All Chapters of Slave to the Wolf King: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
223 Chapters
171.  Necessary
 ~ JESSE ~ I wasn’t sure what was happening to me. Everything Cazz said terrified me. But every thought, every breath that felt frightening, every weight in my gut that felt like it should push me back and away from him, only shoved me closer to him. I needed him, not for gratification, but because it was only in that place, when we were both abandoned, that I felt utterly sure of him. And I needed to feel sure of him. So, when I fell into his chest and kissed him, when he wrapped his arms around me and sighed with relief, something in me remained desperate. Jittery and insecure—like he was pulling away and I had to fight to keep him close. 
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172. Make a Plan
 ~ CASIMIR ~ I lay back in that chair like I had been shot, with Jesse draped over me, my breath ragged, my skin sweaty, and my mind stunned. Every muscle felt fatigued, every limb heavy. And yet… There had never been a time in my life when a female’s warmth and weight over me hadn’t felt like a danger. I’d always preferred to take them from behind to keep control—and because it put me in position to overwhelm them if it was necessary. Yet, holding Jesse there, being held by her… She was an embrace. A joy. Not a threat. Neither of us spoke for some time, both letting our breathing return. I had a han
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173. Don't Shoot the Messenger
~ CASIMIR ~When I reached the chamber I was surprised to find the entire council assembled, but I realized I shouldn’t have been. Ghere would have called them the moment a messenger from Rake was announced, intending to assess the information he brought and see if it required my immediate attention. He had no memory of the fact that I had schemes afoot with Khush, or that Rake knew details the others didn’t.No wonder he was so perturbed that the messenger wanted only to speak with me. He would find it odd for Rake to make that request, so would assume the messenger was being overly fastidious. I needed to be very, very careful how I handled this. “Where is he?” I asked the moment I walked into the chamber, while the others were still
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174. Romantical
~ CASIMIR ~ ‘Not, er, righteous?’ I sent carefully. ‘How so?’‘He… he goes to the church and appears just like they do and as I would expect the King’s Cleric to behave—careful with his words, clean, kind, righteous in his manner. Then… then he goes to deal with the humans you sent him to and he is… aggressive. Dark. Cunning. The difference is quite stark and I just… I wasn’t sure that you knew. This hypocrisy… I worried he might be deceiving you.’I had to fight to keep my face expressionless. ‘You’ve seen this with your own eyes?’
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175. Come to Me
 ~ JESSE ~ Late that afternoon my nerves were getting the better of me. I’d killed as much time as I could—I had hunted down Reeca and had another conversation about whether or not I should commend her at the Selection.Because the rite had been postponed, she’d admitted that she was trying not to get attached to the idea. But she had agreed that if she was the wolf I chose, she would accept the honor. Then I had gone to the library and read the histories like Maya told me too—but found the whole experience chilling now, seeing all those “deceased” markers in the bloodlines.I’d had to remind myself that Cazz had at least promised he wouldn’t push our children to it. But with everything that had been happening around him, it was all coming home to me now how diff
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176. Beautiful
~ JESSE ~Something was strange about him, but I didn’t even think, just ran to him trying my hardest not to look like a child as he straightened, smiling, when I threw myself into his chest.He wrapped those big arms around me and lifted me off my feet, burying his face in my neck, one arm laid up my spine, the hand cradling the back of my head and holding me to him.To my surprise, I felt the bond thrum as we both clung, wordlessly. And I realized… I realized he’d felt as frantic to be together as I had. But he’d covered it somehow, until this moment.I had to swallow back a pinch of happy tears, but I did it, so that when we finally relaxed and he put me down on my feet again before straightening to smile down at me, I could beam back at him.
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177. Trust Me – Part 1
~ JESSE ~For half an hour we just sat together on the mattress with our backs to the truck cab and the picnic basket between our thighs, eating and talking. Cazz was eating like a horse—he’d obviously skipped lunch—yet also peppering me with fruit and nuts and some of their very tasty dried meat, apparently still determined to make me gain weight.We were just… talking. And even though the air hummed with anticipation—mine as well as his—neither of us hurried. It was the first time, I realized, that we’d ever just… hung out.“I thought you were taking me to a new den,” I admitted after we’d sat there an hour and weren’t eating anymore. Cazz had put the food basket to the end of the truck bed and we sat, arm to arm, looking at the city lights brigh
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178. Trust Me – Part 2
~ JESSE ~I wasn’t angry, and I stayed open in the bond so he could tell. But I wanted him to think about it.Cazz’s eyes got wary then, but I hadn’t tried to break his grip. I wasn’t angry. My heart was full of love for him, and I prayed he looked inward, at the bond, and measured me there. I wanted him to answer the question and not get defensive. And I prayed I wasn’t pushing him too hard. I knew this was all new for him. But something deep inside me said if we didn’t look at this right away, we were going to start walking together on a path that was… imbalanced.I needed him to trust me. Not as much as I trusted him, maybe. But some.I needed him to know I was different.His e
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179. Trust Me – Part 3
 ~ JESSE ~ Cazz’s eyes widened. I would have been nervous I was pushing him too much, but his pupils dilated as well. And I could feel him in the bond… turning it all over. He swallowed and blinked and when he didn’t answer immediately, still holding his hand behind his head, I dropped my chin, sliding my nose under his jaw, then opening my mouth softly on his throat. The bond jangled with a jolt of need and fear. His entire body tensed and his free hand grabbed for me, his fingers clawing into my ass, but he didn’t push me off. I was breathing faster. “Cazz… Do you trust me?” I whispered against his skin, then sucked there for a second, loving the feeling of his rough stubble under my lips and tongue. He groaned. He was t
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180. Trust Me – Part 4
~ CASIMIR ~When Jesse descended on me, I wanted to howl. She’d never looked more wild, more beautiful—and I could feel her in the bond, wanting me.But my entire body jangled with conflicting needs, my heart pounding with fear even while my skin—and pieces of me—throbbed with lust. Her kiss was deep and intense and delicious. I grabbed the belt and held on, arching back when she started moving down, kissing my jaw, my neck… and my throat. My entire body tensed and I panted as much from startling unease as love and need. But my beautiful mate didn’t stop, her honey-soft lips and tongue dancing on my most vulnerable skin as her fingers clawed into my hair and she leaned over me with such need that the bond began to glow.
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