All Chapters of Bound to the Dark King: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
209 Chapters
Chapter 0111
~Malik~ Fuck! I nearly got hit while my gaze lingered on Ezinne with Kael in the corner. Had I made a mistake by asking them to let her go wherever she wished? Now, she was here, and I couldn't seem to concentrate. I couldn't get myself to ignore her presence when all I thought about
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Chapter 0112
My childhood memories were filled with Xavier protecting me. I remembered Xavier was a robust, spirited boy, so much so that my father often worried he was too wild—a trait my mother laughingly claimed was inherited from Isla. He had once lived with us for a year or two because he was suspended from
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Chapter 0113
~Malik~ I rose to my feet at the same time Xavier rose to his, a flicker of delight danced in his eyes—a spark ignited by his gaze upon my wife. I had nearly forgotten Xavier's reputation as the world's most notorious playboy. He sauntered toward Ezinne, who radiated beauty in a simple sundre
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Chapter 0114
"Did you eat yet? I can—" Sensing what she was about to say, I cut in sharply, "I'll have the servants prepare us a palatable meal." How could she offer to cook for another man? I've not even bothered her with cooking for me. "I insist," Ezinne countered, her voice holding a determined edg
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Chapter 0115
~Malik~ "That was how I was able to subdue the grumpy man. It wasn't an easy feat, but having vast knowledge from many travels, he proved no match for me," Xavier declared, the corners of his mouth curling into a self-satisfied smirk, telling what had to be his tenth story over breakfast. He had
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Chapter 0116
Xavier's laughter peeled across the now silent table, echoing like a mocking taunt. My muscles tensed, a primal tremor of barely contained rage vibrating through me. I was on the brink, every instinct screaming to bolt across the table and tackle him. But I restrained myself, holding back the floodg
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Chapter 0117
"There are numerous reasons why I can't be with her—not in the manner you seem to envision," I confessed, my voice filled with a resignation that felt too heavy to bear. "So, you're saying you just want her here to fulfil the prophecy?" Xavier probed, his tone sharpening with curiosity. "That's
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Chapter 0118
~Ezinne~ Several days had passed since that iconic breakfast, and Malik still had not spoken to me. At least he was now sleeping in his bed, and as much as I hated to admit it, I enjoyed the body heat we shared. Each night, we would turn away from each other as we lay down, but by morning, I
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Chapter 0119
Xavier's grin widened, his eyes twinkling with glee. "Well, his brooding is a bonus. But honestly, I came back because the palace lacks drama without me. Who else is here to rescue you from the suffocating weight of these overly formal dialogues?" I smiled, a genuine grin that felt light and
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Chapter 0120
Ange and I had recently begun practising sword fighting, with Rhea often observing. I hadn’t been particularly focused in our previous sessions, but today felt different. Maybe it was Malik’s presence in the gym that stirred a newfound nervousness in me, making me want to prove myself. But it was re
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