All Chapters of Bestie's Alpha Brother: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
235 Chapters
Chapter 0221
ChrisI stood in front of the window in my office; it was dark enough outside by now to see my reflection staring back at me in the glass. I still hadn’t rested all day, and I had no plans to sleep anytime soon.With a sigh, I adjusted a stray lock of hair that kept falling down into my forehead. Wh
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Chapter 0222
AvaOphelia let out a satisfied sigh and leaned back in her chair, patting her full belly.“Ah… That was delicious,” she said, shutting her eyes happily. “I swear, the food here is so much better.”Leonard and I exchanged amused glances from across the kitchen table. “The food here is very rich in v
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Chapter 0223
Ava“Chris, are you… drunk?”Chris took a stumbling step forward, the bottle of brandy sloshing dark, sticky liquid all over his shoes. He narrowed his eyes at me and took another swig. “What does it look like?” he ground out through clenched teeth, his words slurred.I stood there for a moment, gap
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Chapter 0224
And we, too, were crashing.The next moment I knew, Chris had lost his balance and tumbled to the grass with me in his arms—but we didn’t pull away from our searing kiss. If anything, it only grew more fervent, our movements frenzied as we began to tear at each other’s clothes.“I love you,” I murmu
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Chapter 0225
AvaThe next morning, Chris and I headed straight to the clinic, the small plastic baggie containing the mysterious white powder clutched tightly in Chris’s hand. We didn’t waste a single moment; as soon as the clinic opened, we were headed out, barely even having slept all night.“What do you think
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Chapter 0226
AvaAmelia came jogging up to us, her red hair bouncing with each step, just as Chris was about to hand me the rose. He quickly dropped it back to his side and whirled around to face her.“Alpha Chris!” she called out breathlessly. “It’s so good to see you.”Before either of us could react, she sudd
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Chapter 0227
Chris studied me for a moment, his jaw working silently, before letting out a resigned sigh and nodding. “Alright, alright. I’ll play nice for now.” He shot me a sidelong glance, the faintest hint of a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. “But I’ll be coming over later to raid your wine cellar
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Chapter 0228
Chris“Chris, tonight was lovely,” Amelia sighed, gazing up at me with those big doe eyes of hers as we wandered back to the Packhouse. “Just you and me… a candlelit dinner, the finest cuisine.” A shiver rippled through her petite frame. “Really, Chris. Thank you for this.”I forced a tight smile, s
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Chapter 0229
“Are those your parents?” she asked, pointing up at the man and woman in the painting.I nodded wistfully as I followed her gaze. The portrait of my late parents had always been my favorite—my father looked particularly healthy with his hair coiffed and his mustache curled up at the ends, and my mot
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Chapter 0230
AvaThe sound of pounding on the front door reverberated through my aching skull, each vibration sending fresh stabs of pain coursing through my temples. I groaned softly, blinking my bleary eyes in a futile attempt to force away the hazy fog that was clouding my mind.What… What had happened?Slugg
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