All Chapters of Slave to the Wolf King: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
232 Chapters
131. Overwhelmed
~ CASIMIR ~ Home. Mate. Soul— I drew back to leave her body, but Jesse grabbed for me, never breaking the gaze. “No, Cazz! Don’t be scared!” Her eyes were wide, and fear tainted her gorgeous, rich scent. Shuddering, I bent forward, bracing one arm on the bed, grounding myself, preparing to tear out of her gaze and take back control. All the words to dismiss her rose in my throat—how dare she call me frightened? I could make her scream. I could make her beg. I could make her come over and over and over— But I still hadn’t turned away, and her beautiful eyes softened. She gasped as I drew out of her all the way because I’d intended to punish her, and seduce her. But I hesitated… Then she smiled. And I was fucked. Straightening with a broken moan in my throat, I pulled her right to the edge of the bed, held her hips and plunged into her again with a shaky cry. “Yes, Cazz! Yes!” she whispered, clinging to me as if I was life. She knew nothing. My ribs were glass, shivering an
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132. Changed
~ CASIMIR ~We lay together for a long time in silence, both of us regaining our breaths. I prayed she was returning to her equilibrium better than I was. My body quivered with a strange joy and terror at the same time. And yet, I didn’t want to move. Didn’t want to break the spell she’d cast on me. Something flowed between us. Something that my heart ached for—and yet… I wanted to recoil from it.The tug of war was exhausting, but that just gave me more reason to stay there.I sighed heavily when she turned her head to face me and our noses almost touched. She stared at me with the same combination of joy and fear in her eyes that trembled in my chest.But as I shifted my weight so I wouldn’t crush her, a memory triggered in my mind.…laying in warm furs that stuck to the sweat on my back, her lush body under mine. Even her eyes smiled when she turned to look at me and combed the hair off my forehead with her long, elegant fingers.We both smiled. I’d never felt anything so simply, p
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133. It's a Date
~ CASIMIR ~When I straightened next to the bed, she rolled to watch me, the silence between us tense and questioning.I swallowed and reached to stroke her face. I couldn’t resist, but leaned a fist on the bed and bent over to kiss her again. She held my face and kissed me like it was goodbye and before long I was panting again.With a groan I tore out of her grip, shaking my head, but being as gentle as I could, prying her fingers from my hair and giving her hands back to her.When I stood again and looked down on her, saw the whole picture of her flushed skin, mussed hair, her eyes wide and bright and locked on me… God, I almost dove back into the bed and told the Council to go fuck themselves. But the urge to do so terrified me.The tension in her made my stomach sick, so I compromised, gripping her little hand and twining our fingers.“I have to work, but...” I had to clear my throat because my voice was ragged. “How about tonight we visit the Den again?”Jesse’s head drew back q
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134. Dance with Me
~ JESSE ~I didn’t need a drink. Or drugs. Dancing with Cazz was intoxicating all on its own.I’d been nervous when we arrived, hanging back a little. But he didn’t let go of my hand, and he kept the bond open, offering assurances and encouragement, pulling me immediately onto the dancefloor and beginning to move.‘Keep your mental defenses high—against everyone but me,’ he sent as we walked together into that sea of feral, writhing bodies.I’d already been doing the exercises Maya had taught me while we were walking there—envisioning the high walls surrounding me, peppered with gates and doors and windows… examining all of them, making certain they were locked and barred—except for the door that was Cazz.That one I left wide open.I swallowed as we were engulfed in that ocean of wolves, but I could feel Cazz growing more relaxed. And when he pulled me to him, his hands on my back, his body rippling, and encouraged me to just put my hands on his shoulders and move with him…It only t
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135. In the Den
~ CASIMIR ~As we entered the little dungeon I turned to lock the door behind us, but pulled her up to me, so as I let go of her hand she stayed close, right at my back, her hands gripping my waist, her breasts pressing against my bare back, which was delicious and made me grip the lock bar tighter until I got it into the brackets to keep the door closed.Then I turned inside her hands to face her again.Which was when I realized she couldn’t really see. Her head was tipped up to me, but her eyes were unfocused and her scent a mix of confusion and nerves.I slapped the wall to turn on the lighting—a dim line, a band of cold, purplish light that circled the floor and silhouetted everything on the floor. But she was still staring up at me. She blinked as her vision cleared, but her nerves didn’t ease. If anything they got worse.“Cazz…”I frowned. She’d been so eager for me outside, why was she—I must have opened to her more without thinking about it, because I caught a flicker in her
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136.  Choose Your Fun
~ CASIMIR ~I closed the space between us, tongue between my teeth, biting back the urge to just strip her bare and take her. There was so much opportunity here, I wanted to savor her.But while my heart pounded with anticipation, and her eyes held that heat for me, I could still scent her uneasiness, and sensed a self-consciousness in the bond that kept pulling her eyes towards the door, and made her movements stiff.A surge of frustration came, but I tamped it down, and instead kissed her, letting her feel my demand, but keeping it slow.It would be a unique challenge to compel her with skill rather than the power. To thrill her to the point that she forgot where we were, or what she was afraid of.I was up to the challenge.And so I set to my task, not breaking the kiss, but letting my hands roam all over her body, teasing, pressing, sliding, tracing lines to make her skin pebble and her small hairs rise.I listened for the moments her breathing picked up—or even better, caught and
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137. Find Your Line
~ JESSE ~Cazz kissed me and stroked my body for so long I did forget about the wolves outside and even where we were. By the time I was rocking my hips and starting to whimper, his breathing had grown loud and harsh.I was still in my bra and skirt. I’d felt daring going out without underwear. But the skirt was tight and ended halfway down my thighs. I’d practiced kneeling in front of the mirror, and as long as I kept my knees together, no one saw anything. But I had hoped Cazz might discover my boldness during the evening and get excited about it.He was. By the time he tore his mouth from mine and growled, “Turn around,” the skirt was already shoved halfway up to my hips.Heart pounding and need coiled in my belly, I turned, thinking he was going to take me doggy style—a thought that made me want to giggle hysterically—and I was eager for it. But when I turned around I was faced with that strange couch thing and I hesitated.It was about two feet wide and shaped kind of like a kidn
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138. What Really Matters
~ JESSE ~There was a jolt of fear in him before he locked himself down. At first I thought he’d shut off the bond, but as I began to push up, intending to get off this ridiculous couch and talk to him, he kept that hand planted between my shoulder blades and shook his head—and never dropped eye contact.‘I’m still here, I’m just…’I could feel his fear, I realized. Feel the way he wanted to squirm with the discomfort of that little honesty. It made my heart swell.“Cazz, what are your boundaries?” I murmured, wanting to reach for him, but sensing that he might actually bolt if I did.His brows pinched, and he tilted his head with a strange smile. “I'm going to bind you, and you're asking my boundaries?” “Yes.”He huffed, shaking his head. “You always find a way to surprise me, Jesse.”“Good.”He huffed again, then started to stand up. But I grabbed his hand and yanked him back down.“Don’t deflect. Answer the question.”He stared at me warily, but he didn’t fight me, and settled bac
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139. Strap In
~ JESSE ~“Cazz, what are you doing?” I gasped as pleasure and apprehension shot through me in equal measure.“Just playing, Kitten, don’t worry.”“Don’t call me Kitten.”“Noted.”He sounded frustrated, but his free hand flattened at the hollow of my back, and he leaned over me, stroking softly up and down my spine with his palm in time with the stroking he did down there.“So many miss the pleasure and sensitivity here,” he said, his voice ragged.He wasn’t wrong—the pressure of him rubbing against that stretch of skin was surprisingly electric. But there was no fucking way—“Cazz, new boundary! I’m calling stop if you try to go in the back door—that is not happening!” I pulled against the bonds, truly nervous for the first time, but Cazz chuckled, then shushed me, still stroking me slowly“Don’t worry, Jesse. We have so many journeys to take before we try that.” His breath was heavy and ragged.“You promise?” I gasped as he slid against me again and I trembled, because what he was d
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140. Come Play With Me – Part 1
~ JESSE ~ There was a moment, twenty minutes in, when I was so buried in need, so frantic for him, I almost wanted to cry. The drive within me was so strong I couldn’t think about anything else. Everything disappeared, but Cazz and the incredible sensations he was wringing from me. And he was still only teasing me, though his breathing was so harsh it rivaled the thud of the bass vibrating in the walls around us. It occurred to me as I leaned back against the bonds as Cazz passed over me again, that this feeling was why every man in my life had always been so ridiculously fixated on sex. Was this what it was like for a guy all the time? Cazz had long since unzipped my skirt and pulled it off because it kept bunching under my thighs, but I was still wearing my bra, and frustrated because it muffled the sensations of my nipples against the couch as he drew patterns on the insides of my thighs with something so soft it rivaled the furs on his bed, letting it brush against my core at
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