All Chapters of Winning Her Heart Again : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
172 Chapters
Chapter 101: Contact Number
Chapter 101: Contact Number  Jasmine's POV We have already completed the wedding preparations, and tomorrow will be their wedding. I am waiting for our client in the restaurant. I was busy on my phone when someone sat on the other chair. “ You are Ms. Stewart?” A masculine voice echoed in my ears. When I looked at who it was I hesitated for the meantime. He looks familiar. “ Nathan? Is that you?” He looks like my childhood friend. He chuckled and stood up. “ I thought you didn't recognize me. Common, give me a welcome hug,” he said, which I did. He laughed while seeing my shocked expression. “ I missed you, little Jasmine.” He messed up my hair, which made me pout. He really is Nathan. He kept on doing that when we were still kids. Nathan is our childhood friend. Travis
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Chapter 102: Bridesmaid
Chapter 102: Bridesmaid  Jasmine's POV I wore a white fitted bridesmaid dress. Since I knew how to do makeup, I was the only one who did my makeup and also curled my hair so I would look presentable. “ Mommy, can I come with you?” I looked on my side when suddenly David appeared. I wanted him to come with me but I couldn't let him because Travis would see him. “ I'm sorry, baby, but I can't. Don't worry; when Diego comes back here, we will go on a trip. I promise that. “ I caressed his hair. He nodded while pouting his lips. “ You promise? “ He asked me again. I smiled at him while nodding. “ You look stunning, mom. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen” he said and gave me a warm hug. I kissed him on his chicks and messed up his hair. “ Thank you. Mom l
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Chapter 103: Wedding
Chapter 103: Wedding  Jasmine's POV I remember how happy I felt that day. I entered that church while he was waiting for me. We were both crying with happiness that day, but we didn't end up being together. He slowly held my hand which made me look at him while we were walking. “ What are you doing?” I whispered to him. He didn't answer. He held my hand with care like he didn't want to let go of it. “ I'm just getting this opportunity because, after this, I know I won't have the chance to hold you again.” He said I'm trying to get my hand back while smiling to the people but he doesn't want to let go. When we reached the front, he walked me through my chair. After that, he suddenly kissed my hand before going to the other side. I sigh. He’s still staring at me like I just watched Stacy a
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Chapter 104: Emergency
Chapter 104: Emergency  Jasmine's POV “ You are not engaged with him?” He suddenly asked me as I turned around. I looked at Paul and he showed no expression at all. I didn't answer him. I decided to go to the crowded place “ Congratulations Bianca and Clarkson '' I heard one of the guests say. “ Jaz” he suddenly grabbed my hand out of the crowd. What the heck is his problem? I tried to avoid him but he kept on looking at me. “ Travis!” I removed his hand from me. His hair was messy now, and he even lost his collar. “ I heard it right; you are not engaged with Paul”, My forehead knotted. And why does he care? “ It's none of your business, Travis! Now get out of my way,” I told him as I was starting to get irritated. 
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Chapter 105: Worried
Chapter 105: Worried Jasmine's POV I kept on waiting outside the operating room and it's been one hour and thirty minutes. I don't even feel the coldness here. “ Mom!” I turned around and saw my son running towards me while crying. I stood up and hugged him. I tried not to cry, but I couldn't. Cherry is watching us while she's also crying. “ Mommy! Where's Daddy Uncle?” He asked me while sobbing. I fixed his hair and wiped my tears. “ He's still in the operating room, baby; stop crying now, okay? What did I tell you? Daddy uncle is a strong man. He's not going to leave us. He will fight okay?” I tried to convince him while wiping his tears. I hugged him again while my tears kept on falling. I looked at Cherry and she is now sobbing. If it wasn't for Diego, Cherry wouldn't be here. He's
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Chapter 106: Thankful
Chapter 106: Thankful Jasmine's POV It's been three days since Diego was in a plane crash. It's also been three days that we've been here in the hospital waiting for him to wake up. “Please, you have to wake up now; David is waiting for you” I wiped my tears while holding his hand. I admit that Diego is special to me. I couldn't count how many times he helped me. If it's not because of him, maybe I am not in this situation right now, maybe I don't have this kind of life right now. He helped me, and he's still helping me. When I found out what had happened to him, half of my heart broke into pieces. Diego and I were not in a relationship, and yet it's been years since he courted me. It's been a year since he showed me how important I am to him. Even if I have a child with my ex-husband, he still accepts me. Not only that, but he al
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Chapter 107: Chase You
Chapter 107: Chase You Jasmine's POV “ How's sir Diego, ma'am Jaz?” Rhian asked me. I sigh before answering her. “ He's still in a coma; I just prayed that he would wake up soon”, I told her. They knew what happened to him. That's why, after three days, I didn't go to work. They knew that there was a plain crush, but they didn't know that Diego was one of the passengers. Maybe he was thinking about surprising us that day. That's why he didn't tell me that he was coming home. “Every one of us is also praying for his fast recovery, ma'am. Sir Diego doesn't deserve to be in that situation.” She said. I looked above to stop myself from crying. Damn! Every time I remember how great and kind he is, I can't stop myself from crying. “ Thank you, “ I told her in my husky voice. Last
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Chapter 108: Surprise
Chapter 108: Surprise Jasmine's POV I was busy placing the flower I had brought on the table when I felt someone hug me from behind. “ Daddy Uncle has been sleeping for five days now, Mom”, I heard him say, which made me turn around to face him. I sigh and fix his hair after I carry him and place him on the chair. “ What did the Doctor tell us?” I asked him, which made him pouted. He placed both of his hands on his chin. “ He told us to wait until he woke up?” He said, which made me pinch his cheeks. I stood up and stared at Diego. How I wish that you would wake up now. We wish for you to come back, but not in this kind of situation. My son is waiting for you, and I am waiting for you to wake up, Diego. “ Can I have that one?” Diego pointed to the food o
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Chapter 109: David's Father
Chapter 109: David's Father  Jasmine's POV “ David was Travis's Son. But he didn't know about it,” I started. They thought Travis just wanted me back, and they thought I didn't have the intention of giving him another chance without knowing the real reason for my actions, which they just now found out about. “ But, Sir Travis has been courting you-” I cut Jacob from talking. I already knew what he wanted to tell me. “ I hid and still hid my son from him. I actually don't have any plans of coming back here. All I want is to stay abroad, that's it, but Destiny really played me well.” It's really not my job to explain this to them but I just want them to know where I am coming from and why I don't like to be with him again. “ I hid David for five years. I didn't inform Travis about it. After what he did to me. After he
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Chapter 110: Awake
Chapter 110: Awake Jasmine's POV After that day, my team kept visiting here in the hospital so they could accompany me when they had free time and play with my son. “ Uncle Jacob got the ball from Uncle Kurt!” David shouted. They were playing here inside the room. Since this is also a big room, they can play whenever they want. “ Yes, sir!” Jacob ran while David kept on laughing. Kurt gets the ball while Jacob is trying to get it from him. They were running inside the room. Jacob snatched the ball from Kurt, and he immediately gave it to my son. He ran so fast because Kurt would get the ball from him. “ I'm happy you visited again. My son really wants to play with them. He's been asking me when you guys will visit again.” I chuckled while looking at them playing. “ Ma'am Jaz, I do
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