All Chapters of My Boss Is A Werewolf! : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
175 Chapters
Chapter 161: Uncovering Family History
LIANAI stood there, stunned by Leonel's admission. "What? You intentionally booked the same hotel as me?"Leonel shook his head quickly, his expression earnest. "No, no, this one is a real coincidence. I meant the restaurant and café.""How did you even find out?" I asked, trying to process his words.He sighed, looking slightly sheepish. "I wanted to meet Zaylen that day at the office, but I couldn't gather the courage. On his way out of the office, I overheard him talking about his plans to someone. He mentioned to someone that he wanted to bring someone named Liana to this restaurant and then to the café."My mind reeled with this new information. "So you actually wanted to meet Zaylen, to begin with?" I asked incredulously, still trying to piece together the implications of his confession.I listened intently as Leonel continued to explain. "Yes, I did want to meet Zaylen. But then he canceled on your plan. After that, I stopped expecting it and was just casually talking to you.
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Chapter 162: An Epiphany
LIANAAs I stood there, enveloped in the warmth of Zaylen's embrace, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me. It wasn't just the sudden realization of Zaylen's difficult past that had driven me here tonight. It was the searing anger I felt towards everyone who had made his life so unbearably tough.I thought about his father, Ryan—the abusive man who had inflicted so much pain and suffering on Zaylen. My fists clenched at the thought, my anger boiling over at the injustice of it all. How could someone be so cruel to their own flesh and blood?And then there was his mother, who died, abandoning him when he needed her the most. My heart ached for the boy Zaylen must have been, left to shoulder responsibilities far beyond his years.The thought of him enduring all that alone, without a mother's love and support, filled me with a sorrow so deep it threatened to overwhelm me.His siblings, too—how could they have taken him for granted? They had relied on his strength, his sacrifice, w
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Chapter 163: Everything About Him
LIANANoelle crossed her arms, her expression a mixture of disbelief and curiosity. "You and Zaylen? Am I seeing this right? Really?"I nodded, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "Yeah, really."She shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. "I can't believe I had to see that. When did this happen?"I laughed, feeling a sense of relief at her reaction. "It's a long story. But for now, let's just say it was a long time coming."Noelle rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, you better spill the details. I need to know everything.""Deal," I agreed, linking my arm with hers. "Now, how about we get inside and wait for Zaylen to come back? I can tell you whatever you want to know during this time.""Sounds like a plan," Noelle said, her initial shock giving way to excitement. "But seriously, Liana, you and Zaylen? My brother being romantic? I can't imagine that. This is going to be interesting."I chuckled, feeling a sense of contentment settle over me. "Yeah, it sure is."Once we were in he
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Chapter 164: Suspect Found! 
ZAYLENI stood with Jordan and Marcel amidst the dense foliage, the air thick with humidity and the scent of earth. The crime scene lay before us, a tapestry of scattered leaves and disturbed ground, marking where the struggle had taken place.Jordan glanced around, a faint grin tugging at his lips. "The way we have been investigating, at this point, I think we deserve detective badges,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.Marcel let out a chuckle, though it held a hint of frustration. "And the way we are failing to find any clue, we deserve failure badges, I would say."Jordan frowned slightly at Marcel's negative comment. He was trying to make the mood better here! "Hey, at least we are trying."“And it's getting us nowhere. Sometimes, I wish one of us worked in the police forces,” Marcel mumbled.“The police are thinking this is the work of a serial killer who scars their victims like an animal,” Jordan said, “They have no idea this is the work of an actual animal.”“That's beca
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Chapter 165: Running Away
LIANAI lounged around in Zaylen's bedroom, absentmindedly flipping through a book I found on his nightstand. The room felt warm and comforting, a stark contrast to the cool night outside. Just as I started to lose myself in the pages, I heard the door creak open. I looked up to see Zaylen stepping inside, his expression a mix of surprise and something else I couldn't quite place."Hey," I greeted him with a smile, closing the book. "Why do you look surprised? Did you forget I said I would be waiting for you?"Zaylen chuckled lightly, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah, kinda."Immediately, I could tell something was off. His usual confidence seemed shaken, and there was a tension in his shoulders that hadn't been there when he left the house.I put the book aside and got up, crossing the room to stand in front of him."Are you okay?" I asked softly, searching his face for any hints. "Did something happen?"Zaylen sighed deeply, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of frust
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Chapter 166: Brothers’ Confrontation 
ZAYLENI stared at Leonel, waiting for him to say something, anything. The silence in his room was thick, every second dragging on painfully."Why were you running away?" I finally asked, my voice low and edged with frustration.Leonel remained silent, his eyes fixed on the floor.I took a step closer, my patience wearing thin. "I take that you have already heard about what the investigation has revealed?"He nodded, his shoulders slumping slightly."And your best solution was to run away?" I couldn't keep the anger out of my voice.Leonel’s eyes flashed with a mix of fear and frustration. "What else could I do? How would I prove myself innocent in this circumstance?""Even if you could, running away would have only made you look guiltier, as if you are the criminal," I pointed out sharply. He threw his hands up in exasperation. "I got scared, okay?!""But why did you get scared?" I finally asked him. "What do you mean why? I was going to be taken away by the pack members anytime—"
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Chapter 167: Apartment Hunt
LIANAAs Zaylen walked into my hotel room, I couldn't help but rush to him, wrapping him in a warm hug. The feeling of his arms around me brought an instant sense of comfort and relief."So, how was it? Talking to Leonel?" I asked, pulling back slightly to look into his eyes.Zaylen's smile was radiant. "It was great. We talked about almost everything," he said, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. "I am sorry you had to stay up this late.""Oh, no, it's fine," I reassured him with a wave of my hand. "I was just researching some apartments."His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Without me?"I couldn't help but chuckle. "No, silly, I just decided to shortlist some and show them to you."Zaylen's smile softened, and he kissed my forehead tenderly. "Show them to me now.""Sure," I said, feeling a little flutter of excitement in my chest. "But first, I want to ask, are you sure you don't want to talk about anything?"Zaylen shook his head. "Yep. I am at peace now. I'll tell you what Leo
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Chapter 168: Perfect Apartment
LIANA“I am stuck in a meeting with the elders and a few others,” Zaylen apologized.Disappointment hit me like a punch to the gut. I leaned against my car, closing my eyes for a moment to collect myself. "Oh," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "Okay, I understand."And I did understand. I knew the pressures he faced, the responsibilities that seemed to grow heavier with each passing day. But understanding didn't make it hurt any less. I couldn't help but feel a pang of bitterness. It seemed like ever since we started dating, we hadn't had a single day of peace. Our time together was always cut short by some urgent matter, some unforeseen complication."I'll make it up to you, I promise," he added quickly, sensing my dismay.I couldn't help but think, that's what you said last night too, though."Sure," I replied, forcing a smile he couldn't see. "Just... don't work too hard, alright?""I won't. Take care, Liana.""You too," I said softly before ending the call.As I slid
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Chapter 169: Missed Message
ZAYLENI sat at the head of the expansive oak table, flanked by Elder Sophia, Elder Marcus, and other esteemed members whose wisdom was only matched by their concern etched deeply into their faces. The room buzzed with an anxious energy as everyone waited for me to reveal the latest developments."We have a critical update," I began, my voice carrying an urgency. I placed the premium, unreleased edition of Leonel's book on the table, its cover gleaming under the dim light of the council chamber. "This is the book we have found at the investigation site near a victim."The premium edition of Leonel's book lay before everyone, its pages holding secrets that could tip the scales in our favor—or lead to our downfall.Marcus leaned forward, his brow furrowed. “This could lead us somewhere."I nodded solemnly. "Absolutely. Not only have we secured the book, but we have also confirmed a troubling detail. The victims have all attended the same high school." I paused, letting the revelation
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Chapter 170: Gut Feeling
ZAYLENI couldn't bear the thought of losing Liana. The idea of something happening to her, of not being there when she needed me most, was unbearable. I had to find her.Without wasting another second, I grabbed my keys and bolted out of the door. The drive to the apartment we had shortlisted last night felt like an eternity, each passing second adding to the weight in my chest. My heart pounded in my ears, the sound of my pulse deafening.As I sped down the highway, my mind replayed every moment we had spent together — the laughter, the sadness — everything. It made my heart heavy with guilt that I hadn't been able to give her too much time in the past few days. It has already been hard to deal with that.The thought of a life without her was unimaginable. I couldn't lose her, not now, not ever.The city lights blurred past me, my focus solely on reaching her. I prayed silently, begging whatever higher power existed to keep her safe. The fear of the unknown gnawed at me, but I
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