All Chapters of Bound to the Dark King: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
209 Chapters
Chapter 0071
"Are you ready?" Malik whispered, noticing my tension. I nodded in response, trying to steady my nerves. To my surprise, Malik squeezed my hand gently in reassurance. As we made our way down the grand stairs that led into the ballroom, a voice echoed from behind us, startling me and almost making
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Chapter 0072
~Ezinne~ "Malik!" a voice called our attention as we spoke to some Lycans. Malik and I turned at the same time towards the owner of the voice. I wondered who dared to address him so casually by his first name. An older gentleman made his way towards us, hand in hand with a young beautiful l
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Chapter 0073
'Come on, Ezinne, what is wrong with you?' I scolded myself silently. 'This isn't real. None of it is real. You shouldn't care about his trust or lack of it. You don't care about this man or this pack or these people. You're here for a reason, and once it's fulfilled, you'll leave. Nothing else matt
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Chapter 0074
~Ezinne~ I walked out to the balcony, looking up at the dark sky that didn't have a single star. It felt like the sky understood how confused and empty I felt at the moment. Conflicting thoughts were running around in my mind, and I wondered what secrets Malik and his pack could be hiding. Wha
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Chapter 0075
Malik! Light flooded the room, revealing Malik standing among the fallen men, his chest smeared with their blood. The man holding me quickly snaked his arm around my neck, using me as his shield as he pulled back. My hands were now securely tied behind me. Then he began a low, cruel laugh, a
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Chapter 0076
~Ezinne~ Hunter led me into a warm, welcoming room where Kael was patiently waiting. When Kael saw us, he quickly stood up, looking back and forth between Hunter and me, as if trying to understand what was going on from our body language. Hunter gently helped me sit down on a very soft sofa,
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Chapter 0077
"Midnight snaking?" I asked. He nodded eagerly with a smile. "I'm all for it." "Good. So, how do you like your eggs?" he asked again. "Scrambled," I answered, feeling a bit surprised but glad for the distraction. He nodded, then walked over to the fridge. "First, let's make you a c
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Chapter 0078
~Ezinne~ "Why is she still wearing that?" Malik asked in a voice that was a bit too loud than normal. His angry eyes fixed on Kael. "I didn't think it was right to take her to your room without asking, Your Majesty," Kael answered, his voice steady. "You needed my permission t
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Chapter 0079
"Why?" I asked, my indignation flaring. "Why do you keep seeing me as a threat?" "Because you're a threat," Rafe countered bluntly. "You lured those beasts here." I couldn't believe Rafe was saying that to me. "How can you blame me for their attack? I don't see how—" "Enough," Malik
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Chapter 0080
~Malik~ Everything should have been perfect after I found my mate and we completed the bonding rituals. But it felt as though my problems were only beginning. Convincing Ezinne to become my wife was surprisingly easy, considering her strong-willed nature. It made me suspect her purpose of be
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