All Chapters of Bound to the Dark King: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
209 Chapters
Chapter 0091
~Malik~ I hurt her. I sighed with exasperation. I watched Ezinne storm out of my office, her hurt expression slicing through me like a knife. I hadn't meant to lash out at her, but I needed her to leave my presence immediately because I didn't trust what I would have done to her if she still stood
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Chapter 0092
"What I mean is, I don't want to lead her on just because I need something from her," I continued, my tone softer. "I can't allow myself to get emotionally attached to her at all. If she is to die in the course of saving this pack. I don't want to have to bear that pain again. It nearly destroyed me
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Chapter 0093
~Malik~ I barged into the bathroom, my heart pounding like a drum, but found it empty. My eyes darted to the closet, but there was no trace of her. Had she left? Ezinne had proven that she was not a woman to be messed with. She had shown she was a queen even before she became my queen. She wa
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Chapter 0094
But that primal anger surged inside me again, almost immediately. That desire to teach her a lesson. My wolf roared and clawed at my consciousness. 'Mine!' it bellowed. I walked into the room, and she slowly rose from the bed, into a sitting position. "You shouldn't be here," she stated cal
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Chapter 0095
~Ezinne~ "Please." How desperate was I for a man's touch? I had never felt pleasure like this before. Garrick had been the first and only man I knew, and he had not touched me. I touched myself most times when the need arose, but nothing like what I felt with Malik's touch. This was not right
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Chapter 0096
~Ezinne~ All I dreamt about that night was Malik, touching me in different ways, giving me toe-curling pleasure. When I opened my eyes, it was already morning and someone was knocking on the door. I sat up in bed, realizing I had slept on the clinic ward. Exhaling, I called out to the person behind
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Chapter 0097
~Ezinne~ Prince Osborne appeared momentarily stunned as his eyes met mine, and he halted, attracting the punishing lash of the whip upon his bare back by one of the stern-faced warriors overseeing his parade. "Stop!" I yelled, my voice slicing through the tense air, freezing the warri
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Chapter 0098
I willed my heart to remain unruffled by the sight. Taking in a deep breath, I halted my steps, my gaze fixed on them, burning with intensity. One warrior whispered to Malik that I was there. That was when Malik's eyes shifted from Ange's face to mine. His expression was a mask of indifference as hi
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Chapter 0099
Once that left my mouth, I regretted it instantly. I shouldn't have said that to him, but I couldn't help all the pent-up anger and frustration. Malik tensed beside me, his hands balled into fists, but he remained still like the calm before a storm. Then, without any more words, he took a few steps
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Chapter 0100
~Ezinne~ I let out a heavy sigh as I leaned over to kick-start the treadmill. My usual pace was a modest five, a leisurely walk to clear my mind. But today, fuelled by frustration, I cranked it up to ten, launching into a sprint. I had come to the gym so early. The gym was deserted, bathed in
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