All Chapters of UNSPOKEN BOND : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
73 Chapters
CHAPTER 51Caleb ran into Coach Harris as soon as he stepped out of Mrs Wilkins' office."Caleb! "There you are!"The familiar voice shook Caleb out of his reverie, and he turned to see Coach Harris approaching him, a clipboard tucked under his arm and a severe scowl engraved on his weathered features."Coach," Caleb said, his sneer fading as he took in the man's no-nonsense demeanor. "What's up?"Coach Harris drew to a standstill before him, his gaze tightening as he looked at his star player. "I heard you were called into Mrs Wilkins' office. Is everything okay?Caleb shrugged, his arrogance reinforcing itself like a well-worn mask. "It's nothing, coach. Just some nonsense about my being too 'rowdy' or something."Coach Harris furrowed his brow and let out a gruff groan. "Caleb, don't give me that attitude. "You know I don't put up with that crap."Caleb clenched his jaw and gave a curt nod. "Yes, sir."Coach Harris looked at him for a long time, his eyes probing Caleb's face for an
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CHAPTER 52Caleb walked into the classroom, shoulders squared and jaw set in a furious stance. The weight of his fight with Mrs. Wilkins lingered like a dark fog, but he refused to let it weaken his determination.As he scanned the room, he noticed Miranda, his girlfriend, lounging in her normal seat at the rear of the classroom. Her neatly manicured nails beat an eager rhythm against the desk as she flipped through her phone, oblivious to his arrival.Caleb approached her purposefully, his expression unreadable. Miranda looked up as he slid into the seat beside her, her painted lips twisting into a flirty smile that fell short of her eyes."Well, look who finally decided to show up," she said, her voice tinged with amusement and veiled disdain.Caleb stiffened his jaw and regarded her with a fierce glare. "Lay off, Miranda. I had a hell of a morning.Miranda arched a flawlessly sculpted brow, her eyes gleaming with predatory intent. "Oh? "Do tell."Caleb let out a frustrated groan, h
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CHAPTER 53*** NEXT DAY AT THE THERAPIST OFFICE ***Caleb entered the therapist's office with a deliberately constructed attitude of indifference and squared shoulders. The room was small and ill-furnished, and there was a strong smell of desperation and old books. Caleb allowed his eyes to roam, taking in the disorganized piles of files on the shelves and the faded inspirational posters as he sank into the worn recliner opposite the therapist's desk. It was a pitiful little room, a reflection of the school's clumsy attempts to deal with the issues that sullied inside its walls.Dr. Lyra, the therapist, gave him a polished smile that stopped short of her eyes. With wispy grey hair and a permanent frown carved on her brow, she was a mousy woman in her late fifties who had long since given up on truly improving the lives of problematic teenagers like him.She said, "Welcome, Caleb," with a false smile that made him uncomfortable. "I'm glad you could make it to our first session."With
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CHAPTER 54Dylan walked into the cafeteria, with a backpack slung over one shoulder and a weary frown on his face. As his eyes scanned the familiar sea of tables, he noticed Mia and Lila huddled together in their regular corner, their heads bent over a shared notebook.Dylan sighed softly as he approached them, his steps heavy with the weight of the news he needed to impart. He knew it wouldn't be an easy topic, given the continuous animosity in their group and Caleb's relentless teasing of Lila.As he approached the table, Mia looked up, her warm grin wavering slightly as she took in his solemn demeanor. "Hey, Dylan," she said, her brow furrowing in anxiety. "Everything okay?"Dylan gave her a tight-lipped smile before sliding onto the seat across from them and dropping his rucksack on the floor with a dull thud. "Hey, guys," he muttered, his gaze shifting to Lila, who tilted her head in curiosity.Dylan reached into his pocket and removed a crumpled scrap of paper, laying it out aga
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CHAPTER 55Caleb walked down the corridor with his shoulders set and a cold disdain on his face. He felt impelled to duck inside the familiar "Men's Restroom" sign as he approached the corner, if only for a brief respite from the never-ending chaos of the school day.As soon as he pulled open the door, he was struck by the stench of cheap air freshener combined with stale urine, which made him nauseous. He braced himself and moved over to the sinks, his footfall echoing on the tile floor with each step.He then noticed Yuria relaxing against the row of sinks, her cheeks bursting with a wad of bubblegum. Her tight shirt was undone just enough to offer a tantalizing glimpse of the lacy black bra that hugged her contours, and her skirt was a little too high.Caleb's heartbeat quickened as he saw her, and a familiar heat stirred in his lower abdomen. Yuria could attract a priest and leave him pleading for more, causing her significant difficulties. Nonetheless, there was something attract
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CHAPTER 56*** AT THE NIGHT CLUB **The night air was thick and humid, clinging to Caleb's skin as he walked along the dimly illuminated alleyway. The constant beat of bass pumped through the walls, calling him to the entrance of Haze, the underground club that had become a second home for him and his crew. As he neared the unassuming door, he noticed Yuria resting against the graffiti-covered brick, her lips curled into a cheeky smile that sent a lovely chill down his spine. She appeared like a temptress, with her tight leather skirt and crop top leaving nothing to the imagination."Well, look who finally decided to show up," she purred, her voice seductive and cutting through the pounding music. Caleb felt his lips tilt into a lazy smirk as he sauntered towards her, his motions exuding practiced confidence. "You know me, Yuria - I like to make an entrance."Yuria's eyes sparkled with wicked enjoyment as she pushed herself off the wall, closing the gap between them until they were
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CHAPTER 57Caleb's eyes were heavy, and the weight of tiredness pressed down on him like a physical force as he stumbled through the school's front doors. The fluorescent lights were unusually intense, piercing his skull with a constant throbbing that made it difficult to concentrate.He hadn't slept a wink since his wild night at Haze with Yuria, his body still reverberating with the echoes of their illicit encounter. Every nerve ending felt burnt and frazzled from the wonderful intensity of their desire and the intoxicating surge of rebellion that had possessed him.As he made his way down the busy hallway, he noticed Miranda leaning against his locker, her arms crossed over her chest and an amused smirk playing on her nicely painted lips."Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence," she purred, her voice tinged with both humor and love.Caleb felt a familiar warmth rise in his chest at the sight of her, a reminder of the unbreakable tie they shared - forged in the fire
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CHAPTER 58*** FINAL TRAINING FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP **Caleb sweated profusely as he dribbled hard down the floor, sneakers squeaking on the floor. His calves burned, but he powered through a killer crossover, bursting past Trent."Too slow, Trent!" Caleb stood up and shot a silky three-pointer, smirking at his friend. "Wake up, pretty boy!" Trent hissed back through matted blonde hair. "You think that garbage will fly tomorrow?" In a blur, Trent ripped the ball out of the net and took it hard to the rack, muscling up a one-hander that bounced high off the iron before ripping through with a furious splash. "Get your head outta your ass and guard somebody!" Harris shouted from the sideline.Maddie raced onto the court, a wild bundle of energy joining the backcourt battle. Caleb was enveloped by the little guard, who denied him an inch of airspace as sweat poured off his wiry frame."Bring it, superstar!" Maddie's eyes flashed with competitive fire as Caleb caught on the wing.Caleb r
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CHAPTER 59As Caleb approached Miranda's house, his car tires crunched on the gravel driveway. He killed the engine but did not make an immediate exit, instead turning to face his queen with an intense smolder."You're gonna be watching me every second out there, right babe?" His voice was low and filled with anticipation. "Cheering for your champion?"Miranda's red-lacquered nails touched the edge of his jaw as she looked back at him with heavy-lidded eyes. "Try to stop me. I'll be the loudest person in the stands when you rip down those nets."Caleb's lips collided with hers, claiming her in a branding kiss that made it clear who owned her. When they eventually parted ways, he was breathing heavily and the beast was yanking at its chain."Get some rest, my Queen." His fingers moved delicately across the majestic curve of her neck. "You'll need it for the celebrations tomorrow night." Miranda exited the truck and walked towards her house, her hips bouncing tantalizingly. Caleb watch
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CHAPTER 60"Like this place has been some kinda sacrifice for you two?" Caleb scowled and made contemptuous gestures about their small abode. "Get real, we're richer than pretty much anyone in this whole damn town!"Robert's ruddy face darkened like a stormcloud as his son said. "Why don't you watch who you bark at, boy? Your mother and I worked tirelessly to provide you with every possible opportunity...""Opportunity?" Caleb interrupted him with a bark of contemptuous laughter. "You have always been talkin' like we have been livin' outta the car or something, Dad!"Caleb pushed off from the counter and began pacing the kitchen in impatient spurts. His temper, which had before been fiery and focused, had abruptly shifted to resentment. Suddenly, the mission of vengeance against Oakwood seemed insignificant in comparison to the maelstrom of emotions raging through his mind."We got more money tucked away than this whole town puts together," he muttered, spinning to face his stunned pa
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