All Chapters of Sweet Little Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
49 Chapters
21: Luke
Lila took Ezra to take a bath. I went with my mom. She had kept boxes of my clothes, and we found a few things for Ezra to wear while we waited for new clothes to come in. They might be a bit big, but they were clean."Luke, how is Lila doing? Is she handling everything okay? I know I probably overwhelmed her this morning with everything I had to tell her." My mom asks with concern laced through her voice. She wants to make sure Lila is okay and feels comfortable. I think my mom is afraid she may have scared Lila away from me. She had been hoping I'd find my mate, and it would devastate her if Lila didn't want to be with me or our pack."She's okay. I think she is still processing everything. She is so strong, though. I don't know that anything you could say would scare her off, mom. I watched her when I found out she was my mate. She is so brave. From what I know, her life hasn't been easy. I think her entire life has been her fighting in some way."I don't know how she can still fin
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22: Lila
Stephanie gave me a beautiful emerald dress to wear to the ceremony. I hadn't come with much. Luke said he would take Ezra and me shopping later this week. The dress, though, was breathtaking. It was floor length with wide straps on the shoulders, which is something I need to be able to wear a bra. It had a high slit up the thigh, which made me a bit uncomfortable. I'm not used to showing that much of my body, and I wasn't sure how I would sit without it riding up even higher. Stephanie helped with my makeup as I didn't know how to do much.When I was ready, I looked like me but also like someone else. I had never felt so elegant. The last piece was putting on shoes. Stephanie had a few pairs for me to try. There was a pair of cute black heels that were open-toe with straps that came up around my ankles. I put them on and tried walking. I had never in my life worn a pair of heels, and I fell right off the bat. Stephanie tried to help, but I didn't have enough time to practice. It was
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23: Lila
The silence only lasts a minute before it is returned with the howls from the pack. As the howls quieted down, though, there was a howling of distress coming from what sounds seemed to be in the area of the packed house. Nova and Ash raced us back towards the pack house. Much of the pack followed us back as well. Some started doing border checks.When we arrived at the pack house, there was a couple arguing with Stephanie and Steven. Sweet little Ezra was hiding behind Stephanie's legs. He looked terrified and this infuriated me. I shifted not giving a d*mn if I was naked. I wouldn't let Ezra feel afraid or alone.Luke must have thought the same because he shifted as well, and we made our way to the front porch where a yelling match was taking place."What's happening here?" I asked, my head held high, trying hard to ignore the fact that I'm but naked in front of all these people now that many of the pack members have shifted and are also watching what's going on. Thankfully, a younge
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24: Luke
Lila was buzzing with anger. I could feel it through the bond, but I'm sure anyone nearby could feel it, too. Lila wasn't just angry, though. She hurt for Ezra, and when his dad mentioned selling his son to us, I could feel Lila explode with so many emotions. I knew it wasn't going to be good.I tried to reach Lila, but she shifted so fast that no one could stop her. Ezra's dad never stood a chance. I can't say I'm upset, though. If Lila hadn't k*lled him, I would have. There are rules, though, and I will need to report his death to the sifter council. This couple had so many complaints there wouldn't be any repercussions for what Lila did. I will need to file paperwork to bring Ezra officially into our pack.After everything that just happened, I expected Lila to be ready to fall apart; instead, she simply closed the door and gave me a look. She isn't sure what to do with the body but wants to shield Ezra from having to see his father that way. She smiled at Ezra as though nothing ha
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25: Lila
Seeing Luke with Ezra this morning and chasing him through the house makes me so happy. It gives me so much assurance that he really is a good man and the type of man I have always wanted to be with. I never wanted to end up with someone like my father, and Luke doesn't seem like my dad. Thank goodness.Stephanie and Steven were busy tonight, so Donte and Jake are going to watch Ezra while we go on our date. Ezra likes them both and seems comfortable, so I don't mind them watching him. They ended up joining in playing with Ezra this morning, helping to chase him and rescue him from our big bad Alpha, aka the kiss monster.I don't know where we are going for our date tonight, and I don't have a lot of clothing to choose from, but I ended up deciding on skinny jeans, a white tank top, and black sandals. I put on makeup. I wear a little bit more than I normally would, lining my eyes and putting on an extra coat of mascara. I also put on just a little foundation and some light blush. I wo
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26: Lila
I want to believe Luke when he says he's pulling back because he wants to make sure I'm ready to be a permanent part of this life of his life."Luke, before I agree to accept you completely, can we talk about Ezra?""Of course," he responded readily."What do you think we should do?" I asked,, biting my lip, nervous about his response."Well, I know you just turned eighteen and probably haven't been thinking about kids and a family. So I'll leave the decision to you," he said, and this answer irritated me."No, that's not fair, Luke. I won't make a decision for you that changes your entire life. I will say, though, that I love Ezra already and feel fiercely protective of him if that isn't obvious." I said, rolling my eyes dramatically."I would want him to stay with me if you are ready for that. If not, I understand, but Ezra is amazing." I said truthfully, locking my eyes on Luke."Are you sure that's what you want, it's a lifetime commitment," He asked earnestly."I have babysat and
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27: Luke
I was down on one knee, waiting for Lila to answer. There aren't many things that make me nervous, but not knowing if Lila wanted me made my heart race. I could feel her gaze locked on me, searching my face. I don't know what she was looking for, but she suddenly threw herself into my arms."Yes, I will marry you." I stood holding her in my arms, kissing her. Her giddy laugh loosened itself against my mouth.I set Lila down and found my eyes looking at her lips, and I leaned down, biting them gently, and then teased her lips open with my tongue, wanting to pick back up where we had left off. Lila pushes me away."Luke?""Yes, mate?" I responded to her."Would you hate me if I said I wanted to wait until we get married? I never thought I'd wait, but knowing we are engaged now, I think maybe waiting is what I want." She bites her lip nervously, waiting for my reaction."If you want to wait, we will. I will never force you to be with me. I will wait if that's what makes you happy.""Than
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28: Lila
The next couple of weeks passed all too quickly. I started classes online and just had to complete my finals. I did a brief refresher of the materials, and now I'll take my exams. We have fallen into a rhythm in the pack house with Ezra. Donte and Jake have become a part of my life as well. They are both searching and hoping to find their mates. I thought it would be hard to feel genuinely at home here, but everyone has been really kind.We have set our wedding date to happen as soon as I finish my finals, so in another two weeks. I never imagined I'd get married so young, especially to someone I had just met. The mate bond helps to push you together though, and being able to feel what Luke does provides me with a level of comfort that helps me to know that this is absolutely the right decision.One thing that's really bothering me though is my dad. I have had so much time to think about him, and I am terrified of what he is planning. My dad is drunk and that causes people to underest
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29: Unknown
I watched her the night her father tried to kill her. I knew what he was planning to do, and I stood there in the shadows watching, unsure if I wanted to intervene. I decided to wait and see how things played out. If I end up being needed, I can always change my mind.Her wolf was interesting. I saw it a few days ago, and the color is different on her birthday, though, which is intriguing. I'll have to let them know. I followed her to her new pack. She was settling in so well. I almost reached out to her at the diner until she started talking to Stephanie and Alice. What a shame that was. It was probably best, though, as I don't know where things will end when we talk.Sweet little Lila's mate is the alpha. I've continued to watch her, and she is settling in as well as they expected. I need her to get very comfortable and learn all that she can. To my surprise, she agreed to marry Luke. She moves fast; maybe she isn't quite as sweet and innocent as we all believe.Lila and little Ezra
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30: Lila
I am going with Stephanie, Betty, Donte, and Jake to pick out my wedding dress. Donte and Jake have become some of the best friends I could have asked for. They will help make sure I choose a dress Luke will love. They are also coming for protection in case my dad is looking for me. Margot, Luke's sister, is also meeting us at the dress shop. It will be my first time meeting her in person. So far, we have only met through Facetime. We're going to Scottsdale to look for my dress.I tried on too many dresses at the first shop; none were right, though. I need something that fits and doesn't need any alterations as we won't have time for the wedding in a week. I finished my classes, and we set a date as soon as possible. I am so ready to marry Luke that it scares me a bit. I don't think there is anything I have ever wanted more. I'm a bit scared because I have never been this happy. Luke is perfect for me, and I am terrified I might somehow mess it up.The second shop we go into is smalle
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