All Chapters of Strings of Fate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
200 Chapters
61- Apologies and alarm
I shriek and leap out of his lap. Or I try to, I trip over my own feet and get caught by Bellamy’s hand in the edge of my top. Bellamy tries to catch me but we both end up overbalancing and the chair tips over. We both land hard, sprawled on the floor. Bellamy manages to slip a hand behind my head as we fall so at least I don’t break my skull. Bellamy groans as I sit up and I realise I landed hard elbowing him in the stomach. I jump up.“Sorry!” He sits up and rights his chair. Megan is in the doorway and is frozen. I make eye contact with her. I’m sure I must be tomato red and I can’t believe that just happened. Megan bursts out laughing. She laughs so hard that I can see tears in her eyes. Bellamy can’t help but join in.“You guys!” I whine but I can’t help but smile and I try to resist the desire to giggle. Megan throws herself into the recliner Bellamy moved in for me as she manages to calm herself.“Oh I needed that. I was going to come apologise for falling asleep and ditching y
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62- Nightmares and numbness
Darrien looks so lost. I start laughing. Megan and Bellamy give near identical smirks. “My brother stole it to make a nest for Ry in his office. Apparently he needs supervision while he works now. Although I’m not sure why he bothered because she wasn’t sitting on the recliner when I found them.” Her tone is suggestive and makes the whole thing sound a lot worse than it was. Still, I can’t help the blush that burns across my face. Seriously, I need to find a way to stop that.“I can go grab it.” Bellamy moves to stand but Darrien waves him back.“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine here.” He drops to the floor and settles in place resting his back against the edge of Megan’s recliner. Not touching her, but definitely more of a casual placement than he would normally choose. Megan’s gaze darts to mine and I try to arrange my face in a way that appears encouraging. Bellamy settles back in beside me. He checks his phone.“Food should arrive in about twenty minutes.” He informs us cheerfully.
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63- Security and suggestions
Megan wakes several more times throughout the night, each time jolting awake in tears. In the morning when I wake up she is curled up against my side hugging my left arm tightly against her chest like it’s a prized teddy bear. I remain in bed, swapping between dozing and staring at the crack of light visible through her curtains contemplating what time it might be and what I need to get done today. I probably need to clean my house, I’ve been quite slack with it lately while I’ve been moping. I need to make my bed properly, actually I should probably wash everything since it’s been on the floor and dragged around my home to make a fort. Oh and I definitely need to do some shopping, there is zero food in my house and it’s now highly likely that I’ll actually have guests again. I also owe Maggie a cup of tea at some point, if she saw the state if my home she would be horrified and probably start cleaning it for me which would only make me feel worse. Yep, definitely due for a deep clean
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64- Silence and sass
Bellamy sighs and takes me by the hand. He leads me to the living room and sits on the couch, dragging me to sit next to him. “I don’t want to argue. Let’s talk about this properly.” He insists. I sigh and nod my agreement.“I just really don’t think I need them.” I start. Bellamy nods. “I understand that. But I can’t trust that you’re safe when I can’t see you. I might be overreacting, I probably am. But my sister was just nearly killed by her fiancé and that was in a room full of people who care about her. Someone has already threatened you once and I’m on edge. I can’t stand the idea of leaving you unprotected. I have plenty of enemies and while people might not really know about us yet they’re still a threat to you. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you because of me.” It’s really hard to hold firm to my argument after his confession, I’m wavering and I know it. I try not to completely give up. “Surely we can come to some kind of compromise? What about someth
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65- Cameras and chocolate
I have to rinse out my conditioner bottle to get the last bit out but I manage to wash my hair, I drop the empty bottle in the bin as I exit the shower. I dress and towel dry my hair then drop the towel in my hamper. I head out to the living room and glance around.“Okay step one is shopping, step two is laundry, step three general cleaning.” Aaron gets to his feet. I usually walk to do my shopping, when I suggest this Aaron just shrugs and gestures for me to lead the way. I link my arm with his and we get on with it. The shopping doesn’t take too long and the walk home goes much faster than usual as Aaron insists on carrying my bags for me. (Or at least he just took them from me and never really gave me a choice and who am i to argue if he wants to carry stuff?) which is why I’m shocked when I get home and find Shaun and another guy I don’t know are using a drill to remove my front door. Shaun waves cheerfully.“Morning miss Gale.” I smile awkwardly. “I locked that…’ I respond mildl
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66- Promises and photos
I can’t help but smile and I tuck the note from Bellamy into a drawer I have in my kitchen. The one everyone seems to have that is full of random stationary, tea towels and other odds and ends. I tap Aaron on the arm to get his attention, he is preoccupied opening the packaging on my new microfibre cleaning cloths. “Bellamy says we should negotiate a schedule or something for you. I work mostly evenings and sometimes the lunch shift, but I never really start before eleven. Maybe we could make your start time nine and just take each day as it comes until we figure it out in more detail?” i suggest. Aaron nods. I already traded numbers with him and all the other guards I've had ages ago so that's not a problem. I’m still not thrilled with having to have security in the first place, but this probably won’t be so bad. I pull out my phone and text Bellamy. Ryann- Got your note. Of course I’m happy to have Aaron here. We’ve made a temporary plan until we work out our schedules a bit bett
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67- Codes and cocktails
Harry- Hey, wanna help me with a project? 3:)Ryann- Should I be afraid….Megan- Class is boring. I was hoping for something more interesting today but it’s all just a recap of stuff we’ve done before -_-Harry- Nope. It’s a fun project. Help me think of the weirdest most obscure cocktails. Bonus points if they have fun names. Ryann- I have no idea. Just a sec, I’ll add Megan to the chat and you can ask her. I create a group chat with Megan and Harry. Harry instantly changes the group name.Harry changed the group name to SHENANIGANSHarry- Hello Megan, I’ve heard a lot about you.Megan- Hi Harry and same!Harry- Okay so here’s the goal. We’re trying to think of the weirdest cocktails. Bonus points if they have interesting names.Ryann- Interesting how?Megan- Dirty. He means dirty names Ryann. You do, right Harry?Harry- ;)Ryann- Riiight…Megan- Okay well there are the obvious ones, Sex on the Beach, Slippery Nipple etc. but you don’t need our help to come up with those.Harry- Th
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68- Laundry and loneliness
Their work done for the day, Shaun and Alex head off, although Shaun takes a moment to call out to Maggie as she waves at them from her window. “We will be back in the morning, bright and early!” I don’t hear Maggie’s answer, but Shauns response is to let out a piercing wolf whistle and wink at her.“Oh now I’m going to be up all night dreaming about tomorrow morning.” He blows her a kiss out the car window as they drive off. He is really laying it on thick, she must have offered to make something really nice tomorrow morning. I find Aaron examining my windows. After poking and prodding at them for a few minutes he seems content. He pulls out his own phone and checks the camera system. He is set up as a second user. From what I understand he can’t set the code to turn off the alarm, but he can check the cameras and if the alarm goes off it alerts his phone. As my guard he is apparently responsible for making sure the security system is working and getting it fixed if something is wro
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69- Family and facetime
“That doesn’t sound completely unreasonable. I mean it does, but if it makes you feel better I could probably do it. When do you want me to check in?”“How often are you willing to check in?”“How often do you want me to?” “As much as possible. Every hour.” He responds. Okay now he’s being unreasonable. “Bellamy.” I respond, a clear rejection in my tone.“Okay, okay. I know that’s a bit ridiculous. But you asked how often I WANT to hear from you, not how often I expect is reasonable. How about every three hours?” He tries again. I sigh.“Counter offer. Four times a day. When I wake up, and then once every four hours. You’ll know the time based on what time I wake up. And Aaron can message on my behalf if I’m working.” I offer. It does sound a bit annoying, but messaging the guy I’m seeing a few times a day doesn’t seem that weird, besides if it makes him feel better I don’t mind. As long as he doesn’t try to limit my actions I can tolerate it. Besides, based on what Megan and Darrie
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70- Experience and events
I glance at the time before setting my morning alarm and dropping my phone on the side table. It’s late enough that I could go to bed if I wanted to. But I don’t feel like it just yet, I might watch a movie to wind down. Not a TV show though. If I pick something with episodes I might get invested and the result will probably be an all night binge. I dont have the self control for just one or two episodes. I grab my laptop and get comfy under my freshly washed covers. I sink into my endless pile of pillows and then realise I didn’t turn off the light and curse quietly under my breath. Ugh, those stupid clapper, snapper light switching inventions don’t seem so stupid right now. With the kind of reluctance I imagine most people save for having teeth pulled, I crawl out of my nest of pillows and turn off the light. I get comfy again, pick a movie and watch it till the end. I’m very nearly asleep when it finishes so I just close my laptop and place it carefully on the ground by my bed. I’l
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