All Chapters of Winning Her Heart Again : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
172 Chapters
Chapter 91: Unexpected
Chapter 91: Unexpected Jasmine's POVI was invited to one of the billionaire's birthday parties. Mr. Chua. We've already met before in a business meeting abroad with his wife, Mrs. Amy Chua. They also participated in different charity events like Binaca and Clarkson.They were really elegant. Though they are old, they are still managing their business. They even asked me to be the wife of their only son. They said that they really liked me for their son, but I politely rejected them.Eric, their son, and I became good friends, too. It's been a while since we didn't saw each other.I just chose to wear this black-fired dress that would literally show my curves. I am not showing off, but even if I eat a lot, I can't gain so much weight.This colour also showed my skin tone. I let my hair hang in the air and put on simple yet expensive accessories.I also decided to pair this dress with my black heels. After that, I did my own makeup.I just prepared for about an hour since I knew that a
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Chapter 92: Pretending
Chapter 92: Pretending  Jasmine's POV Why is he here? I looked at Paul. I clearly saw how he smirked at him, which caused the other one to throw sharp glares at him. “ If you cause trouble again, I'd better leave,” I whispered to him. I was about to stand up, but he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me back. He smiled broadly. “ I won't. “ He said, pulling me closer to him. Really huh? I can't believe we're doing this now.  The female assisted him to his seat at the same table. But how was that possible? He sat in the opposite chair while his gaze was on me. I got uncomfortable because of the way he looked at me. I looked away. I could look at his eyes for too long. “ So you two are at the same table,” Paul started. Here he goes again. I just stared at the stage while someone w
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Chapter 93: Forbidden Kiss
Chapter 93: Forbidden Kiss Jasmine's POV Because of the way he pulled me closer, my hand went to his chest, and I even felt his heart beat. I saw how happy Mr and Mrs Chua were while looking at each other. “ I'm so happy for the both of you,” Mrs. Chua giggled. I wanted to push Travis but he just held me tightly. “ Well, you are a very lucky young man.” That's the only thing Mr. Chua said, which made this jerk chuckle. “ Well, excuse ourselves in the meantime. We still have a lot of guests to entertain. “ I nodded to them, and they went to the other tables. Travis still didn't want to let go of me, but I stepped on his shoes so hard, which made him feel pain. I feel bad for what I did, but it was his fault. “ Damn,” I heard him cursing. That's what you get for doing that. Di
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Chapter 94: A Mistake
Chapter 94: A Mistake Jasmine's POV What am I doing? Push him, Jasmine! Damn it. Don't kiss him. Instead of pushing him away, my hand travelled through his neck. I felt our position changed, and he was now on top while I was sitting on a wooden chair. Damn it! Why can't I do it? I even feel dizzy. He was about to touch me somewhere when I got myself back. I pushed him as hard as I could, which made him distance himself. I saw how he looked at me like he wanted more. I messed up my hair while crying. Fuck I did it again. I'm so foolish! “ What's wrong?” He asked me if he didn't like that we stopped kissing. I shook my head, I stood up, but he stopped me. “ Let go of me, Travis. That was not right. Just forget what happened. We were both drunk” I tried to calm myself and wiped my tears. Why should I always suffer? I shouldn't have let hi
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Chapter 95: Unconscious
Chapter 95: Unconscious Jasmine's POV I don't know why Paul said that. Before we separated, he even told me that it was okay to give it another try rather than regret it in the future. There's no other chance, and even right now, I'm already regretting meeting him. All he caused me was trouble. “ Are you alright, ma'am? You're so pale,” Rhian asked me while we were busy designing the entrance of the venue. I nodded at her and smiled. “ I am, I just didn't have a good rest last night.” What I said is true. After I got home, my son was already sleeping. While I was looking at him, I couldn't stop but to cry silently. I became stupid again. But I won't tolerate that kind of attitude from him. “ I thought you went home early yesterday, ma'am?” she asked me again as if she were conducting an interview.&n
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Chapter 96: Curse Him
Chapter 96: Curse Him Jasmine's POV I am totally fine now. I went back here to the venue so I could help them here “ Are you sure you're okay now? Bianca asked if they might have found out that I passed out. Or Travis told them about it. “ I'm feeling great now. “ I smiled while helping her place the food they bought earlier. “ Travis was so worried about you. He wants you to rush to the hospital, but when Rhian notices that you are just really sleeping, they decide to place you in the room,” she explained. She was right, when I woke up I noticed that I'm still in the venue. Maybe they just called a doctor to check me out. “ I was just really tired” I opened the bottle of water to drink it. “ By the way, I just want to inform you that Travis' ex-fiance was also invited. I'm
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Chapter 97: It's Hard To Trust Again
Chapter 97: It's Hard To Trust Again Jasmine's POV “ Jasmine!” He shouted, but I didn't look at him. Damn him, why don't he just wear his shirt. They were looking at us while the others were staring at him, or should I say to his body. “ Mama Mia!” Rhian suddenly shouted, but I glared at him. She giggled before covering her mouth. “ Is that sir Travis?!” I heard their employee ask. Can't he see? They were looking at him, but he acted like he didn't care. “ Jaz, wait!” I stopped in an area far away from my staff. I sighed and looked at him. What the heck is wrong with this guy? “What?” I annoyingly asked him with my forehead furrowed. He stopped in front of me. He was really intentionally showing me his body. Damn it! I looked away. “ I
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Chapter 98: Annoying
Chapter 98: Annoying  Jasmine's POV “ Have you done the papers that I am telling you to finish?” I asked Ryan. We're at the office right now, rushing the proposal that we need to finish at the end of the week. “ Yes, ma'am, don't worry. Jacob is helping me,” He said and handed me a file of paper again. I checked everything. This was the last agreement we had yesterday with our client. Actually, when I'm not in the office or when I'm busy, Erica and Kurt will meet with our clients since Rhian is always with me. Diego called me yesterday and said that the business is in good condition now. He still needs to do something. I haven't told my son about it, but if he knew, I'm sure he would be happy. He's really excited to see Diego again. He really missed playing with him. She's not used to playing with women like Cherr
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Chapter 99: Agata
Chapter 99: Agata  Jasmine's POV “ Damn that guy.” He was staring at me from afar. I came here rushing because I thought there was an emergency meeting, but he just made it all of it. “ Ma'am Jaz, I'm really sorry. He said that if I do not call you he will fire me.” Rhian said in an Afraid voice. The heck? I closed my fist. I wanted to punch his face right now. Doesn't he feel ashamed of himself?! I told him to leave me alone, but he kept on finding ways to talk to me. “ He told you that?!” I was about to confront him, but Rhian held my hand. “ You don't have to fight with him ma'am,” she said, trying to stop me. I calm myself. But I couldn't stop glaring at him. “ This guy is pushing me to my limit!” I crumpled the paper that I was hold
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Chapter 100: Good NIght
Chapter 100: Good NIght  Jasmine's POV When I got home, My son was already asleep. “ Did he eat dinner before sleeping?” I asked Cherry when I saw him cleaning and placing David's toys inside the box. “ Yes, ma'am. He fell asleep while he was waiting for you here in the living room. That's why I carried him inside your room, ma'am, “ she told me. I sat on the couch and massaged my forehead when I saw her holding something. “ What is that?” I asked her, pointing to the paper in her hand. “ It was a David drawing, ma'am. “ She handed it to me. It was a picture of a family. He wrote down his name, my name, and Diego's name. I smiled at it. “ Your son is such a lovely kid, ma'am Jaz. He kept on telling stories about how great mom you are and how Sir Diego takes good c
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