All Chapters of Sweet Little Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
49 Chapters
31: Luke
I don't think I have ever felt the way I did getting the call from my mom that Lila had been attacked. I don't know how this happened. I don't know what would have happened if the doctor couldn't get to her as quickly as he did. Her heart rate was low, and her breathing was shallow.Being back at the pack hospital means she has the best treatment. Unfortunately, we don't know what happened and what she was given, but she is still unconscious. If there is anything to find, Jake will find it. My mom and Margot were just here checking on Lila. They brought me breakfast and a change of clothes as I refused to leave her side last night. I thought she would have woken up by now."Luke, the toxicology test came back," stated the doctor as he came into the room. I was on my feet and beside Lila."Morning glory" The doctor's eyes locked on mine.This was an answer I wasn't prepared for. You don't see poisoning by morning glory."What do we do now?" I asked, looking for anything the doctor's fa
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32: Unknown
I heard that our new Luna had returned from dress shopping by ambulance. That was the signal I needed to know that the plan had been set in motion.I saw Jake in the park eating lunch with little Ezra and decided this would be the perfect time to gauge what they knew if anything."Hey Jake, how is Luna doing?" It makes me sick knowing she is the Luna. She doesn't understand the responsibility it requires and isn't worthy. Lila is weak and trusts too easily what Luna, in her right mind, accepts a bunch of rogues into their pack. She didn't even question any of us; she just welcomed us all in and assumed we were loyal to her. Her idiot of a mate didn't even attempt to stop her. He's a moron too."Hey, man! She is doing okay." Jake answered in between bites.This whole d*mn pack is too relaxed. They seem to think they're above any of the issues that other packs face regularly. This is going to be easier than we thought. Even with Luke having increased security, it's still more relaxed th
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33: Lila
When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was how uncomfortable the bedsheets they were almost like parchment paper. I sat up slowly, my body feeling weak, looking around and adjusting my eyes to the light that shone through the large window. I saw Luke sleeping on a chair. He looked very uncomfortable, and I heard a little snoring from the boy who had curled up in the bed beside me.I tried to sit up further, but I realized I was connected to an IV. I suddenly felt very sick. I saw the trash can and woke Ezra to hurry and bring me the small garbage pail. Ezra hurries, bringing it to me. The noise woke Luke up, who was by my side instantly, holding back my hair."Lila, are you okay?" Luke asked, seeming so unnerved. Ezra, on the other hand, was just happy to see me awake. He walked over to the door of the room and yelled."Leela is up!" he closed the door and ran to my bed.The doctor was in the room within minutes. I read the name tag Dr. Lumen"How are you feeling, Luna?" Dr. Lumen
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34: Hudson
I was getting ready to go to training when I decided to check in on Lila by opening my laptop. I watched, and my heart sank as I heard Ezra start to answer questions. Gemma is going to be p*ssed. This throws off the entire plan. We will need to find another way. I hurry to unplug my laptop and throw my stuff into a duffle bag, and I am out the door in just mere minutes.I am in the safe place I had scoped out when I first arrived here. It doesn't have the scent of any wolves and is far enough from the little cabin that no one would think of looking for me here. I covered my trail as well. Luckily for me, mom taught me well. I stocked it over the last couple of weeks, just in case. Mom always said it's important to be prepared. You hope for the best while preparing for the worst, and luckily, I have always followed that advice. That's why I made sure to find a place where I could lie low for days or even weeks if I needed to. This hideaway is an old underground lava tube. They have tho
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35: Lila
Luke had his men looking for Hudson, but it was as though he had just disappeared, with no trace of him to be found. Jake was still trying to learn more about Hudson and had reached out for help. Luke and I discussed putting off the wedding, but we didn't want to wait any longer, and today was the day.My long dark hair was done in intricate braids, coming together for an elegant updo. My make-up was done naturally, except the smokey eye green was added to the eye shadow to make the green in my eyes stand out even more. My dress was beautiful. I felt beautiful. I dreamed of this day as a little girl. Meeting someone and falling in love, knowing I wouldn't ever feel lonely or unwanted because someone chose me. They loved me because they wanted to love me, not because they forced me to.I was giddy with excitement, knowing I would soon be married to Luke. After the ceremony in a private room, we had the paperwork in order to officially adopt Ezra as well. The council had already approve
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36: Lila
Anticipation and excitement surged through me as Luka and I entered our bedroom."Do you need help getting out of your dress?" already coming behind me and helping to unfasten the delicate button. His warm fingers brush slowly along my spine with each button he releases, and it causes a warmth to pulsate into my core. I can already feel my panties become damp with my desire. I hear Luke inhale deeply, and I can scent my arousal. My dress falls to the floor, and Lukes turns me gently so I'm facing him in just my strapless bra, lacy panties, and high heels.I feel so connected to Luke in a way I couldn't have imagined. He smiles at me with his luscious lips, and he leans down, taking my mouth in his. His breath is warm and tastes of chocolate and champagne. His tongue moves along my lips as I grant him access. I return his kiss, and he wraps one hand around my waist, the other finding its way into my hair. He pulls gently, causing my head to tilt back, granting him better access to my m
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38: Luke
Marrying Lila was by far the best decision I could have made. Marriage isn't a common thing for us. We bonded, but I knew Lila would better understand the commitment of marriage, as she wasn't raised to know the ins and outs of wolf dynamics. Marrying her affected me more than I thought it would, though. Seeing her walk down the aisle to me and listening to her vows was just more than I expected. Waking up next to her is intoxicating. I groaned, wanting to stay in bed next to this magnificent creature that I can now call my wife and my mate, but I had to meet with the guards. Hudson, that little weasel, somehow got off packland last night. I am livid that he got past the guys working the border. I need to get a team together and start searching the land in the area where he escaped to try and find out where he stayed. Guards had been looking for him before last night, but we thought he had already left, so we weren't as serious about the search as we should have been. Knowing he was s
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39: Lila
Luke had to go to work the morning after our wedding, but I wanted to see my husband. That is crazy to me. I have a husband and a son. Last night, not only did we get married, but we adopted Ezra, and honestly, I couldn't have been happier. On our way to bring Donte and Luke's lunch, Ezra fell into what we found out to be a lava tube system. Lava tubes can be found in multiple states and were created when a volcano erupted years ago. The lava made a path, but when the eruption stopped, the lava drained out, creating a cave-like structure underground. The one that Hudson hid out in was about a half mile long. Ezra and I waited up top while Luke and Donte searched the space. It didn't take too long before Luke came up. He had a paper grip so tightly in his hands his knuckles were turning white. I could see the fury on his face and feel it flooding through him. "What's wrong?" I asked, standing up and walking to him. He let out a heavy sigh. "Lila, he was here for you," Luke said with
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40: Donte
Lila was quiet for a few days after learning about Hudson. When she had time to process everything, I thought she would want to talk about it. Boy, was I wrong? It seems like she wants to pretend it didn't happen, so that's what we've been doing, just ignoring it all. I've met with Jake a few times, and he's gathered a lot of information. She hasn't been ready to hear it, though. We've just been focused on building the new housing for the misfits that are Lila's pack. She's an amazing Luna. She took the time to meet each and every one of the pack members. She has even come by training outside of our private training sessions to show she is working hard beside her pack. It's weird to me to know that she isn't just a Luna but that she is an Alpha. She has her pack of misfits and while they may have accepted Luke as their Alpha they answer to Lila. She has worked her way into the heart of this pack. I can't help but think of all the changes that came with Lila. The packhouse has been fu
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41: Lila
Things had been calm for a while, and I had been spending a lot of time training with Donte. After numerous conversations with Luke and Jake and the continued monitoring activity around Hudson and Gemma, we decided it was time to start traveling. The number of wolves that appear to be moving towards Gemma and Hudson is very concerning, and if we are going to stand a chance when they undoubtedly attack us, we need to grow and have time to train new pack numbers. We also don't want to see wolves find their way to Gemma and Hudson because they simply need a place to be safe and feel like they belong. I still hope that maybe Hudson isn't the monster everyone thinks he is and that maybe, just maybe, if I had the opportunity to speak to him, really speak to him, he would be able to see the lies Gemma has told him about me, and I wouldn't have to lose the brother I just learned about. I know that's far-fetched, though. I can't help but hold onto the tiny little piece of hope, though. Jake h
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