All Chapters of Slave to the Wolf King: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
226 Chapters
151. You're Worth It
~ JESSE ~At least he didn’t walk away, I told myself.We stood there, staring at each other, my head spinning and my heart aching for him.How could I possibly help him with this?But then he dropped his head and raked his hand through his hair, blowing out a breath before he straightened and met my eyes again, his jaw tight as a bowstring.“Jesse, I know I’ve hurt you. I wish I hadn’t. I wish I wouldn't. But you have to understand, it’s not just you I don't trust. It’s me.”Then he let me see in his head—flashes of memory, flashes of thought. And I stared and drank him in because he was never that open. But… but then it hit me what he was showing me—the inferno of rage that lived in his chest. The violence he’d been a part of. The violence he wanted to be a part of. The ability to shut down his emotions and just act—to let himself act on instinct, brutal and animal though it may be.The tightrope that he walked, day after day. All the ways he had to force himself not to simply destr
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152. Safe Word
~ CASIMIR ~“I’m your slave, Cazz,” she said, everything in her shaking. “Not because you made me. I chose that. And I’m going to keep choosing it. Every day. No matter what.”The words hit me like a sonic boom, traveling through flesh and sinew and bone to slam into my heart—into the bond—and shake those defenses I’d been building around myself since I was nothing but a pup. Because I couldn’t remember a single day in my life that I’d felt safe. Ever.Yet… here she was…I forgive you.You’re worth it.A strangled groan broke out of my throat, and I dove for her, taking her mouth desperately, pulling her into my chest and lifting her off her feet.And when our skins touched, the steel walls I had built around my heart shattered.I pulled her to me, delving her mouth, staggering under the shock of it all as I carried her to the nearest couch—a simple sectional I’d brought here for resting between bouts of play.I dropped her to the wide seat of it and covered her, still taking her mout
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153.  Level Up
~ CASIMIR ~Moments later my sight cleared and I found myself laying on my back, staring up at the ceiling of the dungeon, my mouth agape and chest heaving as I tried to get my breath back. But I couldn’t even think in full sentences yet.Jesse.Love.Power.Holy shit.“Cazz… what… what was that?” Jesse asked quietly from my right.Head spinning and heart hammering, I rolled over to find her curled on her side facing me, her face pale and eyes wide.“Shit. Are you okay?” I asked her hurriedly, combing her hair back from her face and pushing up on a shaky elbow and scanning her body for injuries or… something. I wasn’t even sure what I thought I might see. All I knew was that I’d almost been swept away by that… that tidal wave of power. I didn’t know how she’d survived it. And the panic in me when I realized she might have been hurt, or worse, lost…Everything in me shied away from the thought—and what it would mean.When I didn’t find any injuries on her, I brought my gaze back up to
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154. Step Through the Door
~ CASIMIR ~We spent another hour there, just being together, sinking into the bond, letting our bodies accommodate the new power.I had to explain to her why the power came in these waves—new abilities, new levels of strength were triggered by the bond, by dominance, and… well, obviously by our lovemaking.My father had never told me that.“…when you gain in the power it’s like adding a limb. It takes time for your body to adjust,” I said, pushing a strand of hair back off her face that had fallen over her cheek. “But it’s like healing… over time, you forget that it even hurt. And it just seems natural for it to be that way,” I said with a shrug.She frowned. “So when you get stronger, it hurts you?”“Sometimes,” I admitted. “It depends. A big rush like that—I’ve never felt anything like that before. That almost burned me away. That was… that was a lot, Jesse.”Then I met her eyes and she smiled. “You’re a lot too, Cazz. It’s okay. We’ll get there.”I couldn’t decide if her simple fa
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155. Shadow of the Past – Part 1
~ CASIMIR ~“You ready, Casimir?”My father stood in the doorway of my chamber in simple leathers, his hair tied back, and a smile on his face. He winked when I looked at him.I nodded and smiled as I scrambled to my feet, thanking God that he hadn’t arrived ten minutes earlier when I’d been making a model. He could probably smell the glue, but I’d just tell him I had fixed… something.I was twelve, and beginning to grow. He kept telling me to leave puppyhood behind me. And I was eager to do it.But I liked making things.I had decided that when I was King, I was going to make a decree that games and creative things—not just prophecies and books, but fun stuff like building and art and dance—wouldn’t be deemed childish. That anyone would be allowed to do them.Because then I could too.I scrambled out of my chair and ran after my dad, who’d turned on his heel and stalked down the hall, expecting me to keep pace, even though his legs were still inches longer than mine. But I didn’t min
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156. Shadow of the Past – Part 2
~ CASIMIR ~When he hadn’t corrected anything by the time I got Prince ready and was leading him out of the stable, I wanted to throw back my head and howl.“You ride to the clearing and show me the work you’ve been doing,” he said quietly. Then he shifted and started running for the clearing.Prince’s head went up and his nostrils flared, but I’d been working with him—shifting around him a lot, even on his back, so he’d get used to it.When he snorted, but didn’t shy away, my father reached for me through the link.‘That’s good work, Casimir.’I just about howled then. I was killing it today!I mounted Prince, springing into the saddle, and kicked him into a gallop to keep up with my father’s wolf.We reached the clearing in just a minute or so, and I didn’t wait. When my father gave an order, you didn’t question, you just did it. So as soon as we got into that wide oval of grass in the middle of the trees, I started moving Prince through his paces, then showing my father the command
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157. Shadow of the Past – Part 3
~ CASIMIR ~No one tells you how long it takes to kill an animal that way.Blood loss takes minutes.Suffocation takes at least two.I had to stand there, braced, jaw locked, eye to eye with my horse who was terrified and in pain and shocked and confused.And when he finally fell, sinking to the ground, his heart was still beating, though it was far too fast, far too thin, as his blood and air starved body tried desperately to find what it was missing, and only succeeded in killing him faster.I knew I couldn’t let him go until his heart had stopped. My father wouldn’t accept it until we were certain he was dead.So I stood there as my horse tumbled to his side, and I didn’t let go.But I found my father, still in his wolf, standing under the trees a few feet away on the other side of Prince, panting happily.His eyes locked with mine.And when Prince’s pulse finally slowed to nothing, and I could spit his flesh out of my mouth, my father’s wolf was grinning.‘Well done, Casimir. I di
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158. Find Me
~ JESSE ~ I woke up smiling. I didn't open my eyes right away, but lay there breathing and reliving a few of those precious moments from last night. The furs were warm and so soft. I stretched slowly, discovering where my body ached, but in delicious ways. And I felt… full. With eyes still closed and a happy sigh, I rolled over, reaching out for Cazz—and my hand hit empty space. Cold furs. I sat bolt upright, a jolt of adrenaline making my heart pump as I searched first the bed, then the room for any sign of him. “Cazz?” I said, my voice too high. ‘Good morning, beautiful.’ My breath caught. ‘Cazz! Are you okay? What happened? Is there a problem with the humans—’ ‘Calm down, Jesse. I’ve been waiting for you to wake…’ His voice in the bond was warm and calm and suggestive. I blew out a breath and let myself slump back down on the pillows, heart pounding, but beginning to ease. I was torn between sadness that he wasn’t there, and thrill that he was so present in the bond. I exam
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159. Fit for a Queen
~ JESSE ~All the way to him I’d been asking myself where he might be. At first, I’d thought it was just another audience or meeting with the council, but I continued to feel that simmer in him—and the impatience that underlined it all wasn’t anger, or frustration. It had a keen edge.Almost like hope.My thoughts had turned then to where he might be, or what he might have planned that would make him anticipate my arrival.It wasn’t hard to guess what he had planned.At first, when I realized I was following his trail deeper into the Palace, I had been envisioning another visitor suite with a four-poster, like the one we’d used the other day… or perhaps some kind of playroom like the room off the Den… or even an office of some kind. Maybe he had a library with a fireplace and a nice couch?From the way he’d felt through the bond, I was certain Cazz was bringing me here for an adventure that we wouldn’t be sharing with anyone else.But when I finally got close, and found the door that
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160. Show Me
~ JESSE ~I stood on a small, circular stone dais that rose out of the floor near the corner of the room—a corner lined in wide, tall mirrors that showed me from every angle.And I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing.The gown was stunning, the fabric indescribably soft and thin, almost completely sheer, but it had been draped and gathered in layers. The sheer got so pale sometimes, it was hard to tell if it showed my skin, or that was only the fabric itself.It was the most beautiful silver-sage color that seemed to undulate as I moved, deepening to one color or the other, depending how the light hit the fabric. It set off the chestnut highlights in my hair perfectly, and—‘It matches the green in your eyes,’ Cazz sent in a deep, heavy voice.I bit my lip, nodding. ‘You picked this?’‘I saw it when I came in for a tunic fitting, and I knew the Selection was coming, that you’d need formal gowns. I insisted that Preena use it—and only for you. No one else will be allowed to have c
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