All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
410 Chapters
Chapter 241
I was surrounded by maids left and right. The four maids were working on me, brushing and styling my hairs, putting make up on my face, and readying my jewelry and dress for me to wear after everything is done.The dress Lady Maya made for me is colored cream white with gold threads embroidered on it. Darius had sent gold jewelry to match my dress. Looking at the dress and the jewelry, I sighed sadly. My attire tonight was like I was being presented as Darius’s’ bride. *knock knock* There was a knock on the door and one of the maids opened it. There was a male servant outside that talked to the maid. After that the maid closed the door and walked towards me holding a bouquet of white snow lilies. "Your highness, the crown prince sent these flowers for you." The maid said with a huge smile on her face. "The servant had sent the crown prince’s message that he will be picking you up and escorting you to the masquerade ball later." "Oh my princess, his highness the crown prince reall
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Chapter 242
The sun had just set and Darius and I got to the ballroom just in time. Inside was filled with nobles invited for the said event. They were all wearing their masks with different decorations. "I guess we need to wear our masks now." Darius said and waved to his servant.Not long the servant came back with a box. When he opened it, there were matching white masks with gold accent inside. Darius took out the female mask and looked at me. "Here, let me help you." He said. He gently placed the mask on my face and tied it. "I am a little sad that I cannot fully see your beautiful face." He placed a kiss on the back of my hand. He then wore his mask on.At the entrance of the ball room the herald announced our arrival. "Crown Prince Darius and Crown Princess Isabella." The herald said with a loud voice. All the people inside the ballroom stopped with whatever they were doing and all looked at us. Darius placed my hand in his arms and slowly escorted me through the ballroom.The nobles i
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Chapter 243
Once I saw Darius and Camila head to the dance floor, Katherine and I head towards the lounge area. "Our plans will now commence." Katherine said and I nodded in understanding.We walked towards the lounge area and entered one of the rooms meant for the royals. Once inside, we guaranteed first that there was no one around and locked the door. "Your highness, I have brought you some spare clothing." Katherine said while handing the clothing to me.The spare clothing consists of shirt and pants that I can easily move around with. I took the clothing from Katherine. I held her hands and squeezed it tightly. "Thank you Katherine ." I said with a great amount of gratitude."Thank you for everything." "It’s my pleasure to be of help your highness." Katherine smiled. "I will never forget this. I will surely pay this debt back to you and your father back." I said with.Everything up until now was thanks to Duke Monroe and Katherine’s help. Even with Bob and Philip by my side, escaping unn
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Chapter 244
"Why are you dilly dallying here?" The guard asked. That was when I realized he was talking to another guard. This made me sigh in relief. ’So I wasn’t found out. Thank God.’ I thought. "Well there is nothing to guard here in the garden right?" The other guard replied. "It is rather boring you know.""Well you are correct there." The guard said. "But we cannot be lax. Did you hear about the knights that were punished because of their misconduct in their work? I heard they were given fifty lashes of the whip." The guard shivered in fright. "The crown prince is sometimes fearsome." The other guard said. "Even though those knights were from the elite under the queen’s authority, he was able to punish them severely even without the queen being here." "Yes, well they were lucky to have only fifty lashes of the whip as punishment. I heard if they were not under the queen’s elite knights, then they would have been beheaded." The guard explained. "What?!" The other guard was surprised.
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Chapter 245
[Isabella’s POV]I ran towards where the explosion is. I am sure that masquerade ball was also halted with the explosion and the nobles inside the ball room are panicking. The guards will have a lot of work to calm the noble people down.I tried to be extra careful going to the explosion site. Many guards are on high alert right now.’Bob, please be safe.’ I thought and wished in my heart.When I arrived at the scene, I hid behind a tree. At the ground I saw a huge hole and the smoke was coming up from there. When I looked around the hole I saw people lying down. They were wearing black clothing and I knew they were the duke’s men that accompanied Bob for the mission. Some are groaning in pain while others were lying there not moving.I looked frantically for Bob and then my eyes caught sight of him. He was coughing hard, maybe from inhaling smoke from the explosion. I was about to run to him when knights came and surrounded them. "Look what we have here." It was the voice of Aunt Fi
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Chapter 246
I looked at the flying arrows towards me with wide eyes. It was like time was in slow motion; I could not move an inch. ’Will I really die here?’ I thought with regret. ’I still want to live. I still want to see you. Erik.’If only I could use my magic right now, all would be fine. But this side of the palace grounds is still near the palace made of Titanium. I also left the magic crystal with my mother if ever there would be an emergency on their way out to escape.I heard Bob screaming and I see him running towards me, but he was at a distance that won’t reach me on time. I closed my eyes bracing myself for the arrows to hit me. *Swish swish twong*The sounds of flying arrows were heard around me. I heard them landing on the ground and some of it had grazed my arms and legs. I felt a tinge of pain but that was all. I was surprised that none of the arrows have hit my body directly. "Ahhh.." I heard a low cry right in front of me. ’Someone blocked the arrows in front of me.’ My
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Chapter 247
When the Genevan guards with Queen Fiona and Prince Darius arrived, what they saw was a scene of sadness. The crown prince’s concubine Camila was lifeless. Her body was being cradled in Isabella’s arms, with three arrows protruding. Isabella’s face was pale in anguish and sorrow. Her face was stained with tears while new tears were still flowing from her eyes.Darius was shocked by this scene. He never wanted any harm to befall his concubine, especially Isabella who was his wife to be. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!" Darius shouted in rage. "C-Crown prince..." The leader of the palace guards on the scene stuttered. "W-We were trying to catch the enemy and..." The guard trailed. "Catch the enemy?!" Darius shouted. "You fired arrows onto them! My wife to be was with them, and now I see my concubine’s body filled with arrows."The guards around kneeled when they saw Darius’ rage in display. "F-Forgive us your highness." The guards said in unison. They were shivering in fright. "W-We
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Chapter 248
"NO!" Darius let go of his mother and tried to stop the guards from shooting. His face was full of fear.But Darius was too late. The arrow flew into the night sky and was heading to Isabella . He held his breath preparing for the worst but then the arrows disintegrated when it touched the force field around Isabella. Darius’ face eased up some tension and he released a sigh of relief. "What are you doing mother?!" Darius turned around and looked at his mother. He cannot hide the anger on his face. "She will steal everything that should be yours. She must die!" Queen Fiona yelled.Darius’ face was etched with anger and confusion. "I do not understand what you are talking about. Isabella is the love of my life, if there is anything that she will steal from me then I will gladly give it to her whole heartedly."“You don’t understand..." Queen Fiona was trying to find the words to explain to her son.The queen had always thought that the chosen one in the prophecy would be her son. Dar
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Chapter 249
[Ragnar’s ’ POV]My men and I arrived at the location point Duke Monroe had told us to wait. The sun had just set when Philip and a lady with Isabella’s looks arrived at the meeting area. This woman would be Isabella’s mother no doubt. "Your majesty. Greetings to the sword and shield of the Avalon Empire." Philips kneeled before me gallantly. "Rise Sir Philip ." I said. "No need for formalities here."We are currently in the enemy’s territory and are under disguise. Even though this location is remote, we still need to be careful. Philip stood up and presented the woman he was with. "Your majesty, this lady is Princess Isabella’s mother." Philip said. "Greetings to the king of the Avalon Empire." Isabella’s mother curtsied before me. "My name is Diana De Novia, your majesty. I am Isabella’s mother." "It is nice to meet you Lady Diana." I kissed the back of her hand with respect. "I am Ragnar Pendragon, your daughter’s fiancé."Diana giggled. "I have heard many things about you fr
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Chapter 250
[Ragnar’s ’ POV] My men and I galloped at a fast pace towards the Genevan palace. The twenty minutes travel time by horse was shortened to between ten to fifteen minutes. The palace walls were seen by a distance. ’I am nearly there Isabella .’ I said inwardly.My eyes were surveying the palace walls for an entrance. Philip had told us about a hidden passage way in the palace walls hidden with thick bushes. He has told me that the indicator was cypress trees lined in one side of the palace walls. I started to search for the cypress trees but what I caught was a collapsed portion of the wall. "Your majesty, right there..." Kyler pointed out the collapsed side. "Yes I see it." I said.From where we are right now, we can see a very huge collapsed side of the palace wall. Judging by the size, there must have been a huge explosion that could have destroyed such a tall and thick wall.By that time I had a flashback from two years ago. It was the time when Isabella and I were to embark fr
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