All Chapters of Slave to the Wolf King: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
232 Chapters
141. Come Play with Me – Part 2
~ JESSE ~There was a clunk like he had dropped something to the ground, and I turned my head instinctively to look for it, though I couldn’t see anything because of the blindfold.“Cazz, what are you—”“I’ve got you, Jess,” he growled. Then the bulk of him dropped. He slid both hands up the outsides of my calves to cup my knees and hold my legs against his ribs—because he was kneeling behind me, I realized. He pulled me back as far as the bonds would allow, and I gasped.Then there was an explosion of sensation—joy, pleasure, the jolt of that ache deep inside—as I felt him use his tongue to flick and lick and tease.Gripping the bonds to ground myself, I pulled my head up, gasping as my entire body shuddered, then tensed.‘Yes!’I couldn’t speak. I hung there, pulled tight between the cuffs on my wrists, and his grip on my legs as he devoured me. My body, which was screaming for release, surged toward orgasm, my insides tingling and tightening in ripples that grew stronger with each
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142. Come Play with Me – Part 3
~ CASIMIR ~When Jesse had stood there a moment, she turned in my arms and looked up at me with an expression I couldn’t pinpoint.Combing her hair back over her shoulder, I examined the bond, but whatever she was feeling was strange, a tangled mix of things I couldn’t quite—“Cazz,” she said quietly, reaching for me. “Please tell me whatever’s next involves you inside me. Please.” She was breathless and quiet, and utterly serious.I caught her hands again—because that wasn’t going to help me keep control. But Jesse raised her eyebrows and looked up at me, her chest rising and falling beautifully because she was still thrumming from that orgasm.“You have nothing to worry about,” I growled, pulling her around to the center of the couch, the saddle of it. “Step over, but don’t sit down,” I ordered her quickly, my heart pounding with anticipation. “I need you standing.”There was a jolt through the bond—her body responding to my declaration of needing her. Our eyes caught for a moment,
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143. Come Play with Me – Part 4
~ CASIMIR ~When I nipped her neck, she gave a shrieking little laugh that made my cock twitch because it reminded me of when she’d come and my name had been echoing in those same corners just minutes earlier.But neither of us was laughing seconds later when I ran both hands up her sides, then over her bra, cupping and kneading her as I began rubbing my cock along her.I’d meant it as a tease, but I was so hard, so full, so needy, soon we were both groaning as I slid my hands back down to grip her hips and guided her over my length again and again.At some point she tried to step back, but the bindings stopped her and she almost overbalanced on me. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and kept rubbing, pressing, gliding, my breath hissing between my teeth.“Ready, Jesse?” I muttered as I watched myself slide between her thighs and my body demanded more.“For what?” she whispered.“For me,” I growled.“I’m always ready for you, Cazz,” she sighed.God, she was perfect. With quick, whis
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144. Come Play with Me – Part 5
~ CASIMIR ~Jesse was leaning forward, onto the rise of the couch. My entire body responded to the sight of her and I had to take a breath, stroking her back, to gather my control. When I was certain I wouldn’t cave to the drive to take her, I dragged my hands up her back and reached for her bra straps, curling fingers under them at the back and running the backs of my fingers slowly up her skin until I was under them at the peak of her shoulders. Then I dragged them down until they sagged on her upper arms.She rippled into my touch and I smiled, breathing heavily as I slipped my silk-gloved hand around her chest and slid my fingers under the underwire of the bra to knead one breast, then tease her nipple between my thumb and forefinger, using the other hand firmly on her shoulder to keep her tight in my lap as I picked up the pace a touch.Watching her body ripple, feeling her tighten on me, hearing her little cries was intoxicating… I was beginning to sweat.I’d planned to play mo
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145. Evidence
~ JESSE ~I felt Cazz shudder and for a moment I thought it was just pure passion. But something in the bond went cold and my entire body tensed.‘Cazz?’ I asked through the bond as I reached back for him, putting my hands on his thighs and squeezing to try and get his attention. He was clinging to my stomach, his face buried in the back of my neck, but he wasn’t moving. Wasn’t even breathing.‘Cazz? What’s wrong?’ When he didn’t answer even in the bond, I grew truly worried and dug my nails into his thighs to try and snap him out of whatever trance he was in.His body was steel behind me, trembling.Then there was a strange sucking noise, and I realized he was struggling to breathe.“Cazz!” I leaned down, fighting against the way he gripped me around the stomach to reach my ankles and unbuckle those cuffs with trembling fingers. “Cazz, what’s wrong? What happened?” I hushed as I got myself free, then started to stand up, to turn around—I needed to see him!But as I started to rise he
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146. Proof
~ CASIMIR ~I strode along the tunnels of the Palace draped in black from head to toe, wearing one of the long, black tunics that buttoned up the front that I was partial to when I was nineteen.Nineteen.Still a child by human standards, but finally coming into my own as a wolf.I was walking quickly, my body humming with anticipation, because I thought I was in love. But my apprehension that someone might smell it on me was actually helpful, coating my scent in tension and wariness.It was becoming harder and harder to hide my true feelings from my father. I did my best every time I was near him not to think of her, unless it was to replay our sexual exploits in my mind.Daddy dearest didn’t give two shits who I fucked.But love?Worse, considering her as a mate?I shook my head and kept walking, hands clenched at my sides, praying I wouldn’t see anyone important before I reached our meeting place. But thoughts of my father kept crowding in, reminding me of that female he’d caught m
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147. Betrayed – Part 1
~ CASIMIR ~I was frozen just inside the door, gaping like a puppy witnessing their first mating.Cuan’s eyes caught mine and he grinned, then pumped hard into her again, tearing a small cry from her throat as she opened her eyes and they went wide…She froze too… then she smiled uncertainly.And I couldn’t fathom it, because I loved her. I thought I did. I thought I had.But everything about her screamed her arousal.Her eyes were clear and her emotion real—she wasn’t compelled.She wasn’t being forced. She wasn’t being attacked.She was being fucked.By my brother.And she liked it.She and I stared at each other for an endless moment, then she gave me a wary smile. “Cazz—”She said my informal name like she still had a right to.“—Cuan told me about how you two share…”Share? He told her we share?Cuan had never shared anything more than genetics with me since my birth. He had sensed before I had that I was the greatest threat to his birthright, and though we’d worked together to p
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148. Betrayed – Part 2
~ CASIMIR ~“Please, Cazz, I needed your help!” she croaked, desperate and terrified, but now gaining hope, because she’d seen me hesitate. She put her hands down on the carpet and started inching towards me, her body still naked and flushed from fucking my brother.“He hurt you?” I asked carefully, doing everything I could not to let her see that I knew she was lying.A volcano of rage was rumbling in my chest, threatening to erupt.“Yesss!” she hissed. “He said… he said if I didn’t do it he’d kill me! I just prayed you’d forgive me!” Her voice was a thin rasp, barely a whisper. She crawled towards me, keeping her head and shoulders lower than her plump ass that I had bitten more than once, and cupped, and squeezed, and wondered if it tasted like her shoulder and whether I’d claim her after we were mated.My body shuddered as the cold wind of betrayal punched, sliding a frozen knife between my ribs.“Why did it have to be him?”It was the question I should have asked him before I sto
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149. The Horror
~ CASIMIR ~At first when she went still and I took the first step back into an entirely new life, fury was still my fuel. My hands shook, but my bones thrummed with power and adrenaline and sheer thrill.I could barely breathe. Yet my body had never felt stronger.I took another step back, then another, taking in the carnage of the room… inhaling the scent of blood.Two bodies.My brother.My love—no, the female who had betrayed me.Both of them, I reminded myself. They were both traitors. Both self-serving, two-faced liars.There was a flash in my head of Sheba curled up in my bed, her head on my shoulder, laughing at something I had said, her hand stroking my chest—I staggered back two more steps as the world began to spin.My father’s voice became a hurricane in my head as I watched the female I had started to think I would mate bleed out on the floor.“…they will use you. They will deceive you. Smile to your face, then bare their fangs behind your back. They will take everything
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150. Just Keep Moving
~ JESSE ~We were now sitting on the normal couch that squatted against the wall of the room. I’d led him to it when he started shaking in the middle of that story. It was wide and flat and he was a lot less likely to fall off of it when he swayed. He hadn’t even stopped talking, his eyes darting left and right as if he wasn’t seeing this room at all, but the events he was describing.When he sat down, He bent forward, elbows on his knees, head hanging from his shoulders and buried his face in his hands.But he didn’t stop.When he first started speaking there was a pinch of jealousy in my chest because he smiled when he remembered caring about her, hiding her from his father. The hope… I’d never seen him hope before, and I ached for it.But I wept for him when he described the moment he discovered them together.I sobbed when his voice cracked as he tonelessly described shifting and killing his brother.And when he talked about confronting, and ultimately killing her… I could barely
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