All Chapters of Pregnant and Divorced, The Billionaire's Regret: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
227 Chapters
Chapter 41 Did It Hurt?
Seven minutes before,Hand stuffed in his pocket and body leaned against the nearest wall, Gabriel watched the interaction ensuing in the balcony with dark hooded lids.All around him, the aura seemed deadly, combined with the look of obviously jealousy that swept across his face each time Christian spoke to Leonica.As if one man wasn’t enough for her, she was going after another, of course.“Gabe,”Angelina’s voice called him back to reality and he looked down, watching as the woman he had come with, offered him a gl*ss of wine, gl*ss of water in her other hand.“Are you alright?”Taking the offered drink, Gabriel nodded his head. “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”Angelina shrugged her shoulders, sipping the water from the gl*ss in her hand and waiting for Gabriel to take a sip from his.He didn't, not Immediately. Instead, he stared down at the liquid in the gl*ss, watching as the light from the lamps hanging overhead reflected against the wine’s surface.A few moments later, he raised the
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Chapter 42 Hickeys.
Hands balled and jaws clenched tightly, Angelina stood off in a corner, fuming from head to toe as she watched Leonica meander out of the room, hair a mess and fresh hickeys decorating her back and neck, ultimately clarifying that the plan she had spent days crafting, had fallen into the wrong hands.And it was all because of that b*tch called Leonica!She had ruined everything, stolen the opportunity away from her when she had spent thousands on the drug she diluted Gabriel's drink with.She had waited patiently, bought the drug from a friend of hers who *ssured her that one night was all it took for her to get pregnant with Gabriel baby, with thousands of dollars and at the right time, decided to strike, but all because of Stellar dragging her away from a talk, she had lost the opportunity.Slowly advancing from her spot, Angelina moved towards the room Leonica had stepped out from and with much hesitation, peeped into it.Her heart skipped a beat at the sight, for Gabriel was indee
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Chapter 43 Meeting With The Shareholders.
Black face cap and mask concealing her identity, Angelina jogged out of the hotel that had been used for Stellar's birthday event and onto the other side of the road where a car sent from her company had been waiting for her.When she slipped into the back seat, her manager eyes the marks on her exposed neck. Even in the dim atmosphere of the car, tinted windows and all, the marks were still overly visible."Ms. Fernandez...those..."Following the directions of her manager's line of sight, the brunette chuckled. "Oh don't worry, this aren't real." Reaching into her hand bag, she pulled out fresh wet wipes and dragged the across her skin, cleaning off the makeup to reveal her unmarked skin underneath.Her manager stared at her, confused."You wouldn't understand," Tossing the wipes on the floor with one hand, she patted the innocent adolescent on the head with her other one. "Now tell the driver to take us to the studio, I don't want to arrive later than the scheduled time.""Y-yes ma'
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Chapter 44 Teaching Her A Lesson.
Eye brow knitting at his words, Leonica allowed her brain register the situation for a while before she questioned.“Hospital? Why?”“Supposed stomach ache,” Kennedy answered with the exact words Chloe, Arvan’s *ssistant had told him, all the while watching as his employer stopped in her track, turning around and heading in the direction of the elevator.“What hospital?” She demanded.Kennedy was silent for a while, typing away on his phone before replying. “Midway international hospital.” He informed.Leonica nodded her head, mapping the exact location in her head as she stepped into the elevator once it arrived on her floor. “I’ll leave now, you handle things over here, Kennedy.” She instructed, watching as The *ssistant bowed his head before the lift door closed.When she stepped out of the lift, she rushed towards her car and quickly drove towards the location Kennedy had relayed to her. Arriving at Midway international hospital, Leonica walked up to the reception, knocking her na
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Chapter 45 She Lied To Their Son.
Ashely’s new week in school began with him listening to Daisy tell him all about how much his mother had spent time with her, rather than him.The entire week, his mother had barely spent time with his, giving some excuse after the other while leaving him in his grandparents place, So hearing from another child that she had spent time and love intended for him, on her, bittered him, even though that wasn’t the girl’s intention.“Alright children, kindly quiet down.” The silver like sound of their homeroom teacher voice, Mrs. Harper, cut through his train of thought.Looking up, Ashely faced the woman who was trying to calm the children.When she finally did, she continued. “Today, we will be having our morning routines as usual, however with one exception.” Pointing her hand towards the door, everyone watched as a tall well built figure walked into their cl*ssroom.Watching the figure walk in, Ashely’s eyes grew wide in astonishment, recognition and pleasure. His expression was acknow
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Chapter 46 Paternity Folder.
It was inaccurate to say Leonica was angry as she walked into the cl*ssroom, eyes trained solely on Gabriel in a deathly glare.A more accurate expression for her, would be fuming, red faced and all, which was the least expression she should have showed. Like, just imagine walking you merry way into your son’s school, intending to pick him up, only to find your devil of a ex husband, petting and playing daddy with him.F*ck no!Stopping shut right in front of the man she had been glaring at, Leonica reached forward and with lightening speed, she pulled Ashely away, pushing him behind her like she was an acting shield.“what the h*ll do you think you’re doing here?” She questioned with a pointed stare, not for one bit, liking the way he remained silent and tilted his head to the side, eyes dropping to the corners of her neck.Unintentionally, she flinched. F*ck those gray eyes of his. They haunted her in her every nightmares and now here he was, standing in front of her and watching he
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Chapter 47 Not His Son.
What. The. Actual. F*ck.Those were the words that rolled into Leonica’s mind as she had stared at the picture, bewildered.Up until this point, she had prepared for anything, everything and probably the worst situation, that Gabriel could throw at her.She had placed contingencies after contingencies in place, even going as far as to reduce Ashely’s Actual age, from four to three years old. She had taken several more steps to ensure that her baby, her son, was safe with her no matter what.Yet here she was, seating in her car, visibly panicking while driving to the location Gabriel had given her.And why was that, or better yet, how had that come about? Simply because he sent her the photo of a paternity folder.Now fake or not, Leonica wasn’t about to test her luck. First hand, she knew how smart and not to mention, brutal, Gabriel could be. So if that folder was indeed genuine, then she didn’t want to seat around and find out what he would do.And if it wasn’t, then so be it.Pulli
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Chapter 48 Her Wicked Ploy.
"Yay Gabriel, Ashley isn't your son." Angelina who was unable to hide her happiness began jumping around, hugging and even kissing Gabriel.But the same couldn't be said for Leonica and Gabriel. Hearing Angelina's words, they both frowned, visibly confused.Ashely...wasn't Gabriel's son?They both simultaneously thought, unconsciously glancing at each other. While they were still caught up in the confusion of their thoughts and the situations outcome in general, Angelina rushed back to the table and snatched the paternity papers.In seconds, she was in front of Gabriel and snapping him out of his daze by showing the paper to him, or more accurately, shoving it in his face as she pointed her index finger at a particular paragraph."Look, look at it Gabe, I'm not kidding." She pointed out in jubilee.And it was just as she had said. Staring at the paper with creased brows, Gabriel felt a sour taste descend into his stomach.It was true, Ashely wasn't his son, or so the papers say, but p
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Chapter 49 Their Never Ending Connections.
“Talk about F*ck luck.” Leonica groaned under her breath as soon as she had returned home and discarded her car keys in some weird corner of her living room.Now pacing back and forth, hands running through her hair every thirty seconds, she couldn’t help but ponder how lucky she had gotten today.Gabriel seemed almost too sure about the result, yet it had turned out this way. If he wasn’t smart to see what was happening despite his 158 IQ, then she was. It was obvious someone had tampered with the test result.No doubt.Now a few candidates came to mind, Angelina included, but as quickly as they had come, they all faded into black spots with no proof, leaving her with a sense of dread by not knowing if this person who tampered with the result was a friend or foe.The former, she hoped as she walked towards her phone and looked for her parents number. She found it relatively quickly, her mother’s to be precise.The phone rang for no less than a second before it was answered.“Leo, how
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Chapter 50 Hospital Encounter.
The next few days after her encounter with Gabriel had been blissfully uneventful.Seating in the confines of her parent's outer garden, Leonica gently sipped on the tea Benjamin had just brought back from Malaysia, while watching various beautiful butterflies hover around the flowers.Delightful, couldn't even grace how she was feeling. For the first time in a month and a half since Leonica had returned to Norway, she felt truly at peace.Gently sighing out, Leonica placed the tea cup down and smiled as she caught wind of small feet meandering down her way in a Sprint. It wasn't long before her lower body on the chair was engulfed by Ashely's hug."Mommy," The younger boy called out, tone somewhere between a whine and adoration for his mother."What have I warned you About running, Ash?" His mother asked, scooping him from the ground and into her laps. "Hm?""I...I wasn't running!" He quickly tried to defend.However, the moment those words left his mother, another figure stepped int
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