All Chapters of Pregnant and Divorced, The Billionaire's Regret: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
227 Chapters
Chapter 31 The Countenance Of A Father And Son.
With a neutral expression on his face, Gabriel calmed his thoughts and heart alike before they could spiral out of control, and gave a simple nod in Ashely's direction, acknowledging him yet showing clearly that he had no intention of interacting with the younger male.At least for now, with his frame of mind, he had no intention of facing him. Perhaps some other time.Turning around, he ignored the look of confusion on Ashely's face and attempted to walk away. That was until the rowdy voices of a certain group of men caught his attention.They were walking in the direction where Ashely now stood still, looking at him, while carrying a stack of weighty and unbalanced technical props.As they got closer to Ashely, the props wobbled, showing signs topping over in the nearest future and Ashely, well Ashely was blissfully ignorant of his impending doom.Seeing the scene play out in his mind, Gabriel cursed. He was already mentally exhausted, and now he had to add this situation into the e
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Chapter 32 Do You Like Him That Much?
Close to fifteen minutes had gone by since Leonica began her search for her best friend and son altogether. Weaving her way through the crowds, she muttered strings of curses underneath her breath, bashing Angelina for having shown up to ruin her perfectly fine day."F*cking hell, where the F*ck are they?" She threw her hands up in the air, having had enough of looking around for one grown adult and a child, like some lost service dog."How the F*ck could they have even gotten this far?" She questioned herself, about to move on when a small and familiar silhouette walking towards a photo boot caught her attention.'Ashley, there you.'Raising her hand, she was about to call out to the younger boy through the crowd, but the words instantly died on the tip of her tongue upon seeing the figure lazily trailing behind him.Gabriel.Sucking her breath in, her body tensed at the sight.No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No F*cking way.She tried to shake her head, hoping and praying that her ey
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Chapter 33 Child Of Mine.
Leonica couldn't hide the surprised expression that marred her face at Ashely's words.She blinked, once, then a second time before uttering the only sentence her mind could manage to conjure."What?"" daddy?" Ashely repeated, this time with hesitance as he quickly sensed the troubling aura emanating from his mother.Had he said something wrong?'Fudge!' Cursing his stupid unfiltered mouth, the young boy lowered his head.Leonica's brows remained furrowed. She wasn't sure what to think. Ashely wanted Gabriel to be daddy? What? When had the two even gotten so close for Ashely to begin harboring such thoughts?Or was this perhaps Gabriel's handiwork?'No,' She shook the thought away as soon as it crossed her mind.Gabriel was a sly b*stard but he had no use corrupting Ashely with such thoughts if he wasn't going to benefit anything from it.This...this was obviously the handiwork of one thing. The connection shared between father and son. As much as she hated it, seei
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Chapter 34 She Aborted His Baby Eight Years Ago.
Looking at the hard evidence in front of them, both Lloyd and Christian were shocked.The boy in the picture, some place around the age of four to five, had light blonde hair very much resembling the color of Leonica's hair five years ago. His eyes were round and held a bright shade of grey, which, just like the rest of his facial proportions, looked very much like Gabriel's own.There was no denying it, the kid they both were gazing at, or at least the photographic version, looked a lot like little Gabriel slapped into Corel-draw and edited with yellow locks."Wow, so you have a kid," Lloyd reached for the picture, examining the child's face as he brought it closer to his eyes. "An actual kid," he added with a smirk. "And here I was thinking that I'd be the first one to knock up some chick. Congrats man."Putting aside his friend's unnecessary excitement for the situation, Christian spoke. "Fine, maybe you're right. The kid does look like you,"'An awful lot!' He couldn't stop his fa
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Chapter 35 How Cruel Can She Be?
Surprise ridden by the sudden revelation,Gabriel was left speechless. He remained silent, staring almost blankly at the test result in his hand, yet his mind was swarming with thousands of questions.At last, he gathered himself and asked. "Angelina was pregnant? When?" He glanced between the doctor and his fiancee, who hung he'd head low under his stare."Eight years ago." Doctor Ken answered and sighed. "From her chat history that I have studied, it's clear that the baby had been miscarried, but Madam Fernandez insists that it was an abortion.""I'm not lying," Angelina defended."Medical chats don't lie, Angelina," Gabriel nearly snapped, the entire news of having had a child that he lost eight years ago, without even knowing of it, felt somewhat overwhelming for him. "It's either Doctor Ken forged this papers, or you are lying, so which is it?""I...Gabe, please," She begged, water forming in the corner of her eyes. Gabriel felt bad, but nonetheless he stood his ground, knowing th
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Chapter 36 An Open Challenge.
"Who the F*ck does he honestly think he is?!"Brimming from head to toe with anger, Leonica stormed into her office. Behind her, Kennedy, the giver of bad news followed. Although he made sure to put as much distance between as possible, not wanting to be within reaching range when his boss finally blew the remaining of her fuse."Ms. Romero, please calm down." He advised, voice low and tentative in the event that Leonica took actual offense to his suggestion.And she did.Shooting a sharp glare at him as soon as she sat down, she questioned. "Why should I? That F*cker is obviously challenging me just to get on my nerves." She spat. Kennedy winced at her choice of language, although a grown as man, he still chose to speak in a more subtle manner compared to his boss."I understand your anger, Ms. Romero," Closing the small space between himself and the table, Kennedy gently aligned all the documents he had been carrying in his arms ever since stepping into the company this morning, wit
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Chapter 37 The War Between Two Big Companies.
Half an hour had p*ssed and all three of them had settled down with the meeting beginning most of it process, if not already approaching it’s closing ends, yet Leonica couldn’t stop the occasion squinted eye glances she gave in Arvan’s direction.This of course, did not go unnoticed by Gabriel, causing his grip to tighten around the edge of his chair’s handle.“…so for peace to rain and everything to return to as it was before, in both the business industry and society alike, I’ve decided to step in and suggest a rather…tricky proposal.” Arvan’s eyes scanned the figures of both serious looking CEO, only this time lingering more on Leonica’s part before turning away.“And, what may this proposal be?” Leonica asked the question for both CEOs.Turning behind, Arvan beckoned his *ssistant over from the corner she stood in. Halfway there, he made a hand gesture that only the two of them understood and instead of walking straight towards him, she made a beeline for Gabriel and Leonica’s sea
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Chapter 38 Nothing But The Truth.
The feeling was soft, possibly the softest thing Leonica had ever felt pressed against her lips. It felt familiar and warm.In all her 28 years of living, she had never experienced a feeling quite like it.Her body tingled, the hair at the back of her neck stood, and her stomach turned, in a she definitely disliked.Without giving either herself or body any chance to settle into the feeling, she quickly pushed her off Gabriel’s chest, resulting in a flat fall on her butt and a wound in her palm that had paid not attention to thanks to the events that had just happened.On the inside, she cursed at her pounding heart, berating herself for allowing Gabriel’s touch to still have some sort of effect on her after five years.Gabriel on the other hand, having the weight that had pinned him down disappearing, gently sat up, finger tips brushing against his lips.The soft feeling was still there, lingering. It was not the first time he had kissed Leonica, however, the previous times, they had
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Chapter 39 Considered A Friend.
Pacing the space of his study in hope to calm whatever anger was still left in him- after returning a few hours ago- his mind however, doing the opposite of the task it had been given, replayed scene of Arvan and Leonica’s interaction, ultimately refueling the anger he had so desperately been trying to calm.Those scenes, as if hunting him, replayed like broken pieces of a record label, driving him crazy to the point that he wished he could dip his hand into his head and pull out that brain of his.That pleasure, however, wasn’t granted to him, leaving the memories in his head to taunt him in ways that was enough to have Gabriel’s stomach twisting and turning in ways he knew it should not, each time he thought about Leonica and Arvan’s overly friendly nature.It was almost as If…he was jealous of seeing them together.That p*ssing thought, as ridiculous as it may have sounded, was enough to bring his pacing to a halt, eyes narrowing as he questioned himself based on that very thought;
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Chapter 40 Poisonous As Cyanide.
Subtle music in the background mixed with the flashing sounds of paparazzi cameras, Gabriel walked down the entrance carpet, Angelina beside him.However, instead of his date, his eyes roamed the faces of people, looking for a certain someone.It didn’t take long before he the object of his search.Leonica, was the object of his search.And the more he watched her, the harder it became for him to fight away the fact of how stunning she looked in her dress tonight.It was different from how he had seen her the previous time. This time, she had a smile on her lips, looking care free and happy. That look however, faded as soon as her eyes landed on him.He couldn't blame her, as his own lips had tightened and his jaws clenched, the feeling of hatred between them was mutual.“Gabriel?” Angelina’s voice pulled him away from the scene in front.“Is everything alright?” She asked, a slight worried tone in her voice.Gabriel nodded, however he couldn’t stop his gaze from traveling back to the
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