All Chapters of My Boss Is A Werewolf! : Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
193 Chapters
Chapter 181: Melted Heart?
LIANAI sat at the café table, tension palpable in the air as I laid out the pieces of information I had gathered about Lara. Sara sat beside me, quietly supportive, while Zaylen and Jordan listened across from us."Lara sometimes leaves her home only after midnight," I began, my voice steady despite the frustration bubbling beneath the surface.Zaylen raised an eyebrow skeptically. "That doesn't specify she is going to murder people," he countered, his tone cautious.I sighed, feeling more frustration knotting in my stomach. "She is in a relationship with James again," I continued, hoping this detail would strike a chord.Zaylen leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Again, Liana, not related," he insisted, his skepticism unwavering.My frustration peaked, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "She also attended the same high school as the murder victims," I added pointedly, hoping this detail would finally break through his skepticism.Zaylen was speechless for a moment, his
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Chapter 182: Make Me Your Luna
LIANA“So… what information did you find from your tabs?” I inquired, curious."Well, to start with, Lara only goes out after midnight because she volunteers at an old-aged home during the night shift," he explained patiently. "And as for James and Lara having a relationship, it's not that. James also only lives in that apartment complex, not as Lara’s boyfriend."Sara leaned forward, her brow furrowed in confusion. "So Lara's boyfriend is somebody else entirely?" she asked, seeking clarification.Zaylen nodded again, his expression serious. "Yes," he confirmed, and it made me question a lot of things, my anger returning."If you knew all of that, then why did you charge me so much for visiting their neighborhood if they are harmless?" I demanded sharply, my hands resting firmly on the table.Zaylen met my gaze evenly, his expression serious. "I never said they are harmless," he replied evenly. "They are harmful to you, Liana, not to others. Besides, these two aren't smart enough for
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Chapter 183: Acceptance…?
LIANAThe meeting hall was grand and imposing, its high ceilings and ornate decorations designed to instill a sense of reverence and authority. As Zaylen led me inside, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves. I had been in this room before, but this time was different. This time, I was here to be scrutinized as Zaylen's mate, as the potential Luna of the pack.The elders were already assembled, their expressions ranging from curiosity to skepticism. I recognized Marcus and Sophia among them. Sophia gave me a warm smile, while Marcus's gaze was hard and unyielding."This is Liana," Zaylen announced, his voice strong and proud. "Everyone, I present to you my mate and the future Luna of our pack."Sophia nodded approvingly. "Welcome, Liana. It's good to see you again.""Thank you, Sophia," I replied, my voice steady but my heart pounding.Marcus, however, was less welcoming. "So, this is the human girl who recently discovered her werewolf heritage," he said, his tone dripping wi
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Chapter 184: …Or Not?
LIANAThe room was silent for a moment, and then a ripple of impressed murmurs spread through the elders. Even Marcus, who had been so skeptical, seemed to regard me with a newfound respect.Sophia leaned forward, a smile playing on her lips. "That’s a bold pledge, Liana. It takes courage to make such a promise."Elder Gregory nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Your determination is commendable. We need leaders who are willing to take action. After all, we have gotten nowhere with ongoing murders."I could feel Zaylen’s annoyance bubbling up through our telepathic link, his voice echoing in my mind. ‘Liana, this is reckless. You are putting yourself in unnecessary danger.’ His frustration was palpable, but I forced myself to ignore it, focusing instead on the task at hand.Marcus cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to him. "Very well, Liana. If you are truly determined to take on this mission, you have my permission. But know this: you will be held accountable for your actions. P
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Chapter 185: Beta’s Help?
LIANASophia approached me with a warm smile. "Liana, I believe you have the potential to be a great Luna. But potential needs to be nurtured. If you are to protect and lead this pack, you must be stronger. I would like to offer you training to enhance your abilities and fully embrace your werewolf nature."Her words filled me with both gratitude and anticipation. "Thank you, Sophia. I would be honored to train under your guidance."With the formalities concluded, I walked out of the meeting hall with my head held high.Just as I stepped into the hallway, Zaylen grabbed my arm and pulled me into a quiet corner, his face a mix of anger and concern."Why did you say that in there?" he demanded, his voice low but intense. "I told you to stay out of this case."“Wow, aren't you going to congratulate me on officially becoming the Luna?” I met his gaze, unflinching, and he didn't seem to be in the mood for light jokes, so I sighed. "Look, you told me to stay out of it,” I continued, “becau
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Chapter 186: Confirmation
LIANAAs Jordan slid into the driver's seat, I watched the forest around us dim under the evening sky. I could feel his anticipation, the unease in his posture as he settled in beside me."Liana," Jordan began cautiously, his voice cutting through the silence that hung heavily between us. "There are already plenty of people posted around the forest. We don't need to go out and be on standby—""We are not going out for that reason," I interjected, my tone steady but tinged with a sense of urgency.Jordan glanced at me, his brow furrowing with concern. "Then?" he probed gently.I hesitated, my mind racing with how to explain our mission. Finally, I opened my mouth to respond, knowing Jordan wouldn't like my answer. However, he beat me to it. After all, he was a smart cookie."Are we investigating James and Lara? Please say no," Jordan pleaded quietly as he turned the key in the ignition, the car humming to life."Unfortunately for you, yes," I admitted, my voice firm but tinged with re
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Chapter 187: Caged In The Balcony 
LIANAMy heart raced as I backed away slowly, my gaze locked with James's, who now stood over Jordan and Mia's fallen form, his fangs bared in a menacing snarl."I have been waiting so long to see you again, Liana," James sneered, his voice filled with malice. "It's a shame you had to interfere. This was all supposed to be so perfect."Fear mingled with anger as I steadied myself, preparing to face him. "Why, James?" I demanded, my voice shaking slightly despite my efforts to stay composed. "Why help Lara with these murders?"James chuckled darkly, his eyes flickering with a dangerous intensity. "It was my idea, not hers," he admitted coldly. "She's just following my lead, like always."What? And here we thought it was related to Lara because of the relation of high school."Why, James?" I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger. "Why do all this?"James sneered, his expression twisted with bitterness. "Because of Zaylen," he spat out, his voice tinged with venom. "E
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Chapter 188: Heavy Conscience
LIANAI watched in horror as he disappeared from view, a sickening knot tightening in my stomach. The rush of adrenaline faded, leaving me shaking and breathless. The reality of what had just transpired sank in, and I leaned against the balcony railing for support, trying to steady my trembling hands.Minutes passed before I dared to look over the edge. Peering over, I searched desperately for any sign of movement, any indication that James might have survived the fall. Down below, the moonlight cast eerie shadows over the courtyard. And there, under the faint glow, I saw him.James lay sprawled on the ground, unmoving. His body was twisted unnaturally. But still, maybe he survived it because of being a vampire—and then I noticed the arrow of a stone statue had impaled him through the heart. Dread washed over me as I realized the finality of his fate."He is... he is down there… dead," I whispered, my voice trembling. A shiver ran through me, the realization sinking in that James
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Chapter 189: Proposing Whom?
LIANA"I just felt your panic and sadness so strongly all of a sudden, I came running to hug you," Zaylen murmured, his voice soft with concern.I melted into his embrace, feeling a rush of relief at his touch. "Even in your sleep, you sensed it," I whispered, holding him tighter, seeking comfort in his presence."What happened?" Zaylen asked gently, his arms around me protectively."I disobeyed you again," I confessed, my voice tinged with guilt. "This time, it's serious."Zaylen sighed, a mix of resignation and curiosity in his voice. "What is it?"I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before narrating everything that had transpired with James and Mia."You mean to say James is now dead?" Zaylen asked after I finished recounting the events.I nodded, the reality settling heavily on my shoulders. "Yes.""Are you sure?" Zaylen pressed gently. "It's not like last time, is it?"I took a deep breath, meeting his eyes with a mixture of guilt and determination. "Zaylen, his heart got
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Chapter 190: Move In Day
LIANAExcitement bubbled within me as Jordan shared his plans, but a flicker of concern crossed Zaylen’s face, subtle yet undeniable. I leaned forward, eager to know more."When are you going to do it?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.Jordan chuckled nervously, glancing at Zaylen before answering. "Well, I was thinking sometime next week, maybe on her birthday."Zaylen remained thoughtful, his brow furrowing slightly. "Are you sure about this, Jordan?"Jordan nodded firmly. "Yeah, I am. It’s about time, Zaylen."I noticed the hesitation in Zaylen's response, and a pang of realization hit me. "Zaylen, is it because they are not mates?" I asked softly, knowing the complexities of werewolf traditions and their emphasis on the bond between mates.Zaylen sighed, his expression conflicted. "It's part of it. The elders are strict about these traditions. They believe in the sanctity of the mate bond, that it’s the foundation of our pack.""But times change," I insisted, frustration
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