All Chapters of Captive of My Mafia Crush: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
372 Chapters
Chapter 0291
My jaw drops as I realize that the violence is not over – that it has perhaps just begun. That this is…this is a bloodbath, a war. “Brothers?” Frankie asks, his voice soft, drawing Christian’s gaze over to us. “Kill him,” Christians says, nodding to Frankie once before striding for Nico. “He can
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Chapter 0292
Christian looks up at Nico, who nods. “I can confirm that,” Christian continues, still casual. “If you needed confirmation. But considering that you sent them after my wife, I’m sure that there’s not too much mystery regarding who took them out.” There’s a long pause on the other line as Bonetti p
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Chapter 0293
I nod, eager to have him believe me even if I’m not sure it’s true. “Just…out of my element. As usual.” He smiles at me and then leans forward, pressing a warm kiss to my mouth. I melt into him a little bit, trusting him completely. If Christian says it’s all right…then it will be. He hasn’t been
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Chapter 0294
But as I feel my husband pressed long along the length of my body, I know that there’s only one real choice for me. That the idea of leaving him here, of not knowing whether he lives or dies… God, no. I could never do it. “I want to stay,” I say quietly, my eyes on Frankie. He holds my gaze fo
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Chapter 0295
That even though Christian called this meeting, Bonetti’s the one in charge. Anxious, I glance down at myself, doubting again Nico’s choice in what is essentially workout clothes. God, why didn’t I bring something to change into? But Christian reaches out and subtly takes my hand, wrapping it in
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Chapter 0296
Bonetti actually does go still at this news, perhaps not expecting Christian to put it so bluntly. All around his men tense, and I hear about twenty safety catches flip on guns. But Bonetti puts his hand up, clearly letting them know to keep calm. “So why haven’t you, boy?” Bonetti murmurs. “It wo
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Chapter 0297
“If you’re on board,” Christian says, cold and even, “then I’d like…a tribute of good faith.” “Which looks like what?” Bonetti says, cocking his head, clearly not liking this. “Hostage,” Christian snaps out, his eyes moving immediately to the other man in the room, who does his best – and fails
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Chapter 0298
“Go back to bed, Iris!” Nico growls in the dark hallway. I shriek, jumping almost out of my skin and nearly dropping the small tray of food and supplies that I’m carrying to my bedroom. Or at least, my old bedroom – it’s where we’re keeping the captive now. “Nico!” I snap, pissed off at him. “Yo
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Chapter 0299
He doesn’t apologize and I don’t ask him to. But we look at each other evenly. “Well, I don’t want to be like that,” I say quiet softly. “I don’t…don’t want to be in a family that works that way. You’re just our captive, right? And I get that we have to keep you…captive…” I frown at myself, disapp
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Chapter 0300
I grin at my husband and then quickly cut Calvin’s left hand free, jumping away from him fast. Christian comes to my side then and deftly takes the knife, slipping it into his own pocket. “Five minutes,” he murmurs, dropping a kiss to my cheek. “And then Nico’s going to come back in here and tape hi
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