All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
410 Chapters
Chapter 231
After the whole ordeal in the Luis Vuitton Clothing Store was over, the two knights were quickly detained and sent back to the palace. We, on the other hand continued our shopping here in town."Big sis, are you really all right?" Elsa asked with a worried tone."Do not worry Sasa, I am fine. Nothing bad happened and those offenders have been quickly detained." I assured her with a smile. "I am sure your brother will give them the right punishment for offending a princess like me.""Hmph..." Camila scoffed. Both Sasa and I looked at her but she didn’t say anything after."I have already got all of your measurements. Rest assured that the dresses for the princess’ coming of age ceremony will be done and delivered as scheduled." Lady Maya said with a smile. "Is there anything else you need?" She asked."Oh, we are also here to look at jewels and accessories." Elsa said."There are many good jewelry and accessory stores in the plaza. Feel free to look over there. I am sure you would find
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Chapter 232
The dinner was eaten in peace, much to my relief. I heard from Darius that the knights from earlier that offended me were punished with fifty lashes of the whip each. It was said that Darius wanted to punish them with death but the high priest Haden opposed to it. Being that the knights were under the queen’s command, she is the only one to give a death penalty. So for now Darius gave them other harsh punishment.I was lying on bed but wasn’t able to sleep. I was thinking of the coming of age ceremony that will be held just a few days from now. We will be executing our escape plan at the same day as the ceremony is being held.I was also thinking about the information that Ragnar was coming to get me. I was excited to know that in just a few days time I will be seeing him once again.I heaved a sigh and sat up in my bed. Sleep won’t be coming anytime soon and so I stood up and got my robe and put it on. I walked towards the door and opened it.“Is something matter Isabella?" It was P
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Chapter 233
The day of Elsa’s coming of age ceremony had finally arrived. These past few days have passed without anything major happening.Camila and I had a long talk after the event that evening in the garden outside. I cannot say that we have been close but at least her antagonistic feeling towards me has been dissipated.Darius on the other has been pampering me since he came back. He didn’t kiss me again like the first time we met and I was thankful for that but his closeness towards me is quite uncomfortable. ’Nevertheless, I only have to endure this last day.’ I thought to myself.Yes this is the day that I can escape my captivity here in Geneva. Our plans will start tonight at the masquerade ball. I was still in my room lying on the bed and just woke up. The sun has just risen and it was still early in the morning."Good morning your highness." Mary came in my room. "You have woken up early." She said with a smile."Yes, good morning Mary." I replied with a smile. "Today is an importan
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Chapter 234
"Princess Isabella, are you sure you are fine?" Philip asked worriedly. He might have seen my face looking sad just now."It’s okay, I am fine." I replied with a forced smile.What I need to focus right now was to get through this breakfast with Darius safely. It is true that he had been docile these past few days, but that was because I never met him alone. I know that we will be having breakfast in his private quarters but for sure there will be maids to assists us, so that at least made me calm down.I was walking towards Darius’ private quarters with Mary and Phil accompanying me. We passed by busy employees decorating the palace for the event today. I can see different kinds of flowers being put into beautiful vases, the curtains on windows are being replaced with ones that looked even grander, and the maids are cleaning every inch of the palace diligently. Everyone we passed by stopped, giving me a respectful bow. Of course the news that I was to be wedded to their crown prince
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Chapter 235
"Greetings to the future son of the Genevan Kingdom." I curtsied."Rise, my future moon." Darius walked towards me. He took my hand and kissed it affectionately. "Come, let us eat." Darius escorted me gently to my seat and helped me settle down. After that he took his own seat and waved to the maids to prepare the dishes. Breakfast was laid on the table carefully by the maids and they stood by the side after.I quietly started to eat my breakfast in peace not looking at Darius as much as possible.“The palace is quite lively today." Darius started conversing. "It is Elsa’s coming of age ceremony after all." I nodded with his words."I am very grateful to Duke Monroe, having him sponsor and arrange this for my little sister." Darius continued. "I was so busy with the war that I wasn’t able to take care of her at all." I looked at Darius and he had a warm and gentle smile talking about her sister. This just made me think of how close they are to each other."You look quite close to yo
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Chapter 236
"" I tried to push him hard but my strength is nothing compared to his.Darius’ arms locked around me and I cannot get out. My lips are in his possession and I cannot do anything but to squirm in his embrace. "Haah..haah..." I took in breaths when Darius let go of my lips. His lips trailed towards my neck. "P-Please no...*sob*...E-Erik." I unknowingly called for Ragnar’s name. Darius’ attacks stopped midway. My tears were falling and a sob was breaking out of my lips. When I looked at him, his face was full of rage that froze me in place. "You.Are.Mine..." Darius seethed in his anger. He carried me abruptly and took me by surprise. "No... let go of me..." I tried to punch and kick him but to no avail. Darius took me to another room and closed the door behind him. He laid me down in bed forcefully. "W-What are you doing?" Fear had taken over my whole body. "I will take you here and now." Darius face looked dark, unlike the one that expressed his love for me just
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Chapter 237
"What is happening?" A high voice rang inside the room.All in the room were frozen in place. This voice came to no other than the queen of Geneva, Queen Fiona. She entered the wrecked room of the crown prince with the high priest Haden following her from behind.All of the ones present inside the room bowed down in her presence. Philip also bowed down as acting. "Greetings to the moon of the Genevan Kingdom." The people inside the room greeted in unison. "All of you stand up and tell me what happened." Queen Fiona asked again. "Y-Your majesty, we really didn’t know what happened." A servant replied. "We left the crown prince and princess inside his highnesses private quarters as ordered by him. And after a while we heard an explosion. What you see now is also what we saw when we first entered.The queen looked at the injured Darius and me alternately. "Tell me Isabella, did my son do something to you?" Queen Fiona walked towards me but just stopped outside the force field. "You c
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Chapter 238
After the whole ordeal was over, Philip took me back to my private quarters. He laid me down in bed gently but his face was full of rage like he was about to kill somebody. "Mary, please prepare me a hot bath please." I ordered Mary. With what had just happened, I felt quite dirty all over my body. "Y-Yes, right away your highness." Mary hurriedly went out to prepare my bath. "Phil..." I called out to him but didn’t answer. It was like he was not in his body. "Philip!" I called with a more clear volume.Philip snapped back to himself and looked at me worriedly. "Isabella , h-how are you?" He asked. "Why didn’t you call me when that happened? You should have called me. I should have..." He trailed off looking so fierce. "You should have what, Phil?" I asked with knowing the answer. "I know what you would have done. You would have pointed your sword against this country’s crown prince."Philip shook with what I have said. "I should have been there to protect you Isabella. It is my j
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Chapter 239
After the annunciation ceremony, I have gone back to my private quarters to prepare for the masquerade ball. But before everything else I have to call on Philip and Bob to run them through on our escape plan for the final time. "Mary, can you please call sir knight and my male servant." I ordered. "I want to give them some instructions before the masquerade ball starts." "Yes your highness." Mary politely bowed and exited my room.After a while Mary came back with Philip and Bob. "Your highness, they are here." Mary announced. I looked around and saw them standing at the door. "Thank you Mary." I smiled. "You can go now. I wouldn’t want you to miss your carriage home."This will be the last time I see Mary. Inside my heart, I wish her the best in the future. Maybe when this is all over, I can visit her on her family’s farm. "Y-Your highness." Mary let out a small sob. "Why does it feel like you are saying goodbye for good? It is like I won’t ever see you again." Her face was cont
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Chapter 240
"Philips ..." I walked towards him. He was still giving me the cold shoulder. "I am really sorry. I have my reasons why I didn’t call for you for help." I said apologetically. Philips was still silent and with a frown on his face. I held his hand and squeezed it gently. "I am really sorry Phil." I looked up at him. Philip sighed after some time. "How can I be angry at you for so long if you do that?" He looked at me with a sad smile. He pressed his big palm on my cheek and caressed it gently. "I was just angry that I wasn’t able to stop that b*stard from getting his hand all over you. It is my job to protect you Isabella, so please let me do my job properly." His eyes were pleading towards me.I know that I am also in the wrong. I am always taking Philips kindness for granted. I feel that I am a bad person towards him. "I... I am sorry Phil. That would never happen again, I promise." I said while trying to fight back the tears.I felt Phil’s thumb wipe the tears starting to gath
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