All Chapters of Captive of My Mafia Crush: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
372 Chapters
Chapter 0301
“Nope, Nico’s job,” Frankie says, giving his head a vehement shake. “I just shoot people.” I laugh, wrinkling my nose at him. “You’ve only shot one person since that day at Lupa, Frank,” I say with a sigh, turning on the tap and setting Calvin’s plates in there to soak. “You’re slacking.” “Yeah,
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Chapter 0302
“Dad,” Christian says, his voice tense and a little angry as he crosses his arms across his chest and looks around the room, his eyes coming to rest on his brothers. “Interesting to see that you kept this in the family so completely.” “It is a family affair,” Romano snaps back, glaring hard at my
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Chapter 0303
I go rigid when I hear this, my eyes immediately snapping to Lucy. But she’s looking down at her hands, which are folded neatly before her. I work very, very hard to control my expression, my features. But when I glance over at Bonetti and find his eyes immediately on me, victory on his face? I kn
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Chapter 0304
Nico huffs a laugh and shakes his head, grabbing my arm again and pulling me out into the hall, the dress still clutched to my chest. “I think you won’t take this seriously because you never fucking have taken this seriously, Iris!” he says, pulling the door shut after him and keeping his voice hu
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Chapter 0305
I nod, accepting it, remembering the rules of the setup today that I was briefed on this morning. Two bodyguards each, no weapons. The point of it is the return of the captive and face-to-face conversation so that Christian can convince both his father and Bonetti that he’s on their side. Though h
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Chapter 0306
The next morning I wake up to the feel of Christian’s hand on my hip, sliding around to my stomach and pulling him closer against him. I go stiff, still angry and upset about everything that happened yesterday, but he dips his head low and presses a kiss first to my shoulder, and then lower to my ne
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Chapter 0307
“Not today, Iris,” Nico says, a little exhausted. “He can go hungry for a couple of hours. We have to get started.” “What?” I ask, looking at him with wide eyes. “Now?” “Yes, now,” Nico replies, stern, holding my gaze. “Um…” I say, looking between the three of them. “What…what do you want me t
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Chapter 0308
I spend the rest of the day very quietly. Eventually, Nico and Christian do come out of the room and settle at the kitchen table with Frankie, where they hash out a bunch of what sound like really complicated plans. But, despite Nico’s glares and clear silent indications that I shouldn’t be hearin
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Chapter 0309
I start a little a few hours later when Chrisitan climbs into bed next to me. He reaches out a hand to touch my shoulder, but he clearly notices when I tense. “Iris,” he murmurs. But when I don’t say or do anything, he just sighs. “Please talk to me, Iris.” “What do you want, Chris?” I murmur, s
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Chapter 0310
“We have four people,” Nico says, hunching his shoulders and putting his hands out in front of him, begging us to see. “Maybe six, if you could count Tony and fucking Lucy, which I very much think we cannot after the events of this morning. We have no real fire power, no excessive access to cash or
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