All Chapters of Slave to the Wolf King: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
232 Chapters
111. Commendations
 ~ CASIMIR ~  ‘Very good, Khush. You’ve pleased me.’ His large body relaxed, the compulsion keeping his mind away from the apparent contradiction in that statement.  ‘Now you’re going to please me even more.’ ‘Tell me. I’ll do it,’ he replied as my power surged in his veins and the talons of it sank into his consciousness. I felt Rake and Jesse both tense and alarmed—confused—but they would see. I took the final steps to completely close the distance between Khush a
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112. The Best Mate
 ~ CASIMIR ~  I regarded my council of Advisors for a moment, considering my options. They were all far too important for me to wash their minds clean and risk taking parts of them or limiting their capacity, so I’d only used the compulsion to keep them still and silent. And unaware of my conversation with Khush.  But now I spoke to them through the link we’d maintained, letting that thread thicken slightly to take a small, needle-like path into their minds. ‘You’ll remember nothing except that Khush was brought to me and we discussed the Reaping. I am unhappy with how he went about it, but pleased that he did not subvert me, only took the most efficient route to find the Queen.’ 
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113. Rising Queen
~ CASIMIR ~ When the whole scene had finally played out and Khush was excused, Jesse stood at my side with folded arms, smelling a little uneasy. “Rake, would you please escort the Queen back to her chambers?” I asked quietly. “Then come back here. We need to determine the best and fastest way to remove those who are a threat—” “No, Cazz, don’t!” Rake was nodding and beginning to pull at Jesse’s elbow, but she ignored him and stepped towards me. My hackles rose. I had to swallow back the urge to bark at her not to interrupt me—or contradict me in front of others when her opinion hadn’t been sought. “I will come to you as soon as we’re done here,” I t
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114. The Bond
 ~ JESSE ~ Cazz wasn’t happy, but what else was new? But then I realized, what was actually new was that I could tell he was unhappy without looking at him. He was carrying a tension and disapproval that was reaching me through the bond. Because for the first time I could remember, he was keeping the bond open. He’d held it since we started talking and he hadn’t let it go. Hadn’t shut me down. My heart beat faster. It had been thrilling—and a little bit scary—to discover that we could talk in each other’s heads. But then he opened the bond further and started letting me feel him… I didn&rs
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115. Hold On Tight
 ~ JESSE ~ “Cazz, please!” I tightened my grip on his shirt and he froze. “I don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to be away from you. I love it when we’re together,” I admitted carefully. “But… a few hours ago you did incredible things to me that made me feel for you. And then you just walked away! And you keep doing that. Every time we’re together you leave me like a bad smell.” “I am King, Jesse. It is my life to serve the pack and Ghere had found—” “That’s not what I meant and you know it!” Cazz’s jaw was tight, his eyes wary
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116. All the Ways You Were
 ~ JESSE ~ Cazz in that very first moment I’d ever seen him, walking towards me out of the dark like an apparition manifesting out of hell itself—tall, broad, so strong, and so cold… …Cazz, staring at me intently, his arctic eyes chill and his tone so full of self-satisfaction. “Kitten, I can make them do anything. I can heal—or I can stop their hearts with a word. I could, if I wished, tell you to die, right here. Right now. And you would…” …Cazz standing with his head dropped between his arms, and his hands so tight on the bar in that room off the Den, his knuckles were white. The door shuddered with another barrage
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117. Stronger You
 ~ JESSE ~ He sighed. “Perhaps not. Perhaps your heart wants something you have no words for?” “No, Cazz… I’m serious. I didn’t offer myself to you because I thought I could beat you.” “Why did you offer yourself? Truly?” “Because you were the first man I met who it seemed like could genuinely protect me from the others.” A wave of feeling came through the bond then. That shriek in him. That hollow pain that cried out to be soothed. He had already pulled
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118. Need You – Part 1
 ~ CASIMIR ~ ‘I want to watch you get stronger, and stronger and I want to watch you win. I want to be proud to be your mate,. I am proud to be your mate, Cazz—’ I’d already had her, just hours earlier. But when she spoke those words it didn’t just light a fire in my belly, it sent a bonfire through my veins. There wasn’t time to consider why, because my wolf threw itself forward as if she were prey to be devoured. I couldn’t speak. Could barely think as I descended on her, forced to take a grip on myself or I might actually have bitten her delicious tongue, I
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119. Need You – Part 2
 ~ CASIMIR ~ Jesse’s eyes were closed, but her mouth was wide, her breath tearing in and out of her extended throat. As our bodies joined again and again, she gave small, sharp cries of joy. And just when I worried I might be too rough, her hand clawed down my back to grip my ass and pull me in harder. Oh fuck. “Jesse… Jesse, say it… say it again—” “S-say what?” she gasped. I shivered, my body flinching from the embarrassment, but my heart rushing towards it. But I couldn’t say it.  ‘Open your eyes,’
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120. You Grow Me – Part 1
~ JESSE ~I just love you. I just love you and there’s nothing better than when you give yourself to me. It’s… beautiful.I hadn’t meant to say it, but it was there and it was true, and the bond was so deep and close, it just came out.I knew it was a terrible mistake the moment Cazz froze up. Desperation and fear rocketed through me and I held onto him, gripping him, one hand on his beautiful, square jaw, the other buried in his hair.“Don’t do it, Cazz, please,” I breathed, panicking. He didn’t move. His eyes were locked on mine and he stared like he was trying to see inside me.And he could. He could!
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