All Chapters of Strings of Fate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
200 Chapters
81- Pants and painkillers
As I enter, Megan whirls around to face me, she’s holding an armful of clothes that she appears to be stacking away and she stops mid-note of whatever tune it was she was humming. She looks surprised to see me. “Ryann? I didn’t realise you were still here. I thought Bellamy must have taken you home already. Are you only getting up now? It’s almost eleven.” she rambles cheerfully. She drops her armful of clothes onto a large pile on her bed and pulls her curtain open a little. I flinch at the bright morning light and shield my eyes, groaning. “Of course I’m still here. And I drank waaaaay too much last night, of course I’m only getting up now. It’s a miracle I’m up at all.” I grumble. Megan tilts her head in confusion. “Are you really feeling that bad?” she asks curiously. I roll my eyes and regret the motion. Now that I’m standing up I feel a lot worse. Also her room is way too bright. “Of course I am! Aren’t you?” I demand. She shrugs nonchalantly. “Nope. my metabolism burned of
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82- Planning and placating
Bellamy considers me for a moment then nods. “Fine. I might be mad, I can’t be sure until you tell me what’s wrong. But I promise I’ll get over it and I’ll help you fix it. Whatever it is. Now, tell me what’s wrong.” His voice is quiet, like he’s trying not to startle me. I relent and accept my fate. “Well… yesterday morning I found a letter under my door.” I start. I expect him to interrupt but he waits patiently for me to explain. I tell him what the letter said and about what I saw on the security camera. Bellamy drops his hands to his sides, closes his eyes and takes three deep breaths. I can tell he’s trying to stay calm, but his shoulders and hands are tensed up and his jaw is so tight I’d be surprised if he could get words out. I wait, giving him time to process. Without opening his eyes, he speaks again, his voice measured and controlled. “Why did you hide it? Why wait so long to tell me?” He asks. “I… I panicked I guess. I didn’t want you to be worried about me. Then I de
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83- Build up and bathtubs
Darrien hangs around for a while until Megan chases him out telling him to go home and get some rest and that he can come get her in the morning to take her home. She’s stayed over a few times now but he’s never seemed very comfortable with it. I messaged to ask him once reminding him that my home is safe. He just responded that it might be safe, but it would be safer if I kept guards around. He’s been doing better now that Megan isn’t engaged or in a relationship, but the two of them have made no progress since. Understandably, Megan isn’t interested in relationships right now and has declared it several times, so he has been mostly keeping to himself. Still, her nightmares have been less frequent and she’s even decided she is willing to watch rom coms again. That’s the plan for tonight actually. To watch her first romance movie since her failed wedding. I already have the TV set up and the movie waiting. Megan plops down onto the couch dramatically holding a glass of wine from the S
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84- Ideas and intentions
“Aaron isn’t coming.” I point out. “He has the day off. I figure I’ll be with you guys all day so he doesn’t need to hang around.” Megan nods absent mindedly, typing something into her phone. I’m not sure she’s really listening. Well, whatever, I’ll try again another time. I finish eating then go to shower and get dressed. Megan picked out a cute little sundress and sandals outfit combo for me. It’s a light blue colour that brings out my pale eyes and emphasises the blue in my hair. I’m still not sure about dressing in a way that emphasises my eyes but she is determined to convince me to. I agreed to try things her way for a while and see if it makes any difference in how people treat me. So far… she’s right. No one has been any different than they usually are. Megan insists on taking the time to do my face up with some light makeup and then she braids my hair for me. She then borrows my bathroom and gets herself dressed. While she is getting ready, I check my phone and realise I hav
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85- Dance and display
I elbow Bellamy in excitement and he takes my hand to keep me from bouncing in place. Megan stares at Darrien a minute longer before giving a very slow nod. The grin that crosses Darrien’s face is gorgeous and I don’t know that I’ve ever seen him so happy. He places his own order and pays for the food. While he does this Megan turns to me, her eyes wild and her face flushed. She looks beyond nervous and her furrowed eyebrows ask a clear question. ‘Did I do the right thing?’ I give her a reassuring smile and nod. Her tense shoulders relax a little. Then, ever so slowly, she turns towards Bellamy to see his reaction. He has a serious case of poker face going. I squeeze his hand meaningfully. He glances sideways at me then back to his sister before lifting one shoulder in a half shrug and cracking a hint of a smile. Megan relaxes further and I realise she must have been barely breathing because she suddenly draws in a loud and deep breath and lets it out with a slight shake. She looks a
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86- Puppies and pregnancies
I decide to drop the topic and come back to it another time when i’ve had a chance to think of some decent answers. It’s hard to argue with someone who won’t stop complimenting you. I’m saved from the conversation I started when the waitress comes back to check on us. “Hi, is everything going alright? Do you need any drinks or anything?” she notices Bellamy’s untouched plate and frowns slightly. “Is there something wrong with the steak?” She asks very politely. I shake my head immediately. “No, not at all. He just got called away to an urgent meeting. Actually, would it be possible to get a takeout container or something so I can take it to him afterwards?” She smiles at me and agrees, she even takes his plate and moves it into a container for me (which I appreciate because I am fairly sure that I would have made a mess of it.) Darrien, Megan and I finish eating as the waitress returns and hands me Bellamy’s takeout meal. “Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.”“No problem. Do y
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87- Running and regret
“You can’t know that he didn’t care for her, or that he was with someone else.” He objects. I raise an eyebrow. “I take it you haven’t heard what my particular brand of magic is then? I can see the strings of fate. I know who people’s destined soulmates are before they do half the time. And I can tell you with complete certainty that Tristain had found his soulmate and it wasn’t Megan. Also Megan did spare Tristain at first. Then he tried to attack again and was killed by accident.” The Canine Alpha seems to be stunned into silence. It’s Alpha Kohen who speaks first from his spot in the recliner.“Well, it looks like this meeting was for nothing. Alpha Kane has things well in hand. The complaints from that woman are just the denial of a woman who can’t admit her son isn’t perfect. Not that I can really blame her, no parent wants to believe their child was a bad person.” He pulls the lever on the side of the recliner and lays back, closing his eyes and relaxing. The Canine Alpha sputt
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88- Naps and nerves
I release my breath as I realise he’s decided to let me direct the topic away from my own issues. “No, she basically ran up to her room as soon as we got back. She said she has homework but I suspect that she just wanted some time to process things. I bet she will want to talk about it tomorrow, or maybe even later tonight.” I explain. He nods. “Right, right. That makes sense. What… What are you going to tell her?” He questions nervously. “You mean am I going to tell her about your red thread? Well, honestly I’m not sure yet. It depends on what she asks me. If she wants to know she will ask and I won’t lie to her. But I doubt she will ask just yet. I will just be encouraging and when she’s ready I’m sure she will bring it up on her own.”“Yeah, okay. That’s fair. Good plan, I think.” He pauses before continuing. “Thanks for your help with this. And for being there today. I know it must have been awkward for you, particularly once Alpha Kane left. I didn’t anticipate that.” he says
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89- Guilt and glass
“I- It was what the other Alphas said at the end of the meeting, saying you need your mate. I can mostly ignore them when they’re being jerks. But Alpha Kohen is nice, and he was actually being kind. It just left me feeling really guilty.” I confess. Bellamy takes both of my hands in his.“Hey, look at me.” I meet his gaze. His golden eyes are gentle. “It’s really okay. I know you’re stressed by it, but you shouldn’t feel guilty. I’m the one who is asking a lot of you in expecting you to take on extra duties as my mate one day. The very least I can do is give you time to be ready for it. The other Alphas have been saying stuff like that pretty much since I stepped up. It doesn’t bother me and I don’t want it to bother you either. My situation with the Alphas hasn’t changed, you’re not making anything more difficult for me, and when you are ready, you’re only going to make things easier. Besides, you might not be aware of it but you have already started stepping into the role in small
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90- Fury and fear
I lean down and pick up my slippers from the floor. I give them a good shake and a few shards of glass fall from them. I run my hands through the insides and once I’m fairly certain they’re safe, I slip them on my feet and stand up. I grab my phone and carefully make my way to my bedroom door, tiptoeing my way around the glass as well as I can in my slippers which are really not made for tiptoeing. I pause in the doorway and look back. My bedroom looks like a crime scene. Glass everywhere and smears of blood on the blankets, my bedside table and lamp. I look at my feet and realise my slippers are also covered in blood from my hand where I touched my arm. Pulling myself together, I head straight into the kitchen and grab a hand towel. I dampen it and wipe at my arm. I don’t think there’s any glass in it. I get another towel and press it against my arm. I hope I don’t need stitches. I’m wiping the blood off my phone so that I can call Bellamy when the banging on my front door starts. I
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