All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
410 Chapters
Chapter 251
I started to step forward where the battle is raging. My men were fighting the palace guards of the queen. They may be many in number, but my men are Spartans that can use magic in a fight. My men were at an advantage in the battle, for now.I looked at the Genevan palace that was near here. I have heard that its walls are made with Titanium rocks. With the distance from here, I thought we cannot use our magic abilities but for some reason we can. ’Was it because of Isabella’s outburst of her magic power?’ I thought to myself. But whatever the reason was, we can use our magic and that can be an advantage.But there were disadvantages as well. The queen can use her magic as well. She was using her magic to suppress my men that were standing on defense rather than offense. "Secure our defensive line." I ordered. My men heard my call and saw me stepping in the battlefield.When they saw me, their bravery shone I their eyes. Seeing their commander enter the battlefield gave them a boo
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Chapter 252
Queen Fiona embedded her sword with her magic and it glowed violet. I was able to see her first strike and was able to dodge the blade in time. But I was surprised that there was a fresh scratch on my left cheeks and was bleeding. ’Her attacks are not normal.’ I thought to myself.As I know so far, Queen Fiona has gravitational magic and can use it at ease. Looking at where I was standing a while ago, a huge slash mark was seen on the ground. "Your magic may have doubled in power with the use of the pendant, but I won’t be behind." Queen Fiona said. "I am a pure blooded royal of Sparta and my magic won’t be weak against yours." She again launched an attack against me, this time I was able to block her sword with mine. The force of our magic clashing against one another created a wave of force that made the surroundings blown away like there was a storm passing. "For an old lady, you are good." I gave the queen a sarcastic compliment that clearly infuriates her. "How dare you!
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Chapter 253
But before I was able to plunge my sword to her body, I felt danger behind me. When I looked around a volley of arrows came raining down upon me. I use my sword to block the arrows that was nearly upon me and burn the other upcoming arrows with my fire.Because of the endless rain of arrows, I was pushed back. That was when I realized that there was a huge distance from me and the queen. "Tch." I felt irritated. This was the enemy’s true intention, to separate me to where the queen was.Out of nowhere,a group of knights came to defend the queen. The high priest that took the crown prince away has come back with reinforcements. "Do you think you can stop me from killing that b*tch?!" I said with anger. I threw a huge fireball towards them but before it reached the queen’s location, the knights that stood in defense used water magic to block my fire ball.I was surprised to see that they were able to stop a huge fire ball that I have made. With my power up, it was much bigger than
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Chapter 254
[Isabella’s POV]I opened my eyes when I felt the brightness of the sun. I was lying in bed inside a small unfamiliar room. I slowly sat down and felt my body sore and aching."W-What happened?" I said to myself.I was still disoriented and held my head that was feeling an upcoming headache. I inhaled and exhaled, trying to remember what had happened. That was when I remember the arrow that pierced my shoulder.’Was that real?’ I was frantically remembering.I remember trying to escape from the Genevan palace with Bob. But before we were able to escape, a volley of arrows rained from above us. I thought I would die that time but to my surprise, Camila used her body to shield me from the arrows. "No..." I said. My body was shaking with the memory.My half sister Camila, just when we were trying to mend our relationship, she died blocking the arrows meant for me. I remember Camila’s body was pierced with numerous arrows and I lost control over my magic powers seeing her breath her last
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Chapter 255
Ragnar’s touch was gentle that it made my skin crawl with pleasure. "Ahhmm...E-Erik." I felt my body heat with just his touch. "Your body has matured beautifully." Ragnar said. His face was flushed with desire.Ragnar at first was massaging my breast gently but then I felt his face came closer and took one of my mounds into his mouth. "Ahhhh..." A moan escaped my lips once I felt the touch of his lips on my breast. ""Ragnar’s tongue played with my nipples while his mouth sucked on my breast. I remember this sensation once in our engagement party, when he inhaled the aphrodisiac incense Helena bought for him.Ragnar’s hands started to caress me, and the other one started to wonder down my body. His hand started to caress my thighs and in-between. "Ahhhmm...haaa...E-Erik no..." I tried to resist his advance thinking that this room might have thin walls. "W-What if they hear." "Don’t worry. Nobody will dare listen to us." Ragnar smirked and then started to suc
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Chapter 256
The entire day I was on bed resting to regain my depleted power. Two years ago, when I had the same outburst of my magic, I was unconscious for half a year. It is fortunate I did not need the same amount of time to recuperate and woke up just after a few days.The day has gone by quick and Regaleon never left my side. We talked about lots of things, we needed to catch up on the two years we were apart. I was lying on bed while he was sitting beside me. Our hands are intertwined with one another all day long that we both did not want to let go. "Are there any news from Geneva?" I asked him. "What happened to Bob and Duke Monroe’s men that helped steal Queen Fiona’s pendant?" I was worried about the people that were left in Geneva. I am sure that Bob did not come with Ragnar’s men because if he did, then he would have also come to see me as soon as I woke up. "Before escaping, Kyler saw the injured Bob." Ragnar said. "Bob was able to give the pendant he stole from the queen to Kyler,
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Chapter 257
The next day I woke up earlier as expected, dawn was just breaking. It must be because I did not do anything the whole day yesterday but rest. I opened my eyes facing a beautiful face by my side.Ragnar had his eyes closed and was breathing steadily. Looking at him sleep made my heart feel warm from the inside. I used this time to look at him closely, because ,when he was awake I would feel shy just by looking at him for so long.I looked at his closed eyes and saw his long eye lashes. I never realized he had long lashes until now. He has a tall bridged nose and his eyebrows are arched perfectly on his face. The contours of his face are just right, and his lips have the right thickness. All in all, he was born with a handsome face that all women would fall for.I giggled thinking that I was one of the women that fell for his handsome face. Well I did not really fall for his face because he was in disguise the first time I met him, but I fell for him all the same. Ragnar came into my l
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Chapter 258
I was so happy seeing Maggie that I cried happy tears. While eating breakfast, I asked Maggie how her past two years was. We were apart for so long that many has happened.Maggie told me that after I was kidnapped, Ragnar asked her if she wants to go to Avalon with them. She agreed, knowing that Ragnar would do everything in his power to get me back. She believed with all her heart that I will come back to Avalon, and that she waited these past two years ready to serve me when I get back. I was happy with Maggie’s devotion towards me. I am blessed with loyal friends around me. "I never lost hope that you will return to us your highness." Maggie said while wiping her tears. "I believed that his majesty would get you back, and here you are now." "Oh Maggie, I am so happy to reunite with you again." I said with having wiped my own tears. "I am just sad that your youthful years are spent waiting for me. But do not worry, I am sure that you will still find a suitable husband. You are sti
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Chapter 259
Ragnar and I reached the town after just a few minutes. Just like Ragnar said, the town is bustling with merchants and customers because of market day. "Let’s leave Shadow here." Ragnar said after spotting a public stable. Ragnar got down first and helped me after. We left Shadow at the public stables and started to look around the town square.The town square is filled with traveling merchant that made makeshift stalls good for the day. There are many items and goods that are displayed such as fabrics, cheap jewelry, food, and the likes. People all around are busy with their own businesses. "Let’s look over there." I pointed out one store that sells trinkets.The stall was relatively small, only displaying small jewelries such as necklaces, earrings, rings, and hair ornaments. "Good day sir and madam." The stall owner welcomed. "Do you fancy any of my items? My items are crafted with the up to date trends of young ladies."I smiled at the stall owner and started to look at the it
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Chapter 260
Ragnar took my hand and led me to the place he was telling me about. We walked along town towards the edge of the village. The scenery started to change along the way, we can see more greenery and colorful flowers. The rural houses started to dwindle until we came to a building that looked old yet still maintained its natural beauty. The building looked like a chapel. "Is this the village’s chapel?" I asked once we got near. "Yes." He said with a smile. "The building is old. But it still maintains its charm." I looked at the chapel which is small compared to those large churches in big cities and capitals. The walls of the building are decorated with beautiful vined flowers, creeping its wat up. The garden outside the chapel also gives a subtle elegance and makes the place more serene. "Let’s go inside." Ragnar said while holding my hand. "Is it okay to go in?" I asked in worry. "Is it not rude to just go in without permission?"It is not a church day today and the chapel was clo
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