All Chapters of Pregnant And Rejected Omega: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
101 Chapters
Her Wish
HarlynI glanced up, catching a glimpse of an unusual glow in Stefan’s eyes, which had me curious. I intended to get closer to him for a better look, but before I could, he swiftly excused himself and vanished from the room. Yet, I was sure of what I saw.It reminded me of the radiant hues that dance in the triplets’ eyes when their emotions surge beyond control. This particular glow was unfamiliar to me until I witnessed it as the pups got older: Stefan mirroring Isaac’s fiery red. Thorin’s eyes are an icy blue, and Lotta’s golden yellow. But why did Stefan share this trait with them?This weird similarity begged the question: what did it mean? I had never seen anything like it before, and even Wayne was baffled. Despite our efforts to understand the pups’ unique characteristics, we remained clueless.The lack of answers left me uneasy, prompting a troubling thought. Is Stefan the one with answers about why their eyes are different? As much as I didn’t want to speak to him, he must k
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Wolf Actions
StefanEvery fibre of my being screams at me to flee the manor and distance myself from Harlyn. I'm meant to be marrying Diandra and the longer I am around Harlyn, the more I want her.Yet, Ghost is against my wishes, every since that conversation with Samuel, I've been searching relentlessly for Harlyn. I've searched most of the rooms within the manor and she isn't there.It's not my choice to find her, mind you. I would rather avoid Harlyn right now until my mind is in a settled play. Ghost, my not-so-loyal wolf, is set to speak to her. Him, not me, not that he can, as she doesn't have a wolf. With his annoying strength, he pushes me on this quest to find her and speak to her. I've no idea what Ghost is wanting to accomplish by speaking to her.Well, by me speaking to her, as he can't. Still, he seems convinced she has answers, but he won't tell me what answers.I feel like something is hidden, and Ghost feels it as well. We both feel another connection to Halryn and not the bond an
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The Eyes
HarlynStefan stands before me, and I can sense I am annoying him. I feel angry at him, though, and I'm not entirely sure why, so rather than ignoring it, I use it and taunt him.“Yes, that; now you can stop playing dumb and acting like you have no memory of it,” he snaps, and I almost laugh.“I wasn’t playing dumb, Your Majesty. I honestly forgot about it.” Pausing, I smile at him. “Isn’t that what you wanted? This wretch to forget about you and leave you alone?” I watch as his eyes widen at my words.He was expecting a weak, pathetic Harlyn. Sure, I can’t just walk away and dismiss him, but I can undoubtedly use words to taunt him. Hate builds within me, and it's an unusual feeling. Something I can't squash.“Is that all, Your Majesty? I must see the Princess,” I say before turning to leave.His hand snaps out and grabs mine. Again? That is twice in one day he’s touched me.“No, you’re not going anywhere,” his voice echoes, commanding my attention again.I meet his gaze, and there i
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Her Plea
Harlyn My heart pounded erratically as I relaxed into the kiss for a brief second. Stefan’s kiss soothed my mind, and it quickly dissolved into a seething anger that ignited within me like wildfire. Without hesitation, I pushed him away with a force fueled by betrayal and hurt. Before I could comprehend the gravity of my actions, my hand swung instinctively, delivering a punch that landed squarely on his jaw. A shocked gasp escaped my lips as I recoiled, my eyes widening in disbelief. I had just punched the king—a reckless act of defiance. “You’re the king! You’re engaged to marry a princess, and you kiss me?” I spat the words out, my voice trembling with fury and disbelief. “This is over, Stefan! Stay away from me.” Turning on my heel, I stormed away, my steps fueled by anger and fear. I couldn't bear to face him and whatever punishment and confrontation would come from my impulsive outburst. I've no idea where that anger came from. I certainly don't want to give him the satisfa
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His Call
HarlynHolding the phone to my ear, I felt a rush of warmth flood me as Wayne’s voice filled the line.“Wayne,” I greeted him, unable to suppress the smile that tugged at my lips.“Harlyn, how are you doing, my Luna? I hope you’re not getting bullied.” I can hear the worry in his tone.“No, I am not getting bullied. Things are well,” I assured him. The internal struggles I have threaten to betray my words. I can't have him worrying about me, not when he has his own pack to lead and protect.“Are you sure? You sound defeated, my love,” he says.“I promise. I think I am just getting worn out from the long day,” I admit. My heart aches at the thought of him worrying for me. Especially when he is so far away, and I can't reassure him except with words.There was a pause on the other end of the line.“Wayne, is everything okay? You are unusually quiet,” I ask, my concern mounting with each passing second. He's too quiet, and I don't like that.“I miss you, Harlyn. I don’t know if I can stay
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StefanI lose myself in the kiss, and while I want to damn Ghost to hell for this, I can’t because it’s her. Something inside of me is screaming that it was Harlyn that night.Her mouth feels exactly the same, she tastes the same, and I swear the small moan that escaped her mouth instantly sounded like that night.My body is pushed back slightly, and her eyes are on fire with rage. Her hand swings, and for some reason, I don’t try to move out of the way.As the sting of her punch flows through my jaw, I stand there, stunned, caught in the emotions that sweep over me like a storm.Harlyn—no, it couldn’t be her. But the familiarity of her touch and the taste of her lips ignite a primal instinct within me that defies all logic and reason.Her eyes blaze with fiery rage, yet beneath the anger, I glimpse a flicker of fear—a fear of the repercussions of hitting the king. At that moment, I couldn’t blame her for hitting me. I had overstepped my bounds and crossed a line that should never hav
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StefanI stand by the table and look at the Earl.“What do you propose?” I ask, knowing that he will have some suggestions.I watch as he rolls out the maps. “The wedding is tomorrow, and it’s too late for us to go now. This is where they got through; currently, the soldiers on the second defence wall are holding up,” he explains.“So we send more soldiers to ensure no one else can get through,” I suggest, and he nods in agreement.“The plan is to ensure the soldiers are there and stop them from breaking through the second defence. After the wedding, our top soldiers and I go and push them back out of the kingdom.” He explains the plan while marking out the areas on the map.“Send reinforcements to the west,” I order, and he looks at me in confusion. “When we send more soldiers there, they will think we took them from another point, so reinforce the next closest one.”I watch as he nods in agreement. “Good plan. I will get it sorted. The soldiers can easily hold off the rogues until af
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HarlynAfter getting to my room last night, I inspected the damage to my ankle. Princess Diandra had kicked me with her heel, and the pain is still there now. I couldn't go to the med ward and ask for help.It's another thing my father would blame me for. So instead, I've wrapped my ankle, and I'm hoping no one notices it.As I stand beside Lucy, her nerves are visible. I can’t help but try to ease her worry. My and finds hers, offering silent reassurance.“Do I look okay?” Her voice trembles with uncertainty as she steals a glance at me.“You look astounding! Truly amazing, Your Highness,” I reply, offering her a warm smile. The dress is truly breathtaking.“I’m so scared,” she confesses, and I nod. I can understand her worry. Most people are scared on the day they marry.“Don’t be. You’re marrying a man who loves you. He’s waiting for you,” I assure her.“He loves me?” Her words come out almost as a desperate plea.“Yes! I spoke to him this morning, and it was abundantly clear,” I c
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Verbal Abuse
HarlynThorin has gone to dance with my mother, and now Lotta is dancing with me. The atmosphere is alive with joy and celebration. I’m even more delighted because my father and Stefan are nowhere near me. They haven’t been present at any part of the wedding since after the ceremony.“Harlyn.” I turn, hearing Samuel’s voice, and my arms instinctively wrap around him in a tight embrace. I’m so glad I got to watch him marry.“I’m guessing Thorin told you about the plan?” He asks, waiting for my reply.“He did. We’re going to the palace for the night?” I ask, seeking confirmation.Samuel nods. “Yes, but not tonight. Things are still going well at the wall. The rogues aren’t getting through, so we’re not leaving until tomorrow.”I relax at his words; it gives me time to prepare for everyone’s inevitable questions when they realise the pups are mine. Right now, amidst the festivities, no one seems to suspect.“So tomorrow?” I inquire.“Yes, it just felt wrong to leave tonight, even if the
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StefanI slip away through the solid oak door, which provides a welcome barrier between myself and the clamour of the wedding festivities. Despite having fulfilled my familial obligations, mingled with guests, and congratulated my sister and Samuel, I am expected to stay longer, but I mentally can’t cope with staying longer.The noise of over three hundred voices compacted in the grand halls assaults my senses. I find myself trapped by a single thought: Jacub’s intentions. What is his plan? Perhaps my Father’s idea was correct, and there was no plan, or it faltered before it could happen. The absence of repercussions in the eight years leaves me with more questions than answers.Yet, one name persists in occupying my thoughts like an uninvited guest: Harlyn. She lingers in my consciousness despite my attempts to divert my attention elsewhere.She annoyed me during the ceremony, and although she did nothing herself, I blamed her; it was entirely my fault.Asshole.Ghost is correct. I a
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