All Chapters of Pregnant and Divorced, The Billionaire's Regret: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
227 Chapters
Chapter 11 Suspicious Media Post.
Gabriel laid motionless in his bed, eyes glued blankly on his white ceiling. He had just woken up an hour ago, however he hadn't moved from his current spot as his mind recounted the dream that he had.He had been dreaming.A dream of the past and a future that would never happen, one that felt vivid and almost too real.The dream had started off being about the first time he had met Leonica.He remembered her clearly, the young woman with yellow hair, dressed in a beautiful white dress and a warm smile on her face.In the dream, Gabriel was sitting on a sofa with his grandmother when Leonica, along with her father and mother were introduced to him.Their first meeting.However, the dream quickly took a different turn and they were in an open field with beautifully planted irises and Leonica was standing in the center, but she was not alone.Held in her embrace was a small child, who slept peacefully on her chest.He remembered watching her cradle the child in her arms as they slept p
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Chapter 12 Finding Her A Better Man.
It was currently 5pm and Leonica was seated in a restaurant, listening to the Noirette in front of her, namely Anastasia, her best friend, rain all heaven down on her.“I can’t believe you. You could you just up and pop without telling I, your best friend a single thing. You didn’t even dim it fit to say goodbye to me.” Anastasia scolded like she has been doing for the last hour.The following day after her returning to Norway, Leonica had gotten a phone call from Anastasia who had heard the news from Leonardo.To say she had been pissed was an understatement. Leonica had nearly lost her hearing the moment she answered the call.Fortunately, she had found a way to calm the Noirette down and proposed dinner while she explained her previous action.Anastasia accepted without a second to waste, thus the reason for the current situation.“I’m sorry,” Leonica apologized for the umpteenth time, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “But there was no other choice. The decision had been made on the
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Chapter 13 Unexpected Encounter.
The next day at Bryce Empire, all the major employees of the Media team had been gathered in Gabriel’s office.The man himself was in front of the small crowd, leaning against his table. With a darken atmosphere behind him, it made all the employees present cower all the more.What had they done wrong this time around?!“I’ll only ask this once, who amongst you is responsible for the engagement post released by the media department?” Gabriel asked and soon, all heads turned to face an impish looking brunette.The male flinched under all the eyes and slowly raised his hand, announcing. “It…it was me S-sir.”Gabriel’s brows twitched at the answer.This man, what was his name?Ah, yes, Kelvin.He was the manager of the media department, but more importantly, the one responsible for the engagement announcement that had caused him so much trouble.Gabriel sighed, running his fingers through his hair.What had made him think that hiring Kelvin was a good idea?“So,” he began, taking a deep
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Chapter 14 He Finally Found Her!
"Leonica, is that you?" Christian asked, his tone and expression filled with disbelief as he took a step forward.The said female nearly shrank back at the sight of one of Gabriel's closest friends. She had not expected to run into him here, as a matter of fact, she had not expected to run into him at all.This was bad, she thought as he her on Ashely who was now sound asleep, tightened.Maybe she could wriggle her way out of this."I'm sorry, but I think you've mistaken me for someone else." She quickly dismissed him. "I'm not quiet sure I know who you are." With that, she turned and continued heading for the door.Christian however, did not relent and rushed after her."It's me Leonica, Christian, Gabriel's friend."'Of course I know that.' Leonica thought, increasing her pace.She couldn't understand why the man was insisting on talking to her, or rather, she couldn't understand why the universe was working against her."You're not gonna believe me if I say I don't know who you are
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Chapter 15 Their Reunion After Five Years.
Leonica sat in the back of her car, mind replaying the conversation she had with Leonardo.“Are you sure no one would find out?” She had asked, her eyes on her rear view mirror where she could see her son sleeping peacefully.“Yes. No one can track the boy, I’ve made sure of it.” Leonardo *ssured.Leonica’s jaws clenched, her fist curling. “And are you sure…”“I’m sure no one would bother you or the boy,” Leonardo interrupted her, sensing what she was about to ask.“Right. Thank you.”Those were the last words exchanged between the siblings before Leonica got ready for the banquet tonight. And right now, she was in the back seat of her car which was parked right in front of the venue.Taking a deep breath, she stepped out when her *ssistant opened the door for her.Instantly, all the paparazzi turned their cameras on her, the flashing light nearly blinding her vision.“Who are you? Is this your first appearance?”“What’s your name?”“My sources tell me that you’re the new president of
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Chapter 16 She's The Mother Of My Child.
If one word could accurately describe the way Leonica was currently feeling, that would be, Breathless.Seeing Gabriel up so close after five years and not even having been mentally prepared, shook her to some extent.What was he doing here?Forego the fact that this even was especially meant to business attendants, Anastasia had sang it like a lullaby in her ears about how he had quit attending social activities, and as a result, she had let her guard down and attended the annual banquet without a worry in the world concerning running into*t, she cursed in her head. How had she been so careless?Taking another step back, she tried to put some much needed distance between them, while schooling her expression.There was no need to have any sort of expression that would show that his presence was getting to her.As a matter of fact, there was no need remaining within the same space as him.She needed to leave.With that p*ssing thought in her mind, Leonica lowered her gaze, seem
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Chapter 17 He Was Aware Of The Child's Existence.
A deafening silence fell over the trio at Gabriel’s words.The only sounds that could be heard was the subtle melody of the music as the other attendants carried on with their night, not a care in the world for the silent battle that was occurring on the edge of the dance floor.The air had suddenly grown thick and heavy.Leonica felt as though her ears were ringing, her heart beating so fast it was going to jump out of her chest.“What…what did you just say?” She directed her question at Gabriel, who turned to her and smirked, the look on his face saying it all.She had know him for five years, she was his wife, for crying out loud, she could read his facial expressions and body language like the back of her palm.He was serious and the silent look of ‘You think I wouldn’t find out?’ he was giving her was proof of that.However, no matter how calm she was on the outside, on the inside, she was freaking out.How had he know she had been pregnant five years ago?!“What, surprised?” Gab
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Chapter 18 Her Threatening Presence.
"Gabe, there you are! I've been looking all over for you." Angelina called out as she strolled in the direction of her Fiancé's figure, putting on a weakened Visage that would go perfectly well with her meek act.Without caring who he was conversing with, she cling onto his arm, making sure that the engagement ring he had given her a few weeks ago was very visible as soon as she noticed his companion, aside from Christian was a stunning white-ette woman.Huh, stunning white-ette woman?!Angelina did a doubt take at the woman's direction, her eyes growing wide at she recognized the familiar face of Leonica."You...!" She exclaimed nearly blowing the meek persona she has been living by for years in other to gain Gabriel's love and affection.Which has been relatively easy over the years, however, staring the woman that stood in front of her, from head to toe, Angelina felt a deep sense of intimidation.She was gorgeous. No matter how much hatred Angelina harbored for Leonica, Gabriel's
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Chapter 19 A New Threat Has Arisen.
And it did.Leonica’s final words to him sank in the deepest, striking Gabriel’s heart that was already occupied by the conflicted feelings, seeing Leonica after five years, had brought.But one thing was clear, her transformation in the past five years, precisely, how indifferent she had began acting towards him, angered him. Yet, as he turned and watched her ascend the stage to give her speech, spot light shinning all around her, Gabriel couldn’t help but feel mesmerized.The Leonica he knew five years ago, would have never dared to talk back to him. She would have been so afraid, so broken, she wouldn’t have the courage to stand up for herself, yet, here she was.Her aura had completely changed and she wasn’t the same woman he had married and divorced.No, the woman who stood on stage, holding a microphone in her hand with a billion dollar smile, was a confident and strong individual.She had changed so much in five years.During his trans like stare towards Leonica, Gabriel had fa
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Chapter 20 The Smell Of Gun Powder Between Friends.
"What?" Christian asked, blinking his eyes in confusion.Had he just heard Gabriel right?"Leonica's medical records, I want them." Gabriel repeated."That..." Christian hesitated. "I don't think that would be possible, Gabriel.""Why not?" Gabriel questioned, not liking the fact that Christian was hesitant to grant him his wish."Because they are private and that would mean I have to violate her privacy to get that information." Christian reasoned, hoping Gabriel would back off.However, it was a futile attempt."Invasion of privacy or not, Christian, I want those records."Christian's jaws clenched, clearly displeased by his friend's decision. "And what do you hope to achieve by obtaining her medical records? What will this accomplish?""The abortion, her medical record will surely contain traces of an abortion.""What?" Christian nearly chuckled at his response. Not only did he find it funny that his friend cared so much as to carry the matter over night, he found it equally distur
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