All Chapters of My Boss Is A Werewolf! : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
191 Chapters
Chapter 171: So Done With Him! 
LIANA"Seriously, Liana? Lara?" Zaylen's voice was sharp, almost disbelieving.I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "I have a strong feeling it's her—"He cut me off. "It can't be her.""Why not?" I challenged, meeting his gaze. "Lara is also a rogue werewolf, and she is strong too—""And what motive would she exactly have to go around murdering people?" he interrupted, frustration evident in his tone."Maybe she's trying to take revenge on me," I suggested, my voice trembling slightly but resolute. Zaylen laughed harshly, the sound cutting through the night air. "Revenge on you? Liana, these murders aren't even connected to you. What do you mean?"I could feel his disbelief like a weight on my chest, his words chipping away at my confidence. "Yes, I know," I started, my voice started to get shaky now because of his disbelief. "But she must know that I'm also a werewolf. We are sisters, Zaylen. There's some connection there."Zaylen shook his head, frustration evi
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Chapter 172: Support Of The Inner Wolf?
LIANAThe soft glow of the TV cast a gentle light across the cozy hotel room, which was perfect for a night of Netflix and solitude. Curled up under the warm duvet, I was halfway through an episode when a knock on the door interrupted the peaceful ambiance."Who is it?" I called out, not bothering to move from my comfortable nest on the bed."It's me, Zaylen," his voice came through the door.My heart sank a little at the sound of his name.What was he doing here now? What did he want? Was he here to lecture me again how dumb I sounded to him?My mood instantly soured. I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. I wanted to yell at him, of course, but that wouldn't be an adult way to handle things, now would it?"Go away!" I retorted, my voice firm but laced with a touch of hurt."Liana, I am so sorry. Please, let me in," Zaylen pleaded.Okay, so he wasn't here to lecture me again. That was a relief. If he were, I swear…I sighed, torn between wanting to stay mad and wanting to hear what
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Chapter 173: Dancing With Heartbeats 
LIANAAs the credits rolled on the movie, I couldn't shake the lingering worry.My inner wolf didn’t talk to me yet and Zaylen could already figure it out with my expression. I turned to Zaylen, who was now sitting next to me on the bed, my brows furrowed with concern. "Zaylen, why wouldn’t my inner wolf talk to me? What should I do?""Liana, it's okay," he said, trying to soothe me. "Maybe, it's not that serious."I frowned, not convinced. "How come? A few minutes ago, you were so surprised that my inner wolf hadn't talked to me. This means it's not supposed to be something natural."He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yes, but don't worry. I think your inner wolf will talk to you soon enough.""But when?" I pouted, the uncertainty gnawing at me.Zaylen looked at me, his expression softening. He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "When the right time comes, don't worry," he said softly.Despite his comforting words, I still felt a lingering sadness. "Bu
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Chapter 174: Who Is Zelda?
LIANAI stirred in the warmth of Zaylen's embrace, feeling his strong arms around me. For a moment, I was content, safe in his protective hold. But something nagged at me, pulling me from the edges of sleep. With cautious movements, I slipped out of his arms, careful not to wake him. The room was dimly lit by the moonlight filtering through the curtains as I made my way to the balcony.The night air was cool against my skin as I settled into a chair, gazing up at the thin sliver of the moon hanging in the sky. Its pale light cast a melancholic glow over everything, as if it too carried the weight of unanswered questions."Hi, Moon Goddess," I whispered, the words feeling strange and foreign on my tongue. "You know, it's a little strange for me to suddenly start believing in you. But Zaylen and the others do. They have faith in you. And I… I have faith in them. So I will trust them on this as well."Leaning back, I let out a sigh, my breath mingling with the crisp night air. "They
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Chapter 175: Official Marking
LIANA“Well, it’s a very interesting thing,” Zaylen let out. “I think it's better if we sit and talk about it. I remember your feet hurting from dancing so much before we went to sleep.”I smiled at his words. He remembered every tiny detail. He was the perfect boyfriend one could ever ask for. I nodded and we sat on the balcony lounge chair, the cool midnight breeze brushing against my skin as I glanced nervously at Zaylen. His dark eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and affection, making my heart race.“So,” I began, trying to sound casual, “you were going to tell me about this ‘marking’ thing…”Zaylen’s lips curled into a playful smirk. “Yes. The infamous marking. The werewolves’ version of a commitment ceremony, minus the white dress and expensive cake.”I raised an eyebrow. “Does it involve any less bloodshed than your usual shenanigans?”“Depends,” he teased, stepping closer. “But for you, I promise to keep it as blood-free as possible.”I couldn’t help but laugh. “That’s re
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Chapter 176: A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
LIANAThe next day, I sat at my desk in the office, unable to shake the nagging feeling that Lara was behind all this. Every file I opened, every email I read, the thought kept creeping back into my mind. I wanted to ask Zaylen for help, but I knew he wouldn’t support this hunch without some legit evidence.I glanced around the office, my eyes scanning for someone who might be able to help. Just then, I spotted Sara entering the room, her presence sparking a sense of hope within me.I stood up and walked over to her. "Sara, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked with an innocent smile.She looked up, a bit surprised but nodded. "Sure, Lia. What’s up?"“Actually, I need a tiny bit of help from you,” I uttered, grinning at her sheepishly.She arched an eyebrow, scanning my expression. “Are you sure it is a tiny help?” “Uh… well, first hear me out,” I urged.“Fine.” She pulled a chair and sat next to me. “Tell me. What do you have in your mind?” I sucked in a deep breath and starte
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Chapter 177: Their Mission! 
LIANAAs the workday drew to a close, Sara and I prepared to leave the office. My mind raced with thoughts of our plan, excitement and nerves buzzing in equal measure. Just as we stepped into the hallway, we were confronted by Jordan.I tensed immediately, a wave of panic washing over me. Shit, did Zaylen share my suspicion of Lara with Jordan? Did Jordan now guess we are heading out to investigate her? My heart pounded as I braced myself for his confrontation.But instead of accusing us, Jordan smiled warmly. "Hey, Sara," he began, his tone soft. Then he looked at me. “Umm… Liana, I need to talk to Sara for a minute.”I nodded with a smile. “Sure.” Jordan took Sara to the side and started, "Hey, I am really sorry about the last few days. We haven’t been able to go on dates together for some time. Things have been so hectic."I could still hear them clearly, despite standing at a distance.Sara's face softened, and she smiled back at him. "It’s okay, Jordan. I understand. We both h
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Chapter 178: Finding the Killer
LIANAAs Sara kept driving, I stared out the window, lost in thought, until she broke the silence."You know," she began, her voice tentative, "if we show up looking like ourselves, Lara might take notice of us easily. We should probably get some disguises."I turned to her, considering the idea. "Disguises? Like wigs and stuff?"Sara nodded, her eyes bright with determination. "Exactly. We need to blend in, not stand out."I mulled it over for a moment before nodding. "You are right. Let's do it."Sara grinned and took a sharp turn, heading toward the nearest shopping mall. "This is going to be fun."We parked the car and made our way into the bustling mall, the cool air conditioning a welcome relief from the summer heat. The mall was alive with activity, people milling about, the sounds of chatter and laughter filling the air.Our first stop was a quirky little costume shop tucked away in a corner of the mall. As we stepped inside, the vibrant colors and eclectic array of costumes
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Chapter 179: Screwed 
LIANAI froze the moment I came face to face with James, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest. Every nerve in my body screamed for me to run, but I stood rooted to the spot, terrified he would recognize me. I could almost feel Sara's breath hitch behind me, her fear mirroring my own. The seconds stretched into an eternity as I braced for the inevitable confrontation.My mind raced with the potential fallout. If James recognized us, all our careful planning and risky visit would be for nothing. Everything we had worked for would collapse like a house of cards. I could already see our plans unraveling, leaving us exposed and vulnerable.But then, in a twist that left me reeling, James simply walked past us. His eyes barely skimmed over us, showing no hint of recognition. It was as if we were invisible, just two more faces in the crowd. I could hardly believe it. The tension drained from my body, replaced by a mix of relief and confusion. Had we really just escaped unnoticed, o
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Chapter 180: Caught 
LIANA"What are you two doing here?" I blurted out, my voice betraying a mixture of surprise and anxiety.Zaylen's expression was a mix of concern and disapproval as he glanced between Sara and me. "We can ask you both the same question," he replied evenly, his voice tinged with a hint of reproach. "Weren't you about to have a fun girls’ night with Sara? Is this your idea of fun?"Zaylen's protective instincts were as sharp as ever, and I knew we had some explaining to do.Before I could respond, Jordan stepped forward, his presence adding another layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere. "No, Zay, you are wrong," he interjected smoothly, his voice calm but laced with a hint of amusement. "They were just about to chill at home and binge-watch movies."Zaylen nodded with a mocking smile. “Oh, right. They both told us different things."I exchanged a panicked glance with Sara, our disguises suddenly feeling flimsy under the scrutiny of our significant others. James might not
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