All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 271 - Chapter 280
410 Chapters
Chapter 271
Isa , what’s the matter?" I heard Ragnar’s voice. "My love, please wake up." I can hear Ragnar calling out to me with a worried tone. My eyelids still felt heavy, but I still tried to open my eyes. The first person I saw was Ragnar, looking at me worriedly. "E-Erik?" I asked in curiosity as to why he was looking at me worriedly. "Are you okay, my love?" He asked. His huge palm cupped my cheek I can feel the heat radiating from his touch. "Hmm... yes, I think so." I said doubtful. I tried to remember what happened before waking up, but all was hazy. "W-What happened?" I asked curiously.I saw Ragnar sighed in relief. "You were crying in your sleep that I was worried you are having a nightmare." He gave me a reassuring smile that all was fine. "A nightmare?" I asked. "I think I was dreaming, but I can’t seem to remember what it was."I knew I had a dream, but even if I tried to recall what I dreamt about, nothing was coming to me. "It’s okay if you cannot remember. I am just relie
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Chapter 272
Remembering the projected map, the positions of the fragments are far from one another. There are four fragments in total and their positions are far apart, not to mention that the continent is vast and wide. Having to go from one point to another might take us a lot of time. "The locations are far apart from one another." Ragnar said. "And so, we have decided to break into two groups."Having to break into two groups seems quite feasible with such a vast area of land to cover. "We will talk more tomorrow with the others." Ragnar said. "For now, you need to rest. I also need some rest." He smiled at me.Looking at Ragnar’s face, he seemed quite tired. He must have been worried sick about me the whole time I was unconscious, and he had to also plan the next move. "I am sorry." I said. "You are so busy, and I have to burden you more." "What are you saying?" Ragnar asked. "I am your husband. It is just right that I worry about you my wife." "Hmm." I nodded in understanding. "I will
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Chapter 273
These past few days, we have prepared for our departure. We bought everything that will be needed in the journey to find the fragments of the key to unlock the forbidden magic that was sleeping underneath the eastern sea. As planned, we have divided into two groups. The other group was led by Kyler while the other one was led by no other than Ragnar himself. Ragnar tried to persuade me these past few days to stay behind and wait for him, but I was firm with my decision in joining this journey. It was now dawn, the sun has not yet risen and the surroundings are silent. This was the best time for our departure. The other group led by Kyler departed the village two days earlier, knowing that their destination is much farther and dangerous than ours. "Are you ready my wife?" Ragnar whispered into my ears from behind. I was startled because he was not there a minute ago. "Y-Yes..." I was able to compose myself after being startled. Ragnar wrapped his arms around my waist and rested h
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Chapter 274
We have set out of the village before the sun rose. The weather was fine, and our pace was not fast and not slow. I was afraid at first that my mediocre riding skills will slow down the group, but fortunately I was able to keep up with their pace. "How are you feeling?" Ragnar who was riding by my side asked. "I am doing fine." I smiled at him in reply.But in truth, my body was starting to get tired. My legs are starting to get sore and numb. We were riding for at least more than two hours now, not that long since we left the village. I opted to keep what I was feeling all to myself. I was thinking that this voyage is quite important, and time is of the essence. "Let’s take a quick break." Ragnar said. "Tell the men from behind." He ordered Victor who was riding behind us. "Yes, your majesty." Victor replied curtly and turned his horse around to convey Regaleon’s orders. I was at a loss why we are stopping here now. We only started to travel just a few hours ago. I was expecting
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Chapter 275
The journey has been smooth so far. Days have gone by since we left the village on the border of Wales. Our first stop was at the far end of the country, near the shores of the eastern sea. Judging by our pace, it will take at least weeks until we arrive at our destination. I have been improving at horse riding thankfully. I still get sore after long period of time, but rather than take a rest every time I feel tired, Ragnar would let me ride with him. I am always comfortably saddled in front of him. Because of this, we at least quicken our pace of the journey. "It looks like we won’t get to the next village before the sun sets." Ragnar muttered. I was currently riding with him and so I was able to hear him. "Probably." I replied and looked at the sky. The sky is starting to get an orange color which is an indicator that the sun was about to set. "Victor, find a nice place to camp." Ragnar gave an order. "Yes, your majesty." Victor bowed in reply. Victor took three men
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Chapter 276
Night has fallen in the camp site. All the members of the group had finished setting up their tents before night fell.A small campfire was burning at the center of the campsite. Maggie was the one to cook our meal for the night. It consists of potato stew, which was easy to cook, served with bread. We all gathered around the campfire to eat dinner together. "I hope it is to your liking your majesty." Maggie, who was beside me, asked. "It tastes good Maggie." I replied with a smile. "When did you learn to cook?" I asked curiously.Tricia was my personal maid when I was still a princess in Wales. Her main role was to serve me and to see to my needs. Cooking was not in her work and I also never saw her cook the time we were together. "Well... when I was in Avalon palace, I did not have any work to do, with you away in Geneva and all." Maggie replied. "I was treated as a special guest by his majesty King Ragnar, but I was not used to lazing around. And so, I started to help in the kit
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Chapter 277
My heart was beating faster every second while trying to find my husband in the vicinity. The poor lighting was not helping me, the little light that came from the moon was blocked by dark clouds from the sky. The fire in the fireplace started to dwindle down. ’This is not normal.’ I thought to myself. The hair on my arms stood in attention, as if confirming my suspicions. "Y-Your majesty... what are we going to do?" Maggie was also visibly shivering.The temperature was starting to drop beyond normal. Summer has already begun and with our location, this place should not get this cold this time of the year. "You probably need to stick close to me just in case, Maggie." I told her. If my hunch is correct, this phenomenon that is happening now is not normal. There should be an external force doing this. "First, I need to make fire." I said and Maggie nodded. I took tree branches that were lying on the ground. I tear a piece of cloth from the bottom of my night wear and tied it at
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Chapter 278
When I looked around, it was eerily quiet. The few men that we saw walking slowly in a daze were now nowhere to be found. A mysterious fog has started to envelope around the lake. It was thick that we can only see a few feet in front of us. "Avatar, can I lend your eyes for a bit?" I asked. "As you wish, my lady." Avatar replied. As I recall, as Ragnar’s familiar, Avatar was connected to him in a different way. I remember Ragnar telling me that he can see what Avatar can see if they were in sync. This was a feature Avatar has as a familiar. "I will make a temporary contract with you for now so that I can lend your abilities." I said.Avatar was towering over me. He bowed down his head to come closer to me. I outstretched my arms and held his head carefully. Slowly, our foreheads connected to each other and I started to connect with him. This was the way I can forge a temporary contract with other familiars. With the permission of the familiar, someone that had magical abilities w
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Chapter 279
After my words, fire rained down from the sky. The fog that was so think quickly dissipated when the fire came into contact on the ground. Avatar’s wings were on fire, it was beautiful and majestic to look at.Avatar was careful not to get anyone from our group in danger. The fire dissipated after it cleared away the fog. It also helped get the sirens to scramble in fear. "As I thought, they do not like fire." I said in triumph.Sirens are creatures that live in water, therefore they do not want fire that can evaporate water and burn. "Kyaaahhhh!!!" The sirens in the lake shrieked loudly. It pained our ears hearing such an agonizing scream. "Dammit, my eardrums will burst." Snow exclaimed. But the shrieking stopped after some time. When we gathered our bearings, I thought this was the chance to attack. I need to get this opportunity to get the men out of their trance. "Avatar, use your fire on the lake!" I ordered him. "Snow, get Maggie on your back and let’s try to wake the oth
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Chapter 280
"Ice wall!" I yelled and conjured ice using my magic. I put up a thick ice wall around me to block the attacks coming my way and it was successful for the first part.The sirens then used their shrilling voice. The thick ice I have conjured up cracked little by little. ’I cannot stay here for long.’ I said to myself.The sirens are afraid of one thing, and that is fire. As a member of the royal family of Atlantia, I can use different kind of magic attributes. I particularly have high aptitude in ice magic, and that is why I use it in most cases. But today what I need to use is fire magic. Ragnar was the one with high aptitude in this element. How I wish that he was conscious right now. I am sure he would know what to do in this kind of situation. ’Wake up Isabella.’ I scold myself. ’You are the only one that can do something right now. Snow and Maggie are doing their best fending off the other sirens that were threatening our group mates. For now, you are the only one that can he
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