All Chapters of The Billionaire CEO'S Fake Fiancée : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
126 Chapters
Kylian's POVI woke far earlier than I had wanted to. My eyes were gritty from lack of sleep and my arm was tingling with numbness from where Yvonne’s head lay against it. I managed to pull it out from under her head without waking her. She would probably sleep for a while after the day and then the long night.I got up and climbed out of the bed, turning to look back at her, watching her comfortably sleep as if she hadn’t a care in the world. She was beautiful even in sleep. Her hair was poking out in a hundred different ways from where it had been clipped up into a twisted bun thing on her head. I had no idea how many pins were holding it up and didn’t envy the thought of her having to take it down. I could smell the hairspray on my arm from where her head had been resting all night. That thing was better than any hard hat.The more I looked at her, the more confused I got. I couldn’t stop the feelings that were bubbling to the surface. Seeing her walking down that aisle yesterday h
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Kylian's POVI had finally gotten a rise out of him. He was giving me the fight I had been itching for. “I’m not a drama queen and you did steal that go-kart right out from under my nose. That situation is exactly like this one. You said you didn’t want it and then you turned around and went running to Dad. He bought it for you. There was no way he was going to buy a second one for me.”He laughed. “Are you comparing Yvonne to a go-kart? That’s exactly my point, you are as deep as a shallow puddle. You have no depth. You are incapable of loving another human. To love, you have to trust. To trust, you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable, and we all know the great Kylian Litt would never let himself be vulnerable.”“Just tell me what the two of you are up to,” I hissed, wishing he was standing in front of me so I could take a swing at him.“Absolutely. Fucking. Nothing. You’re a dolt. An idiot. A complete moron. I cannot believe we are related. Mom must have dropped you on your head
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Yvonne's POVMy heart felt like it had been shattered. I had let myself believe there was something special happening between us. He’d been playing me. I couldn’t believe I had fallen for it … again. He had gotten me to the hotel and now I was stuck. I was pretty sure that had been his plan all along. I didn’t even have my damn phone or ID. I had no credit cards—nothing.“Asshole,” I muttered.I looked at the phone sitting on the hotel bedside table. I wasn’t even sure if I remembered Cynthia’s phone number. I was going to have to walk out of the hotel in either my sheet or my wedding gown. Neither was very appealing.“Yvonne, can we talk?” Kylian said from the other side of the door.“Go away.”“No.”I stomped toward the door and pulled it open. “Give me your phone.” “What? Why?”“Because I’m hoping like hell you have Cynthia’s number in there,” I growled.“I don’t,” he said in a quiet voice.“Of course not,” I grumbled and slammed the door shut.I stalked back to the bed. My dress w
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Yvonne's POV“Yvonne, you have to understand, I know my brother a lot better than you do. I blame him, but if you were a willing party in all this, I want to know,” he said, stepping toward me.“In this? Do you know how crazy you sound? There is no this! There is no one plotting to overthrow you. There isn’t a coup. Whatever you think is happening is all in your head,” I told him.“We have—”I cut him off. “No, we have nothing. You can have my job. I don’t care. I will not spend another minute with you. You are not worthy of my time or attention, and you are certainly not worthy of my love. I can’t believe I was so stupid to think you actually felt something for me. It’s impossible for you to love anyone. You are so worried someone is out to get you, you keep everyone away. What a sad, miserable life you must have.”“I know you want your job. You’re pissed, I get that, but you’ll get over it. You’ll soon realize you want your job and your company, and you’ll
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Kylian's POVI was in a worse mood than I had been yesterday. I blamed Kieran for it all. My wife had stormed out on me and refused to take my calls. I went to her apartment and she didn’t answer the door. I called her at the office and was told she wasn’t in. I, as usual, didn’t believe the excuse and went to the office to see for myself. She wasn’t there. She hadn’t gone in and Cynthia was mysteriously absent as well. Yvonne was following through with what she said. She wasn’t coming back to the company. Every time my cell phone rang, I expected it to be my lawyer telling me Yvonne had started the proceedings for an annulment. So far, it had been crickets.I couldn’t stop thinking Kieran had somehow put her up to everything. He was the one who had caused all this. I was going to make him pay. I’d nearly fired three people at work today, which told me I needed to do something to get my head straight. I couldn’t go on like this. I was about ready to eat a human. My job requi
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Kylian's POVI didn’t get a chance to swing again. He was fast. He swung back, his own fist connecting with the right side of my jaw. I was blinded by the pain for a few seconds before I managed to swing again.“You fucking dick!” Kieran roared, shoving his entire body against me, knocking me into a small table, sending glass flying.I bounced back, pushing against his chest and sending him flying backward before I lunged. He managed to hit me again before I could block his blows and hit him back. He dropped his shoulder in a football stance, driving me backward across the room until I fell over the back of a chair, my feet going over my head as I rolled backward.“Piece of shit,” I roared, finding my footing and racing toward him, ready to attack.I didn’t get the chance. Kenyon grabbed me around my waist, throwing me back several feet while Kyle grabbed Kieran. We were both breathing heavy as we faced off from across the room. I could feel blood dripping d
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Yvonne's POVI felt like a prisoner when I was the one who was the victim. There was no safe place for me to be. I was trapped inside Cynthia’s apartment and was too afraid to leave. Beyond the safety of her walls was the real world. I didn’t like it out there. It was a cruel place. I wasn’t ready to deal with it just yet. Hell, I didn’t know if I would ever be ready.I couldn’t go home. I knew Kylian was looking for me. He would try and convince me to stick with the plan. He’d apologize and do something that wore down the last bit of my defenses, and I would find myself right back in his bed. The man was slick. Worse than the best smooth politician. He would convince me his way was the best and like a dumbass, I would nod my head like a good little puppy and follow him back into his web of lies and deceit. I had managed to escape once and got pulled back in. I couldn’t make the same mistake this time around. It would only end up far worse.I had been dodging his calls a
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Kylian's POVMy apartment would never feel the same again. Before, it had been my refuge. It was the one place I could be and not feel like I had to pretend to be anyone else. I could kick back and relax in a pair of shorts and watch a game on TV. I didn’t have to be the stalwart businessman who never expressed emotion and always wore an expensive suit. I got to be the real Kylian Litt when I was at home.At least I used to be. The apartment didn’t feel like home anymore. It wasn’t the place where I could unwind and escape the demands of being the CEO of one of the biggest and most successful companies in the country. There were too many reminders of Yvonne. Hell, even her overnight bag was still sitting in my room, right where she had left it in preparation for our wedding night.I had been tempted on several occasions to open the bag. I wanted to feel close to her and touching her things was one way to do that. I knew she was at Cynthia’s house and I knew the addr
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Kylian's POV"Make sure the jet is fueled and find a flight attendant. I’ll pay triple their normal fee for the short notice.”“Uh, sir, I don’t know if it can be ready in two hours.”I was not in the mood. “It can be, and it will be. Have my jet ready and a pilot waiting for me in two hours. I’m leaving.”“Yes, sir. I’ll do what I can.”There was a long pause before he hung up to do my bidding. The guy was good, it was why I hired him and why I paid him so well. He would move heaven and earth to do what I asked. I smiled, feeling better about life already. I had taken the first step to making all of this go away. I needed purpose and leaving had given me that purpose. I headed for my bedroom, pulled my suitcase from my walk-in closet, and stared at the rows of suits neatly hung in rows by color. I shook my head. I wouldn’t need suits for where I was going. I wasn’t sure I would ever put on another suit again.I strolled to the back of the closet where I
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Kylian's POVIt had been six weeks since I had seen or talked to Yvonne. She’s left her job for good as far as I could tell. She hadn’t officially resigned, but I didn’t expect her to. She just never showed up. I had quit asking Cynthia about her. There was no point. I had waited a month before I appointed a new CEO. I hadn’t wanted to do it, but I couldn’t leave the company without a leader for much longer.I was a little surprised by Yvonne’s commitment to being pissed at me. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I had figured she would get over it and want to talk. She’d call me and say she wanted her job—her company—and could we talk about how that would work. I would tell her she could keep her company and we could stick to our original deal. It never happened.Six weeks was a really long time to be pissed. It wasn’t until that morning I had the stark realization she wasn’t getting over it, which was why I was leaving the country again. I was going to stay gone a l
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