small smi
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Chapter Nineteen
Alpha Michael's POV; "Why have you chosen to take her back in? After what she did to you? She left you for another man!" I was seated in my throne room, watching Peter prance around why he yelled and yelled over everything and nothing. He had the guts to pay me a visit even after I had warned him, even after it was so obvious that he had been the one to mastermind it all. He was still alive and standing here because I was yet to find any evidence against him. My full suspect was Jennifer and if no dirt was found on her, he was going to be the next person to go after. "Brother," He walked up to me and I stood to my feet. "The divorce papers are missing for your own good. It is obvious that the moon goddess doesn't want you calling off the divorce. She left you when she should have stayed so let her pay for her sins." "You know," I began, walking in the direction of the small table standing on the far end of the dais. "For someone who has always hated me right bef
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Chapter Twenty
Catherine's POV: I had gotten a text message from Doctor John this morning, asking for us to meet at one of the coffee shops close by because he had something important to tell me. That message had gone un-replied for hours and I blocked the thought out, engaging myself in other activities like making it a point of duty to take care of the children and serve them breakfast. Jason had been so happy when he woke up to his new Lego plastics. It had him extremely elated and he had talked about nothing but hai Lego until Julia yelled at him to keep shut. It had been awkward and amusing at the same time but I chose to keep quiet, knowing fully well that she was that way because she had gotten a Barbie doll which she hated so terribly. I knew my daughter and I knew that she cared for Michael because she wouldn't have gotten so mad that Jason had gotten the perfect gift while she got something she terribly hated. It was my duty to make her see the good in him. She was a
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