All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
410 Chapters
Chapter 321
"Who has come to disturb my master’s return?" The voice of the dragon was quite menacing. "I am here to see my wife." I said holding my ground but I can feel the heavy aura the dragon is emitting.The dragon was focused on looking at us. There was silence for a moment, and the tension was getting heavier with each passing second. ’I can feel his menacing aura, Erik.’ Avatar said to me telepathically. ’I know. I can sense it as well.’ I replied as well. I am not sure if the dragon right now is a friend or foe. But with the aura he is emitting, Avatar and I cannot let our guard down. "I see. So you are the husband of the body where my master chose to be born from." The dragon replied. "Yes." I replied, having hope that the divine beast in front of me would at least let me pass through. "I wish to see my wife and guard her while your master’s soul and magic is being absorbed into her body. The baby inside of her is my child as well." "Hmm... I see." The dragon nodded its head. "B
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Chapter 322
While I was floating at the water surface, I felt the pressure from under me. In no time, the dragon flung me up in mid air and I was about to be swallowed whole in his big mouth. I was suspended in mid air when I saw the dragon opening its mouth wide and baring its sharp teeth. He was about to swallow me from where I was. I felt myself falling, while the dragon was heading my way from under me with his mouth wide open. When my body was just at the entrance of his mouth, I stretched my arms and got a hold of one of his fangs. I was able to prevent myself from going straight into the dragon’s mouth and into its throat. But that was not the end of my predicament. The dragon was about to crush me with his big teeth. He was about to close his mouth with me in between, but I was able to hold his lower jaw down with my feet. "Ahhh,dammm!" I cursed at the current state I am. I was using all of my strength to prevent myself from being crushed and grinded by the dragon’s teeth. "Ahhhhhh
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Chapter 323
The sun was yet to rise, darkness still clouded the surroundings. The air is tainted with the saltness of the sea and dawn was just around the corner. I was standing at the sandy beach while holding Shadow’s reigns. We are preparing to set out and retrieve the remaining key fragments that are missing to complete the key. My men have formed two groups, each one tasked to get the key fragments in a specific location. I will be leading one group while the other one will be led by Chris. "Your majesty. All is set for our journey." Victor said with a solemn face. "That is good." I replied. "Remember, we are short of time so we will need to retrieve the key fragments as soon as possible." "I understand your majesty." Victor said while bowing his head as affirmation. "But make sure to be careful." I ordered specifically. "We might be in haste and time might be of the essence, but I do not want anything bad to happen to any of you."The look of the men before me had a mix of gratitu
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Chapter 324
The sun has just set and we still could not find any entrance inside the ruins. The men were tired from searching all afternoon and I let them rest when night fell.My patience is also getting thin, knowing that my wife Isabella is all alone under the sea. I would like to get the remaining key fragments as fast as I could, before Kyler and the others get to the beach 🏝️ city of Vienna. ’How is Isa doing?’ I thought to myself while I was pacing back and forth. ’I hope she is doing okay. What if she feels cold while she is all alone down there? I should have made an effort to get past that dragon.’ The feeling of regret is clouding my judgement every single minute that passes by. "Your majesty..." Cyril walked near me with caution. His facial expression is full of worry. "The men has rested enough, we can continue searching once again." I stopped from my pacing and saw my men looking at me with worried eyes. They saw my anxiousness just now and made me feel embarrassed. I was their
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Chapter 325
"Y-Your majesty. T-The wolf... it just talked." Cyril said with bewilderment. "After everything I have witnessed these past few days, I do not know why I am still surprised with this." I said while unsheathing my sword from its scarab. "Sirens, dragons, and now this... talking wolves." "Who are you calling talking wolves, Spartan scum?!" A grey wolf snarled ferociously at us. "We are proud lycans. Never associate us with animals." "Lycans?" I said out loud. ’That name sounds familiar.’ I thought. "Hush your mouth Grey." The black majestic one which is the biggest of them snarled at the gray one. It whimpered down after hearing the black lycan’s words. "You, the one with black hair. Are you the leader of these Spartan humans?" "Yes, I am." I replied without letting my guard down. I can feel the intense pressure coming from the black one.If these were normal wolves, then the black one who is the biggest must be their leader, the Alpha. All the others are rallying behind him a
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Chapter 326
The black lycan stopped attacking and turned towards me. His eyes was on me, and I felt as if his eyes were boring into my soul. Chills ran down my spine. ’These beasts are not something to look down on.’ I thought as I felt the goosebumps all over my body.I have gone into battle with many enemies. I can say that I am a veteran in the battlefield. But recently, we have been crossing paths with opponents that we only read in ancient books. These creatures have been in hiding since ancient times, but for some reason we have been encountering them even if we do not want to. ’Are these only coincidences, or is this fate.’ I thought to myself. ’The reincarnation of the almighty One is now undergoing. Are these creatures feeling the presence of the return of the almighty One?’ This is one of my hypothesis. "You are quite brave, spartan leader." The black lycan said with a menacing tone.The black lycan walked towards me slowly with its head held high, as if showing his dominance. I can
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Chapter 327
I was feeling elated and actually enjoying this fight. I have never thought I would feel this way in battle, this was the first time I was actually enjoying a fight. Mulan was running swiftly in a zigzag line. I conjure more fire balls to chase after him, leaving him without any time to attack. But to my surprise, he was able to get a fallen tree trunk that was in his way and hurled it towards me. I used my fire magic to push me away from where I was standing to evade the huge tree trunk.When I landed on my feet, I was surprised that Mulan was in mid air, jumping on top of me. I was able to lift my sword up, just in time before his jaws landed on my head. "Ah. ." I cursed, seeing that I am in a difficult situation.Luckily my fire armor was still in effect, because his claws were trying to bore its way in my legs and stomach. I heightened the intensity of my fire armor, setting my whole body ablaze. Mulan was enduring my flames a while ago, but now he cannot endure any longer and
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Chapter 328
"I like you Spartan. This is a first." Mulan smirked, with his perfectly sharp teeth bared. "I am looking forward to your future. I am sure you will not disappoint me."The black lycan alpha walked towards me slowly, smoke started to engulf his body from the ground up. Once the smoke cleared, what I saw was a man with long black wavy hair. He had a huge build with big lean muscles. I knew how bulk his body was because he was naked after his transformation. Even with his human form, he was taller than me in height. "I think it would be better to talk with this form, if that is okay?" Mulan said.I looked away now that he was standing right before me. It was a little awkward to see someone naked from head to toe, let alone someone like Mulan that is not feeling embarrassed and in turn feels so proud brandishing his naked body. I also cannot undo seeing his huge thing, hanging around like that. "Well, if it is okay... can you cover your body at least?" I said with an awkward voice and
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Chapter 329
Mulan led the way inside the woods. We were going further in, away from the cliff overlooking the sea. We have searched a wide area from noon till sundown, but the ruins go further into the forest. If we blindly searched for the entrance by ourselves, I am afraid that we would have spent days and precious time. ’It was a good call to have a truce with the lycans.’ I thought. "The ruins are quite big." Mulan said, starting a conversation. "As I recall, this ruins was once a palace. It is said that this was a gift of the first ruler to his wife." "I see." I replied. "It is a shame that this palace deteriorated like this." "The exterior might be in ruins, but the interiors are at least preserved by us. Well, with a little bit of magic that remained within the palace." Mulan said. "You can still see the palace’s interior in it’s full splendor. Hahaha." He laughed out heartily. "It looks like a good lair for you lycans." I said with a smile. "Is that why you were ready to fight us for
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Chapter 330
The door looked like any other ordinary door. It was made of hard wood, with wooden frames. In a normal human eye, they would only see a door that leads inside a room. The only problem is, no one can open the door. They would only think that it was locked inside. But for us Spartans that were gifted with magic, we are sensitive to magic depending on one’s high magic perception.In my eyes, I can see a thin veil like curtain cloaking the door. It was enveloping the door like a protective barrier or shield. "Have you tried to break open this door in the past?" I asked Mulan. "So many times." Mulan replied with a shrug of his shoulder. "Here, let me demonstrate." He slowly approached the door with his hand to touch it. *CRACKLE*I heard something when Mulan retracted his hand swiftly. "Well, this happens after I simply touch it." Mulan showed me his slightly burned hand. "With just a slight touch, something like this happened." I am now sure for a fact that this room was cloaked wit
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