All Chapters of MY BILLIONAIRE BABY DADDY WANTS ME BACK : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
32 Chapters
Lucas's POVThe second I pulled away from Nova Designs, I felt a pang at the loss of Claire's presence beside me. It was ridiculous, really - we'd only been apart for a minute and already I ached to have her back in my arms.Grinning ruefully, I shook my head at my own foolishness. If this was love, it had well and truly done a number on me.And God help me, I wouldn't have it any other way.Still riding the high of the perfect morning with my fiancée and soon-to-be stepson, I made the drive to Anderson Industries in record time. The roads were clear, the day was bright, and my heart felt lighter than it had in years.I practically bounded into the office, startling poor Jason where he sat hunched over his computer. His head snapped up, eyes going wide behind his glasses."Mr. Anderson ! I...I wasn't expecting you so early...""I had an exceptionally good reason to start the day off right." I clapped him on the shoulder as I breezed by, unable to contain my ear-splitting grin. "Walk w
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Claire's POVI practically floated into Nova Designs, my heart still soaring from the perfect morning with my boys. My fiancé and my son. God, I loved the sound of that.Grinning like a fool, I breezed past the reception desk with a wave, too giddy to stop for my usual morning chitchat. I had a feeling my face said it all anyway - I'd caught my reflection in the car window and I was lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve.The delirious joy lasted all the way to my office...until I pushed open the door and found Anna already at my desk, meticulously sorting files and clearing the surface. She glanced up as I entered, surprise flickering across her face."Good morning, Anna," I said, trying for nonchalance as I hung my purse on the back of my chair."Ms. blakes! You're here early." Her brow furrowed, a sly smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "And you look...different. Good different."I bit my lip, feeling a telltale flush creep up my neck. "Lucas just dropped me off, actuall
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Claire's POVI was elbow-deep in fabric swatches and paint chips when my phone buzzed for the umpteenth time that morning. Biting back a giddy grin, I glanced at the screen, already knowing who it would be.Lucas. Of course."Hey there, handsome," I answered, cradling the phone between my ear and shoulder as I continued to rifle through samples. "Miss me already?"His warm chuckle sent shivers down my spine. "Always. Just wanted to make sure you weren't working too hard. I know how you get when you're in the zone."I snorted, even as my heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness. "Lucas, it's barely been three hours since you dropped me off. I think I can manage a morning without you.""Are you sure about that? Because I seem to recall a certain someone clinging pretty tightly to me in the car earlier..."I could hear the smirk in his voice. Laughing, I abandoned my swatches and leaned back in my chair, already picturing his face. "Can you blame me? I'm marrying the most gorgeous, attentiv
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Lucas's POVI couldn't wipe the grin off my face as I hung up with Claire, her sleepy, happy voice still echoing in my ears. God, I loved that woman. Loved knowing I could bring a smile to her face, even from across town."Jason!" I called, already reaching for my phone. "Get in here. I need you."He appeared in the doorway a second later, ever-present tablet in hand. "What's up, boss?""I need you to place an order for me. Top priority." I rattled off a list, my mind whirring. "A dozen sunflowers, the biggest basket of fresh fruit and cheese you can find, and throw in some of those fancy French pastries from that bakery Claire loves. Oh, and a few slices of that almond cake she made this morning, if they can swing it."Jason's eyebrows shot up, but to his credit, he didn't comment. Just nodded and tapped away at his screen. "Got it. Anything else?"I hesitated, then figured what the hell. In for a penny... "See if they can add a bottle of that raspberry champagne. The really good stu
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Lucas's POVI couldn't shake the uneasy feeling as I drove away from Nova Designs, Eddie Spencer's smirking face haunting my thoughts. Something about that guy set my teeth on edge, despite his alleged history with Claire.Or maybe because of it."Keep an eye on him," I muttered to Jason as I slid behind the wheel. "I don't like the vibe I'm getting."Jason, to his credit, didn't even blink. Just nodded and tapped something into his ever-present tablet. "You got it, boss. I'll have a full workup on your desk by morning."I flashed him a grateful look, already peeling out of the parking lot. I didn't like leaving Claire alone with Spencer, but I trusted her judgment. And more importantly, I trusted her.Still, the sooner I could put some distance between them, the better I'd feel.The drive home was a blur, my mind too caught up in worst-case scenarios to focus on the road. By the time I pulled into my driveway, my head was pounding and my jaw ached from clenching.All I wanted was a h
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Claire's POVAs I watched Lucas leave my office, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The way he frowned, the tense set of his shoulders...was he jealous of Eddie? I shook my head, trying to push the thought aside. Lucas trusted me. He knew how much I loved him. There was no reason for him to feel threatened.Right?Sighing, I gathered up my files and headed for the conference room, determined to focus on the task at hand. But even as I arranged my notes and samples, my mind kept drifting back to Lucas's pinched expression.The sound of the door opening jolted me out of my musings. I looked up, pasting on a bright smile as Eddie Spencer strolled in, all easy confidence and megawatt charm."Claire Blakes ," he drawled, crossing the room to pull me into a hug. "As I live and breathe. You haven't aged a day, you know that?"I laughed, returning his embrace. "Eddie Spencer, silver-tongued devil. You always were a smooth talker."He grinned as he pulled back, holding me at
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Claire's POVThe drive back from Brian's school was unusually quiet, the weight of his earlier question hanging heavy in the air between us. I glanced at him in the rearview mirror, my heart clenching at the troubled furrow of his brow, the way he stared listlessly out the window."Sweetheart," I began, choosing my words carefully. "About what you asked earlier..."Brian's gaze snapped to mine, something painfully vulnerable in his eyes. "It's okay, Mom. You don't have to tell me. I know it's hard for you to talk about him."Oh, my sweet boy. So young, but already so perceptive. So attuned to the ache in my heart, the scars I tried so hard to hide."No, baby. You deserve to know the truth." I took a deep breath, quelling the tremor in my voice. "Your dad...he wasn't perfect. But he was a good man, at heart. Strong and kind and so full of life."A wistful smile tugged at my lips, the memories of those early days flooding my mind. "He would have loved you so much. Been so crazy proud of
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EDDIE’s POV I paced the length of Claire's waiting room, my agitation growing with each passing second. Where the hell was she? How long did it take to pick up a kid from school, for chrissakes?I glanced at my watch for the hundredth time, the numbers blurring together in a haze of frustration. I couldn't do this. Couldn't just sit here, twiddling my thumbs, while the woman who had haunted my dreams for the past five years went about her merry way."I'm sorry, Mr. Spencer," Anna, Claire's annoyingly perky assistant, chirped from behind her desk. "Ms. Blakes should be back any minute now. Can I get you a coffee while you wait?"I waved her off with an impatient grunt, my jaw clenched so tight I could feel my molars grinding together. I didn't want coffee. I wanted answers. I wanted to look into those fathomless blue eyes and demand to know why she had left me, why she had run away without so much as a backward glance.But most of all, I wanted to know about the boy. The one with my c
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Lucas's POV I woke up with a start, my heart racing as I reached for my phone on the nightstand. Seven missed calls from Claire. Two unread messages. Shit.I jumped out of bed, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I couldn't call her back. I needed to see her, to hold her in my arms and reassure myself that she was okay. Especially after that meeting with Eddie Spencer. That smarmy bastard had set my teeth on edge from the moment I laid eyes on him. And don't even get me started on Chloe's little ambush. I shook my head, trying to dispel the lingering unease. I had plans for today, dammit. I was supposed to take Claire and Brian to the art gallery, to nurture Brian's budding love of drawing. But now...I brushed my teeth in record time, barely pausing to rinse before I was thundering down the stairs. I snagged my keys from the hall table, my mind already three steps ahead."Lucas! Your phone!"I skidded to a halt, whirling to see Margaret, my long-suffering housekeeper, holding up
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Claire's POVI clung to Lucas, drawing strength from his solid warmth, his unwavering presence. How did he always know just what to say, just what I needed to hear?"Thank you," I murmured, pressing a kiss to his chest. "For being here. For...everything.""There's nowhere else I'd rather be." He squeezed me tight, dropping a kiss to the top of my head. "I love you, Claire. So much.""I love you, too." The words came easily, naturally. A simple truth that anchored me, even in the midst of this chaos.We stayed like that for a long moment, just holding each other. Breathing each other in. And slowly, gradually, I felt the knot of tension in my chest begin to ease.Lucas was right. We would get through this. Together. Just like we always had.As if on cue, Brian came barreling back into the room, his face scrubbed pink and shining. "Pancakes now? I'm starving!"Lucas and I broke apart with a laugh, the heaviness of the moment dissipating like mist in the sun. "Pancakes now," Lucas confi
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