All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
410 Chapters
Chapter 281
"Oh, so this fine young man is your husband." Tabitha grazed her nail on Regaleon’s cheek. Her nail left a slight scratch and little blood oozed out from it.Seeing the siren queen give my husband a scrape angered me even more. Just seeing her touch Ragnar made my blood boil. The air around me started to become turbulent. My emotions are making my powers even much stronger than before. But unlike the last time where I lost control, I feel that I can use this power while maintaining consciousness. ’If I can just control this much power while maintaining consciousness, then I am sure I can get Ragnar and the others back.’ I thought. "I can see that you also have strong magic powers like that b*astard." Tabitha said. "But I suggest you put your powers back in place. That is, if you do not want your precious ’husband’ to get more wounds than this."Tabitha’s nails became longer and claw like. She had them at Ragnar’s throat. She was using Ragnar as a hostage against me. "How dare you?
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Chapter 282
Ragnar swung his sword downwards towards me, I quickly rolled to my side to evade his attack. I saw the dent that the sword made to the ground, it was a powerful blow and I looked at it in disbelief. ’My husband would never do this. He would never hurt me.’ I said to myself on and on like a mantra. ’He is just under the control of the siren queen, he is not himself.’ Ragnar pulled the sword he was holding from the ground and walked slowly towards me. He was still coming towards me with killing intent. "How does it feel that the man you love is trying to kill you?" Tabitha said with a devious smiled on her face. "I felt that way the time that b*stard discarded me. After banishing my race, the humans started to hunt our kind. We did not have any choice but to hide. Those humans who were once our food and prey gained abilities and hunted us one by one. How ironic, that the hunters were now the hunted."I can feel the pain and regret the siren queen has, her words have a mix of sadness
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Chapter 283
The men took up their swords and started to attack the sirens that were surrounding us. They used both physical and magical attacks to subdue the sirens. Snow and Avatar were also showing their exemplary fighting abilities. Snow can now move freely without needing to defend our group mates on land, while Avatar was assisting us on air. "My love, are you all right?" Ragnar quickly strode to where I was and kneeled on the ground. "My god, you are bruised and beaten all over!" He said with surprise. "It is okay, I am fine." I said while trying to get up. "No, you are not." Ragnar scolded. "This is all my fault. If I have not fallen into that damned siren’s spell, this would not have happened." His face was distorted with regret and guilt. "Erik..." I said with a firm voice and clasped his face with both hands. "...this is not your fault. Do not blame yourself for this. We never knew that such creatures exist or still existed to this day. And to think they were hiding here where we c
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Chapter 284
The fish witch looked down her body in disbelief. My sword was now piercing her body once more. "B-But how..." The fish witch did not believe that she was defeated.It is true that her defense was strong. I had a hard time giving her deathly blows, with that hair covered all over her body like protective armor. That was when I realized I have to concentrate all my magic in once place. I opted to put all of the intensity of my fire magic into the sword I was holding. The fire magic was so compacted that the color turned into a light bluish color.Like I have predicted, the sword where I put my concentrated fire magic, pierced the fish witch’s defense. My sword has now impaled her body in the torso. "When in a fight, a human can grow more stronger." I said. "You have been very careless when you thought you had the upper hand just now. That became your downfall." "I... see." The fish witch’s hair armor came undone and her naked body was left in the open. I pulled out my sword from th
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Chapter 285
I wake up feeling the sun light hit my closed eye lids. The sun light was seeping inside the opening from our tent. ’It looks like the sun has risen.’ I thought while rubbing my still heavy eyelids.After my husband defeated the siren queen at dawn, the other sirens escaped into the depths of the lake. The men would have tried to catch them, but Ragnar stopped them saying to let them be for a while. He said that they can handle the creatures later after our mission and this war in over.After that, Ragnar healed our wounds with his light magic. This made him tired after using so much magic and needed rest. All of us rested after that battle. I looked around and did not see Ragnar by my side. My heart pounded after remembering what just happened last night. I stood up frantically and ran outside our tent. What greeted me outside was a scene of the men doing seat ups. "Fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, fifty-six." The men were counting while doing their sit ups.Looking at them so
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Chapter 286
I open my eyes and saw that I was lying under the shade of trees. I look around and saw Ragnar by my side. Maggie and Phil were also there with me. Worry were etched on their faces. "What happened?" I asked. I was still a little disoriented. The last thing I remember was talking with everyone merrily. And all of a sudden, I felt dizzy and everything turn black afterwards. "Did I faint?" I asked Ragnar. "How long was I out?" "It was only a few moments." His face looked graved, as if all color were drained from his face. "What is wrong?" I asked curiously. "Please tell me."Ragnar had tighten his lips even more and so I looked at Philip for answers. "The medic within our group looked at your vitals." Philips answered. "It looks like you are poisoned your majesty. And it seems to be a poison he does not have any knowledge of. For now, he has given you an antidote that can slow the poisons effects, but it cannot detoxify the poison completely."So that is why Ragnar has such a look
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Chapter 287
It was dusk and the group had started to make campfire. We have opted to stay for another night to rest and recover our strength. I was sitting at the side resting.Ragnar was out hunting for our dinner early in the afternoon. He and the men that accompanied him would be back any minute now.Maggie was arranging the cooking utensils for dinner tonight and Philip was left to accompany me. The siren child was also here with me keeping me company as well, while I write a letter to my family back the Wales palace.The siren child that came to us stayed within the camp. Her siren sisters were still afraid and stayed under the lake. She said her name was Ivy and I was happy seeing her very curious with our things. "So, this is what you call a ’pen’." Ivy looked at the pen that I was using. "You use this to ’write’ words on this ’paper’." She looked at it curiously. "Yes." I said with a smile. "I am writing to my family back at home in Wales." "You can send words with this?" Ivy said with
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Chapter 288
I quickly stood up to meet my husband, eager to see his face. It was a little curious because I have been feeling at ease just by looking at him. ’Is it because of the pregnancy?’ I thought to myself.I have never been that clingy with Ragnar before, but now I always like to be by his side and looking at his handsome face. "Be careful your majesty." Philips said while helping me up from my seat. "Please remember that you are in a delicate period now." "Thank you Phil ." I smiled brightly at him. I felt at ease that Phillips was by my side to help me remember to be careful. ’Should I need to tell Maggie as well?’ I thought.Maggie was like an older sister to me. I am sure that she would understand my decision to keep my pregnancy from Ragnar for a while. But the problem is, she is someone overprotective of me. I knew by experience how she takes care of me like her own family. ’The problem is if Maggie knew, then she cannot help but be more overprotective of me.’ I thought. ’And R
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Chapter 289
The sirens that were first hostile and wary towards us started to try and approach us that night. With the help of Ivy, the sirens were able to at least join our small dinner. They were still cautious towards the group, particularly because majority are men, but at least they tried to approach them and started small conversations.The next day, we departed the clearing by dawn. The sirens bid us farewell and Ragnar had stated that he will do his promise after this war ended. Ivy on the other hand accompanied us in our journey.It was really a good decision to let Ivy join us because she knew of better and much faster roads that will take us to the location of the key fragments in just two days’ time. You are fortunate to have asked me about the directions towards your destination." Ivy said with a proud tone. "I know the best roads around these woods, and we can avoid danger."Ivy rode my horse Summer. Fortunately, Ivy knew how to ride horses that was a rare knowledge for the siren
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Chapter 290
"I am sure that the Nine Lives Mercenaries can keep this place safe." Ragnar said in passing. "All we can do is tell your grandfather and father back in the capital about the issue here. We cannot go out of our way to help this people now." He said while looking at me intently.I am sure that my husband was saying these words because he knew how kind I was and thought I would like to help this people. He was not wrong there, because seeing that this village looks so poor at least I would like to help their livelihoods a bit.But in my current condition, I cannot do anything beyond writing a letter of recommendation to Grandpa Marcus and Williams.’ I thought to myself. ’I am not alone in this body anymore and I need to be mindful of every action I take.’ "You are right Erik." I agreed. "I am thinking of sending a letter to grandpa and Williams to inform them of the happenings here in southern woods." "That is good to hear." Ragnar smiled and patted my head. I felt happy like a child
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