All Chapters of Bound to the Dark King: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
209 Chapters
Chapter 0101
What unfolded next took me entirely by surprise, catching me off guard even as it unfolded. Without warning, tears welled up and streamed down my cheeks, and I began to sob, a flood of emotion I struggled to contain. Eloise regarded me with a mixture of bewilderment and concern. "Your Highnes
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Chapter 0102
Once more, she nodded in understanding. "Indeed, coaxing him to open up may prove challenging. But tell me, beyond the rumours, what impressions do you have of King Malik?" I was caught a bit off guard by the question, but I found myself pausing to think what I really thought about Malik. "I know
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Chapter 0103
~Malik~ "How is she holding up?" I asked, deliberately avoiding Rhea's gaze. "She is not coping well, Your Majesty," the female warrior replied, her voice heavy with genuine worry. It was unusual to see Rhea so deeply troubled; nothing had seemed to concern her this much since her arri
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Chapter 0104
My beast yearned for her presence, and I could hardly even sleep. I would only toss and turn in bed until dawn. Our connection ran deeper than the mate bond. The beads of tattoos around her waist were the same as mine. I had grown up seeing that tattoo around my waist and had not got an explanation
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Chapter 0105
~Ezinne~ I lay in Malik's large, cold bed in the dark, staring at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Eloise's words kept playing in my head. 'He might be all grown up now, and despite his outward façade, there lingers inside him the wounded soul of a twelve-year-old boy who was deprived of l
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Chapter 0106
“Are you asleep?” His voice broke through the silence, soft and unexpected. My heart stopped for a while, and when it picked up again, I fought to steady my frantic breath. I didn’t respond or turn to face him, because I was afraid it might all turn out to still be a dream. “I didn’t mean t
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Chapter 0107
~Ezinne~ I bolted upright in bed, a scream tearing from my throat, my body drenched in cold sweat, and tears carving wet trails down my cheeks. But before the echo of my terror faded, strong hands captured me, pulling me against a firm chest. The sensation of a powerful heartbeat under my ear grou
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Chapter 0108
But my feet carried me all the way to my private quarters. I reminded myself that this was necessary—to provide Ezinne with a sense of belonging, as Rhea and everyone else had advised. I needed to reassure her of her safety with me. Even from the hallway, her lavender scent began to torment my libid
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Chapter 0109
~Ezinne~ A sudden chill seeped into my bones, stirring me from the depths of sleep. As I blinked into the shadow-draped room, a tangible absence of warmth enveloped me. I turned my head slowly toward Malik’s side of the bed, where just last night he had held me close. His scent still lingere
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Chapter 0110
I picked up a crossbow, resting against the table, turning it over in my hands. "Kael, you handle these weapons as if they were delicate flowers," I remarked, admiring the meticulous care with which each piece was maintained. Kael chuckled as he took the crossbow from me, his touch gentle. "
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