All Chapters of The Billionaire CEO'S Fake Fiancée : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
126 Chapters
Kylian's POVShe shrugged. “I’m not used to big family gatherings.”I nodded, reading the expression on her face and wondered if she was lying. I glanced over at Kieran and caught him watching us. I narrowed my gaze at him, silently telling him to back off. I felt like I was sitting and eating dinner with the enemy. Yvonne was trying like hell to pretend Kieran wasn’t there, which was odd. If they were friends, why wouldn’t she at least acknowledge him. It made me think they were trying to hide something. She thought she was fooling me by not talking to him at all.Midway through dinner, I heard a vibrating noise and realized it was coming from Yvonne’s purse under the table.“You didn’t silence your phone?” I hissed.“Sorry, I forgot it was on,” she said, her face turning red as all conversation stopped.She reached for her purse, pulled out the phone, and looked at the screen.“What is it?” I asked.“I have to take this,” she said, excusing herself and leaving the room. My eyes imme
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Yvonne's POVNow that the day had arrived, I was feeling the nerves. I was getting married to the handsomest man in the world. It wasn’t exactly the fairy tale little girls dreamed of, but it was my fairy tale. It wasn’t perfect. I wouldn’t want it to be. I liked the idea of having to work to make something great. Our relationship had started off on the wrong foot, but it had evolved into where we are today.I looked up at the high ceiling of the rented bedroom I was sleeping in. Kylian had rented the mansion, where the wedding would be held, for me and Cynthia to stay in the night before the wedding. The rehearsal dinner had been held in the formal dining room of the place last night. Everything had been so lovely. His family had welcomed me with open arms, something I hadn’t truly been expecting.I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, pushing the button to turn on the screen and saw a text message from Kylian.Happy wedding day.I smiled as I read it. It was simple
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Kylian's POVIt was hard to believe the day had finally arrived. I had played my cards correctly and got Yvonne right where I needed her to be—prepping to be my wife. It had been dicey there for a week or two when I wasn’t sure I could repair the damage, but now here we were. We were going to be married in front of two hundred people and get me one step closer to having what I wanted.I loved the idea of the marriage essentially tying her to me. She wouldn’t be able to run to Kieran. If she did, it wouldn’t matter. She could have the younger, lesser brother who wouldn’t hold the family inheritance.The car dropped me and my best man, Desmond, off at the entrance to the east wing. Yvonne had the rooms on the opposite end of the monstrous mansion. I had opted to stay home last night, not trusting myself to be in the same house as her. I was horny as hell and this little agreement not to have sex until the wedding was making me crazy. That little paranoid part of me kept telling me her s
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Kylian's POVHe was staring at me. “You can say you don’t have feelings for her, but I know you do. You don’t want to hurt her.”“Of course, I don’t, but if she’s doing something behind my back to hurt me financially or personally, I can’t worry about whether or not she gets hurt. She put herself in the position, not me. When she chose to collude with my brother, she decided I didn’t matter.”“I don’t want to piss you off, especially on your wedding day, but you have to consider the alternative,” he said.“What alternative?”“She could be exactly who she says she is. Your brother has told you he isn’t interested in stealing your birthright, and she’s told you she isn’t talking to Kieran. Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to at least listen to what they are saying?”I scowled at him. “I owe it to myself not to get taken for a fool.” “That’s your pride talking. You’re going to ruin this relationship if youlet that giant ego of yours get in the way. Listen to reason. You sound like
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Yvonne's POV“I feel like a queen or a princess,” I said in awe as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.“This is your special day. I don’t care what circumstances brought you to this point, but it is special and I’m so glad I get to be a part of it. You are going to remember this day for the rest of your life,” Cynthia said, handing me a tissue to dab away the tears threatening to fall down my face.“Thank you. I can’t believe it’s actually happening. When he first proposed the deal, I was expecting some simple ceremony in front of a judge with only the two of us present. When he started talking about an actual wedding, I’ll admit, it all felt too fairy tale like for me to believe. It has been a whirlwind.”She laughed. “You planned a wedding in six weeks that would take normal people at least a year to do.”“I didn’t do this. I have to give credit to that wedding planner. She’s a little overbearing, but she makes things happen.”Cynthia nodded. “Yes she does, and speaking of the
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Yvonne's POVKylian took the order very seriously and passionately kissed me in front of everyone. When we turned to face the crowd, I could feel a blush staining my cheeks. It was a combination of embarrassment and desire set aflame by my husband. My husband. I couldn’t believe he was my husband. I wanted to do a happy dance and squeal with excitement.“Walk ahead of me,” he whispered in my ear.I giggled, knowing exactly what he was asking. I took a few steps in front of him, giving him the view he was after, before he joined me and held my hand as we walked down the aisle together as husband and wife. I was beyond happy. I couldn’t stop smiling. My face hurt from smiling so much and so big. Everything felt so right.“In here,” he whispered, pulling me into a quiet sitting room.We were given fifteen minutes alone to talk and just get our bearings before we had to go into the reception. I walked in and set down my bouquet on the table. It was a surreal moment to realize I was a marr
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Kylian's POVI had danced, dined, and mingled about as much as any one man could. I had shaken so many hands and had told what felt like a million people that I was glad they could come. I was exhausted. I could not afford to be exhausted on my wedding night. I scanned the crowd, looking for my bride. My brother Kyle was openly flirting with a young blonde at the bar. I shook my head. He would find a woman in a convent willing to sleep with him; it was the dimples. Kairi was skulking in the corner, staring at the remaining guests as if they were criminals. In a tux, all his tats were covered, and he looked like a real Litt man. The moment the tux came off, everyone would know he was the rebellious one in the family.My eyes went back to Yvonne who was smiling and nodding as she chatted. I knew she was probably tired. She’d not sat down at all during the entire reception. I was ready to leave. Yvonne’s body in that gown was making me hard and horny. I had to get her naked. I wanted to
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Kylian's POVI had a feeling she was a little disappointed by that information. I would take her somewhere tropical soon. For now, I couldn’t afford to be away from my company and leave Kieran in charge during my absence. For all I knew, that could be their plan to get me out of the way.She giggled softly. “You said it was a surprise. We’re going back to your place tonight, right?”I slowly shook my head, staring her directly in the eyes. “Nope. I’ve got us a suite at the Four Seasons.”“What? Really? A suite for a staycation? I’m not complaining but that seems so—lavish.”I shrugged. “It’s our honeymoon. You deserve lavish. Once things settle down with the company, we can take an extended honeymoon somewhere warm. You can wear nothing but a bikini all day.”She laughed. “Um, if I’m pregnant, I don’t know if a bikini would be all that attractive.”“On you it would be. I can’t wait to see your belly swollen with my son growing inside,” I said, putting my hand on her flat stomach.She
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Yvonne's POVIt was almost two when the limo finally pulled to a stop in front of the hotel. I wasn’t sure I could walk after what he’d just done to my body. I picked up my thong and realized I had no purse and no pockets. I stuffed the scrap of fabric inside his tux pocket while he lazily smiled at me.“I doubt that would be the first pair of panties they found in the back of a limo,” he quipped.“Well it would be the first pair of my panties,” I said in a righteous tone. He laughed as the door swung open. The driver appeared and helped me to crawl out of the car. I was thankful for the man’s assistance. I waited for Kylian to tip the driver before he escorted me inside. He pulled out the card key as we walked to the elevators. His little treat in the car had barely taken the edge off. I was ready for a night of debauchery with my husband.Neither of us talked as the elevator silently climbed each floor. When the doors slid open, it was a different matter entirely. I couldn’t take my
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Yvonne's POVI lay down on the table, my legs spread wide as he stood between them, his fingers sliding in and out of my body while one hand sprawled across my stomach. His free hand slid lower, shocking me. I had no idea what he would do next. Three fingers pushed deep, nearly bringing me to climax as he stretched my pussy once again. The pad of the thumb on his free hand pressed against the hard nub above where his fingers were inside me.I screamed at the sheer pleasure it brought as he rubbed and probed at the same time. My body bucked upward, sending his fingers deeper inside me as I thrashed on the table with such intense pleasure I felt like I was shattering into a million pieces. My open hand slapped against the surface of the table, my other hand grabbing my own breast and pinching the nipple, sending me into complete oblivion.“Now you get it,” he said, pulling his fingers out, gently stroking my swollen pussy, pulling little shockwaves from my body.I wanted to cry from the
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