All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
410 Chapters
Chapter 301
[Isabella’s POV] Like Ragnar had planned, we traveled to the Beach 🏝️ city of Vienna on the back of Avatar. We are accompanied by Ivy and Maggie, while the rest of the men in our group will continue in horseback and will probably arrived by late afternoon or early evening. Snow was also with us in her cat form, seating on my lap looking so carefree. We were high in the sky traveling, for about ten minutes. I was able to see the sea now, meaning we are nearly in the Beach city. "It has been a while since I have been in the Beach 🏝️ city of Vienna." I said. "So, you have been here in the past?" Ragnar asked. "Yes, it was a long time ago. Back when I was still young." I replied. "Our whole family came out here to greet and meet with the envoys of the country of Kabul, a country beyond the seas to the east. It was courtesy because the envoy consists of royal family members from their country." When I was little, I was able to visit this city with the royal family. As I recall
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Chapter 302
But Ragnar’s gaze did not even rest on Juccilia who was clearly trying to get his attention. His eyes were glued to me, his arm was firmly encircled around my waist while his hand held mine to support me. "If you are done with the introductions, can you please lead us to our quarters at once?" Ragnar said with clear irritation. "My wife is pregnant and needs to rest." "O-Oh, yes. Of course, your majesty." Duke Henderson said feeling embarrassed. "I would like to congratulate both of you for the good news. My butler will lead you to your rooms." He gestured to his butler. The butler came and bowed down to us. "Lunch will be served a little while. Would you like it to be sent to your rooms?" McPherson asked. "It looks like her majesty is currently not feeling well." He said with utmost respect. "That would be fine." Ragnar replied. "Would you be dining with us, your majesty?" Juccilia asked with a cute voice that peeked my irritation. I looked at her sideways with a cold look,
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Chapter 303
I was able to take a refreshing nap all afternoon after eating lunch. When I woke up, the sky was turning red orange and the sun was just about to set. Ragnar was sitting by my side reading a book. "Did you get a good sleep?" He asked with a smile. "Yes, I feel refreshed after taking the afternoon nap." I replied with a smile. "Where did you get the book?" I asked out of curiosity.I thought that maybe Ragnar left our room when I was asleep. Then the thought of him meeting Juccilia by chance made me feel irritated in some way. I know that Ragnar loves me and is a loyal husband, but I cannot stop women such as Juccilia from try to get close and seduce him. That is what makes me feel irritated. "If you are thinking that I left when you were asleep, then you are mistaken." Ragnar smiled sweetly at me. "H-How did you..." I was about to ask how did he knew what I thought but I sighed and smiled. I am happy that my husband understands me to this extent. "That is because I can see the s
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Chapter 304
"It is a great pleasure for us in the Henderson estate to host your majesties here in Vienna ." Duke Henderson said. "This feast was made to welcome your grace in our beach 🏝️ city, and also your retainers as well. Please eat to your hearts content." He said with outmost respect and courtesy. "Thank you for your generous hospitality duke." Ragnar replied. "As the duke said, eat at your hearts content. Let this fest begin."The men at the table thanked the duke. All of us took our seat and started to eat merrily. Ragnar was very cautious of the food that was given to me. He was not only tasting it first before putting it on my plate, but also picking the most nutritious food available. "It will be best to stay from oily food for a while." He said softly. I smiled thinking how protective my husband is of me even to small things such as my food to eat.Ragnar had mentioned that when I was sleeping, Ivy came to our room to check up on me. They had a little chat on what to do and what
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Chapter 305
After the Henderson siblings left the dining hall, the feast continued as usual. I was not able to eat after hurling out some of the food I have just eaten, and so Ragnar and I excused ourselves early. "This is a good time to visit the seashore." Ragnar said while escorting me in the hallway. "Is that all right?" I asked. "We have just excused ourselves because I was not feeling too well." "They cannot question our actions." Ragnar gave me a wink and smiled. "This is a privilege only us monarchs have." He said playfully. I giggled with his remark.It is somewhat disrespectful to excuse yourself from the host because of feeling unwell and then they see you up and about some place at the same time. But as Ragnar has said, as monarchs, they will not question our intentions. "Then please lead the way." I said with a smile. Ragnar displayed a wide grin. "Come, follow me." Ragnar said and pulled me gently. Ragnar led the way in the duke’s estate. He led me to a path from the steep cli
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Chapter 306
[Ragnar’s POV] Isabella and I got back to our room swiftly with Avatar’s help. I carried my wife in my arms rather carefully and laid her down on the bed. I was worried of the pain she had just experienced. "How are you feeling, my love?" I asked in a worried tone. "I am fine, my love." Isabella replied with a smile. "Maybe, it was just a passing pain." "We cannot let such a thing pass by." I said. "What if it was something serious?" "Oh, Erik. You worry too much." Isabella giggled. "I am not feeling any pain right now, believe me." I sighed seeing her bright mood. But remembering her painful expression on the seashore a while ago made me tense and I cannot just calm down. *knock knock* "Your majesty, it is me." Maggie’s voice was heard outside the door. "I have come with Ivy." "Please, enter." I replied in haste. The door opened and Maggie came in with Ivy following from behind. I also saw Philip standing by the door. "I am sorry that I called you out from the fe
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Chapter 307
[Ragnar’s POV] Juccilia took slow steps towards me, looking at my reaction. When she saw that I was not saying anything, maybe she took it as a sign that she can come near me.But the truth is that I do not wish to utter even one word to her. I looked at her full of disgusts. Her every action was clearly seducing, her every move made me sick "Y-Your majesty." Juccilia was now just a step away from me. When she took another step closer, I took two steps backwards, clearly showing my disgust. "What are do you think you are doing, lady Henderson?" I said with a cold tone. Juccilia kept throwing such seductive gazes at me, as if ignoring my clear rejection of her. "Your majesty, do you not see me as pretty?" Juccilia tried to make seductive poses in front of me. "I am willing to be his majesties concubine. I am ready to give myself to you right here and now." "How shameless of you." I scolded her. "I am giving you the benefit of a doubt just because your father is a good host to us,
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Chapter 308
"Y-Your majesty..." Duke Henderson ran towards where I was standing and kneeled before me. "Please forgive my daughter’s foolishness." He bowed his head low until his forehead touched the floor.I looked down at him coldly. "As I have said, what she did to a monarch of Avalon kingdom is punishable by death." I saw the duke’s body trembled with my words. "But because you have been such a kind host by far, I will spare her life." "Thank you... thank you, your majesty." Duke Henderson’s voice was shivering, but his tone sounded as if he was relieved. "But I cannot just let this slide without any punishment." I said with a cold tone. "Y-Your majesty..." Duke Henderson raised his head to look at me with sorrowful eyes. "I-If so, then I am prepared to put her in house arrest, as long as you see fit your majesty." I looked at the middle-aged man who was begging for leniency. House arrest is the most lenient punishment I can give to his daughter, but with my experience with foolish girls
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Chapter 309
[Isabella’s POV]It has been a while since I finished taking a warm bath. Maggie tucked me in bed nicely while Ivy was by my side checking my condition. "Well, all looks good." Ivy said. "You just need rest. Why don’t you retire to bed early?" "I have been sleeping all afternoon." I said while pouting my lips. "I am not yet sleepy you know." I grumbled. "Hahaha." Ivy laughed out loud. "Such a cute little feisty but pregnant woman you are. If your husband were here, he would surely say yes to all of your demands." She said while wiping a tear that came out of her eyes because of her laughing. "Your majesty, you are pregnant now." Maggie said with a tone of an older sister. "Your body needs ample rest. It is for you and the baby’s wellbeing." I sighed in defeat. "I understand." I frowned. "Well it is not that you cannot stay up Isabella. You can sleep when you feel tired. Believe me, being pregnant can make you feel tired even if you did not do anything." Ivy said. "By the way, ho
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Chapter 310
I finish eating the candies. There was still half left and Ragnar just put it aside in case I became hungry in the middle of the night. I was very satisfied with what I ate and was in a good mood. 'Maybe what they said about pregnant women having mood swings is true.' I thought. 'I can easily become upset and irritated and happy.' "Here, drink your honey water." Ragnar passed me the glass of honey water. "Thank you." I replied and started to sip from the glass carefully.It was just the right temperature and the mixture of honey was to my taste. I drank half of the glass when I gave back the glass to my husband. "You know, I was thinking..." I said while stretching my body. "What were you thinking?" Ragnar said while putting the glass on the table. "You are the king of Avalon. You should be the one who is being pampered." I said while tilting my head sideward. "As your wife, I should be the one taking care of you."Ragnar started to take off his clothes and started to put on his
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