All Chapters of MY BILLIONAIRE BABY DADDY WANTS ME BACK : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Chloe's POVI stormed out of Nova Designs, tears streaming down my face. Humiliated. Betrayed. How could Lucas treat me this way? Over some nobody like Claire? My vision blurred as I stumbled into the backseat of the car waiting for me. "Home, now," I choked out to the driver, not even bothering to wipe my eyes. Let him see my pain. Let the whole damn world know.The ride passed in a daze, the city lights smearing together through my tears. Before I knew it, we pulled up to the sprawling mansion I called home. I practically fell out of the car, my heels wobbling on the cobblestone drive.Somehow, I made it inside, the heavy door slamming shut behind me with a resounding thud. And there in the grand foyer stood Grandpa, his weathered face etched with concern."Chloe, darling, what's wrong?" He rushed over, age-spotted hands reaching for my shoulders. "You're crying..."A fresh wave of sobs wracked my body. I collapsed into his arms, burying my face against his suited chest. "Oh Grand
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Lucas's POVThe instant Chloe fled, I pulled Claire into my arms, holding her like she was the most precious thing in the world. In that moment, she was. My heart pounded as I breathed in her sweet scent, relishing the warmth of her body against mine."I'm so sorry, Claire," I murmured into her hair. "I promise, I won't let anything like this happen again. No one will ever take you away from me."She trembled slightly in my embrace, and I tightened my hold, willing her to feel safe and cherished. To know that I would move heaven and earth to protect her.We stood there, lost in each other, the rest of Nova Designs fading away. It was like we were the only two people in the world. Nothing else mattered but the feel of Claire in my arms."Ma'am?" A hesitant voice shattered the spell. "You have a call..."Claire and I sprang apart as if scalded. My face heated as I took in the wide eyes of Claire's assistant, Anna. Along with the curious stares of the other employees."It's the manager f
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Claire's POVMy heart raced as Lucas pulled me close, his words washing over me like a soothing balm. "I promise, I won't let anything like this happen again. No one will ever take you away from me."I melted into his embrace, letting his strength steady me. In that perfect moment, I almost believed everything would be alright. That we could weather any storm, as long as we had each other.Reality intruded all too soon in the form of my assistant, Anna. "Ma'am? You have a call..."Lucas and I jumped apart, heat flooding my cheeks as I felt the curious eyes of my staff on us. I smoothed my skirt with shaking hands, trying to regain some semblance of professionalism. After a few more awkward exchanges and lingering looks, Lucas and I retreated to my office. The click of the door shutting behind us sounded loud in the charged silence."So," I began, busying myself with straightening files on my desk. "When would you like me to start on your design?" Lucas's fingers caught my chin, gent
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Lucas's POVI walked into my house, my mind still filled with thoughts of Claire. Her smile, her laugh, the way she felt in my arms. God, I missed her already and it had only been an hour since I left her office. My fingers itched to call her, just to hear her voice again.I pulled out my phone, ready to dial, when a sharp voice cut through the quiet. "And what the hell did you do to Chloe?"I nearly jumped out of my skin, whirling to find my mother perched on the couch, arms crossed and eyes cold. "Jesus, Mom! You scared me."She stood, mouth pinched tight. "Answer the question, Lucas. What did you do?"I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Look, Chloe needs to accept that she and I were never going to work. We're just not right for each other."Mom's face reddened. "How dare you say that? Have you lost your mind?"Frustration filled me, hot and sharp. I was so tired of this same old argument. "Enough, Mom. I'm not marrying Chloe and that's final. The sooner you accept that, the
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Lucas's POV I couldn't stop grinning like a fool after I hung up with Claire. My cheeks ached from smiling so hard but I didn't care. I felt like I'd just won the lottery, my whole body buzzing with excitement and anticipation.I tossed my phone on the bed, already thinking about our dinner plans. I wanted everything to be perfect - the food, the ambiance, the company. My two favorite people in the world, all to myself for the whole evening. Shrugging out of my shirt and pants, I grabbed my cell again and dialed Jason, my personal assistant. He picked up on the first ring, efficient as always."Jason, hey. I need you to book a private dining room at the Ritz for tonight. 7pm sharp."I could hear him typing rapidly in the background. "Of course, Mr. Brookes. For how many?"My smile widened. "Three. And Jay? Make it the Windsor Suite. I want the works - champagne, roses, the best menu they've got.""Absolutely sir. Anything else?"I bit my lip, thoughts turning serious for a moment. "
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Chapter sixteen
Claire's POVI rushed into the office, my heart still racing from the phone call with Lucas. A dinner date. Tonight. The thought made my stomach flip with nerves and excitement."Well don't you look happy," Anna said as I walked in, a big smile on her face. "Good news?"I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face. "Lucas asked me out tonight. To someplace really nice."Anna jumped up and hugged me tight. "Claire, that's great! You so deserve this after everything with that awful Chloe."My smile slipped a bit at her name. I still couldn't forget how she ruined our last date, all the terrible things she said.Anna squeezed my hand. "Hey, tonight will be different. I know it. She wouldn't try anything like that again.""I really hope so." I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. "Actually...I was hoping you could watch Brian tonight? I don't want to bring him, just in case...""Of course!" Anna said right away. "You know I love spending time with the little guy. We'll hav
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Lucas's POVI practically bounced down the stairs, my excitement building with every step. This was it. The night I'd been waiting for. A chance to show Claire how much she meant to me, to take our relationship to the next level."I'm heading out, Margaret," I called my housekeeper as I grabbed my keys. "Don't wait up. And make sure to set the alarm when you leave.""Of course, Mr.Anderson ," she replied with a knowing smile. "Have a wonderful evening."I flashed her a grin and a wink before dashing out the door to my car. The engine roared to life as I slid behind the wheel, the stereo automatically blasting my favorite feel-good playlist.With the music thumping and my heart soaring, I pulled out of the drive and pointed the car towards Claire's apartment. Towards my future, if I had anything to say about it.The drive seemed to fly by, my mind filled with visions of how the night would go. The romantic dinner, the heartfelt conversation, the kiss I planned to lay on her that would
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Lucas's POVAs we pulled up to the KISS AND SMILE hotel, I couldn't help but grin at the look of awe on Claire's face. Little did she know, I was the owner of this particular establishment. Just one of the many surprises I had in store for her tonight."Lucas, this place is incredible," she breathed as I helped her from the car, Brian already bouncing with excitement beside us. "Are you sure this isn't too much?"I laced our fingers together, bringing her hand to my lips for a quick kiss. "Nothing's too much for you, sunshine. Besides, wait until you see what I have planned."With a wink, I led them into the opulent lobby, nodding at the staff who greeted me by name. Claire's eyes widened but she didn't comment, just squeezed my hand tighter.Jason met us at the entrance to the private dining room, a knowing smirk on his face. "Everything's arranged just as you requested, sir. Your table is ready.""Excellent. Thanks, Jay." I clapped him on the shoulder as we breezed past, into the in
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bond we'd all built. That Lucas's feelings for me...for us...were strong enough to weather the storm.The sudden blare of a car horn jolted me from my anxious musings. Heart leaping into my throat, I hurried out of the bathroom just in time to see Brian dashing out the front door, sketch pad clutched to his chest."Uncle Lucas, Uncle Lucas! Look what I drew for you!"Snatching up my purse, I locked the apartment and turned to see Brian already bouncing around Lucas, chattering a mile a minute as he waved a piece of paper in his face. Lucas, bless him, just grinned and nodded along, squatting down to look at Brian's latest masterpiece. "Wow, buddy, this is fantastic! Is that you and me playing catch in the park?""Uh-huh! And there's Mommy, see, watching us and smiling."My heart turned over in my chest. Tears pricked the backs of my eyes at the sight of them together, so easy and affectionate. Like it was the most natural thing in the world.And that's when it hit me - this was right
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Claire's POVThe chirp of my alarm roused me from a deep, contented sleep. I rolled over with a lazy smile, memories of last night's dinner - and Lucas's proposal - washing over me in a warm, giddy rush.My fiancé. God, I loved the sound of that.Grabbing my phone, I saw a text from the man himself. "Good morning, beautiful. Wishing you the sweetest of days. xx"A little thrill went through me at the endearing. It still didn't feel real, him choosing me, loving me. Wanting to build a life and a family together.Grinning like a fool, I sent back a string of heart emojis before dragging myself out of bed. As much as I wanted to spend the day basking in newly-engaged bliss, there was a little boy who needed his breakfast.Speaking of... "Brian? Time to get up, sweetie!"No response. I poked my head into his room, only to find it empty, the sound of water running in the bathroom. "Morning, Mommy!" he chirped, popping his tousled head out. "I woke up early today. Did you sleep okay? You w
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