All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
410 Chapters
Chapter 261
Mother led me into a small room to prepare. I was already wearing my simple wedding dress. My hair only needs some re-touch and my face needs some blush. "Please sit here your highness." Maggie said.I took my sit in front of a mirror and saw my reflection. My eyes looked puffy because of crying, but at least it was not swollen. Maggie started to apply some make up on me.While sitting and letting Maggie do her job, I saw my mother and father’s reflection in the mirror. I saw them close to one another, with my father’s arms around my mother’s waist. The sight made my heart feel warm. "When did you arrive father?" I asked. My father’s gaze that was focused on my mother shifted towards me. "I got your fiancé message five days ago by carrier pigeon." Father said. "I rode in haste on the same day, taking just a small team of guards with me."I giggled thinking that my father just up and left after getting the message that my mother was alive and well with me. "I am sure that Williams
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Chapter 262
The ceremony was short but solemn. After the ceremony, there was a simple feast prepared at the chapel’s garden. The men that came to rescue me were the ones in attendance. "Congratulations to the king and queen of Avalon." "We wish you all the best." "May you have a great future to come." "Happy Married Life to the sword and shield of the Avalon kingdom."They greeted me and Ragnar with well wishes. Their smiles and enthusiasm made me happy. "Thank you everyone." I replied to their cheers. "Enough of the formalities." Ragnar said with an authoritative voice. His men stood in attention with his words. "Eat and drink to your hearts content. This night is for all of us to be merry." Ragnar’s men that was standing stiff heave a sigh of relief. They had huge smiles on their faces after hearing Ragnar’s words and cheered. "How did they decorate the garden this fast?" I asked in wonder. "We just walked here some time ago." When the ceremony ended and we walked out of chapel, I was
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Chapter 263
Let me help you take off your dress." Ragnar’s whispered in my ear. His breath tickled my neck that the hair all over my body stood.I felt Ragnar’s hands on my shoulders. With just his touch, my body started to feel hot and wanting. Not long, his fingers started to do the work of unbuttoning my clothes. We are alone in the middle of nowhere, and I can only hear the nature’s sounds. My heart was thumping loudly that I am afraid Ragnar can hear it as well. "Your skin is quite flushed." Ragnar said behind my ear.His breath made me shiver. Not long, I can feel his hands caress my bare back. "Ahh..." A moan escaped from my lips, but I covered my mouth with my hands to hold it in.The dress that I was wearing just now came down from my body. I stepped cautiously as to not get dirty the dress I wore. Ragnar took my dress on the floor and neatly folded it and set aside. "Beautiful..." Ragnar said while looking at me. I was standing before him wearing only my undergarments. "Why don’t you
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Chapter 264
The pain I felt was something every woman undergoes after losing their virginity. It felt like my private part was pierced with something sharp. Ragnar was breathing heavily on top of me. He also had a pained expression on his face. "Does it hurt so much?" He asked with a worried tone. "I will try to do it slowly until you are used to me. It hasn’t gone all the way in yet." ’It hasn’t gone all the way in yet?’ The thought shocked me.I have seen Ragnar’s manhood last night and it was clearly big. I have also thought to myself how such a thing can fit inside of me. "Haaa... I will move slowly, my love." Ragnar said while panting heavily. I nodded, letting him know I am prepared. Ragnar pushed his length further inside my flower garden. Because of the foreplay a while ago, my private area was still dripping wet, helping his hard and thick manhood enter easily. I felt his length enter my insides and hit something that made my body shudder. "Ahhh..." I moaned after feeling the top o
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Chapter 265
After our rigorous activity, Ragnar and I took another dip in the hot springs. The heat gave my sore muscles comfort. Both of us are sitting on the edge, with Ragnar hugging me from behind. "It is beautiful out here." I said while looking at the night sky. The stars are not very visible because of the bright full moon, but the brighter ones can still be seen. "Yes, it is." Ragnar said into my ear. His lips were slowly nibbling my earlobe. "Hehe, that tickles." I said as a protest. "Hmm, it is peaceful out here. How I wish we can stay like this a little longer."I missed having a simple and peaceful life, similar to what I have when I was still young. My mother and I only got each other back then and life was hard, but at least we were content with living everyday without any worry in the world. "I know how you feel my love." Ragnar said. "I also wish for the same thing. But I am afraid we can’t stay here for much longer." "Yes, I know." I sighed. The war is not over yet. We migh
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Chapter 266
I breathed out after taking in Ragnar’s manhood inside of me. The sensation inside my private area was full of him. "I will leave everything to you, my love." He whispered behind my ear and grinned. "I will be completely submissive to you."I felt embarrassed with his words. He wants me to take the lead, and he will follow what I want. I have never thought of taking the lead in making love, the bridal lessons only thought how to be submissive and pleasure your husband and not the other way around.Ragnar noticed my uncertainty and gave light kisses on my nape. "You can tell me what you want to do for starters." He whispered softly. "T-Then kiss me behind my ears." I said with embarrassment. I liked it when he kissed me from behind. It gives my body shivers of delight, and it feels so good. "As you wish, my wife." Ragnar smirked.His lips landed behind my ears firmly. I felt the heat coming from his lips, the sensation traveled all throughout my body. "Ahhhmmm..." I moaned with t
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Chapter 267
I was bed ridden for at least a day after our wedding. I was not really sick, and my body recovered just after a half day’s rest, but Ragnar let me rest the whole day in bed to fully recover my energy. "You have not been engaging in sword practice, and so your built-up stamina dwindled." Ragnar said when we were outside taking a walk. It was true that I was not able to lift a sword when I was being held hostage by my aunt and cousin in Geneva. I acted like a weak little girl so that I could gain their trust and spy on them. Those two years bared fruit and I was able to help Ragnar in this war. "I am sorry." I said with my head bowed down. I admit that I neglected practicing the sword, and Ragnar as my sword master was lecturing me. Ragnar patted my head and so I looked up. He was smiling at me sweetly. "You don’t have to apologize. It is not your fault." Ragnar said. "Now that you are back, let’s start with basic training once more., so that you can acquire your stamina back at
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Chapter 268
After our morning walk, Ragnar and I came back to the house. I heard voices coming from inside. It looks like they are discussing about something. "It looks like we have a guest." Ragnar said looking at the side. I followed the direction where Ragnar was looking and saw a new horse that was surely not ours, tied up with the other horses that belongs to Ragnar’s men.Ragnar and I walked inside the house hand in hand. Once inside I saw mother and father seating side by side on the couch while Philip and Kyler were standing by the sides. And there was someone seating on another chair a man, with his back facing us. He had pale crimson hair that I have surely seen before. "Marvin?" I called out at first, not sure if he really was Bob’s father. And then the man turned around to greet me with a smile. "I greet your majesties." Marvin stood up and bowed before Ragnar and I. "It is nice to see you again Marvin." Ragnar greeted. "It is good to see you again Marvin." I also greeted with a
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Chapter 269
[Ragnar’s POV]After the map was made visible using Marvin’s knowledge, they were able to pinpoint the location of the four parts of the key. With this, they can go on a journey to find and retrieve these parts so that it will not get into the hands of bad people, mainly Queen Fiona.All the people in the room were in awe looking at the projected map when Isabella’s mother looked at our way with a worried expression. "Isabella, are you alright?" It was mother in law that realized something was wrong with my wife. "You look pale."All the people around paid attention to Isabella and I did the same. I looked beside me and saw that she was clearly in pain and discomfort. I was about to ask her what was wrong when I felt that my head was in pain. It was a pain that I have never had before. It was as if there was like a sharp nail drilling a hole in my head. I held my head, and my eyesight started to get blurry. "Isabella !" Mother and father in law shouted in surprise. That was when I s
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Chapter 270
"You heard a voice your majesty?" Marvin turned his attention to me. "W-What did it say." "It said that ’Both of you will decide the future of this continent what will it become.’." I said. "What do you think this means and who do you think that voice came from?" I asked.Marvin was astonished at first and then come to a deep thought. After some minutes passed, he looked at me with a serious expression. "Your majesty, what I am about to say are purely my thoughts. I also am not quite sure, and I am just telling my hypothesis on the facts that I have just witnessed." He said. "Go on." I gave Marvin permission to share his hypothesis to me. "I am guessing that the voice that you have heard is from the mighty one himself." Marvin said, gauging my reaction. "The almighty one you say?" I repeated. "You think it was a prophecy from him?" I asked. "Rather than a prophecy, I think it was the last words the almighty One embedded in these pendants." Marvin said. "I believe that the penda
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