All Chapters of UNSPOKEN BOND : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
73 Chapters
CHAPTER 31 The next morning, Lila found herself moving through the crowded halls towards Julia's locker, her jaw set with grim purpose. The skeptical voices in her head attempted to drown out the delicate spark of optimism in Julia's letter, but she pushed them away.Lila approached the corner and saw Julia at her locker, her blonde hair falling in glossy curls. Lila took a fortifying breath and lightly tapped Julia's shoulder. Julia gasped slightly before her eyes focused on Lila, widening in amazement."Lila! "I wasn't expecting you here," Julia said cautiously.Lila reached into her bag and pulled out a worn notebook, quickly scrawling a response. “I got your letter. Even after Trent crumpled it, I read every word.”Julia's expression crumpled with remorse and anger as she took in the implication of Lila's words. "That vile piece of trash dared defile my letter?" she said through gritted teeth. "Lila, I am so sorry. But please know I meant every sentiment wholeheartedly."Lila fe
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CHAPTER 32*** Willow Creek Art Gallery ***As Lila entered the dimly lit painting studio, she was greeted by the musty perfume of oil paints and turpentine, almost like an old acquaintance. A haven among the swamp of Willow Creek's institutional harshness, where she might escape, if only for little periods of isolation. Lila took her normal stool before an eager easel, deposited her damaged messenger bag, and withdrew her supplies with practiced speed. The weight of the brushes in her calloused palm stabilized her erratic thoughts as she methodically prepped her palette with a subtle symphony of color.Soon, the repetitive rasp of bristles against canvas absorbed her attention. Lila found peace in immersing herself in these hazy realms of color and shape. The caustic jeers and cruel slights that plagued her daily life could never detract from the intense poetry she channeled through each deftly laden brushstroke.Lila was so focused on transferring the swirling discordance of her ps
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CHAPTER 33Lila's chest expanded with a deep, fortifying breath as she finished the last tubes of paint and looked over her latest masterpiece. The canvas vibrated with a boldly dissonant symphony of shapes and hues, an unashamed expression of her volatile emotions in the aftermath of Yuria's brutal assault.Yet, beneath the seething maelstrom of color, there was something profound...something steadfast and unwavering in the face of the chaotic tempest. A single figure emanating peaceful defiance, exalted within its eye as if illuminated by an inner brilliance that no outer turbulence could destroy.Lila felt her lips curve slightly as her gaze traced the familiar yet subtly empowered contours of her self-portrait, which stared back with quiet determination. Julia's energy appeared to vibrate through each iconic brushstroke, strengthening Lila's essence against the caustic voices begging for her to submit once more._Never again_, she promised with a somber lowering of her chin. Yuria
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CHAPTER 34*** ASSEMBLY THE NEXT DAY ***The noise of shuffling feet and muffled murmurs rang across the enormous assembly hall as students filed into the rows of chairs. Lila and Mia secured positions in the center, exchanging nervous glances as the steady stream turned into a flood of bodies.By the time the final stragglers had been led inside, the immense area was positively brimming with restless adolescent energy. A susurrus of apprehensive conjecture rippled through the gathering as they waited for the revelation that justified this unusual summoning.Finally, the auditorium's back doors flung wide with a grunt of protest. The Strict principal appeared, followed by a group of stone-faced faculty members fanning out to secure the exits with rigid stances.Silence descended like a real weight as the principal took the lectern, his expression indistinguishable behind the glare of stage lights illuminating his mirror lenses. He cast an appraising glance across the assembled crowd f
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CHAPTER 35Mrs. Wilkins' gaze moved across the classroom, her eyes narrowing as she observed her students' nervous expressions. She allowed the stillness to continue for a minute, savoring the tension that hung in the air like a dense fog."As I mentioned earlier, this competition will be a grueling ordeal," she remarked, her voice cutting through the stillness like a knife. "It will put your determination and commitment to the ultimate test. As a result, you will not face this obstacle on your own.Lila's heart skipped a beat, and her thoughts raced with possibilities. Will she be matched with Mia, her best friend and confidante? Or would fate have a crueler plan for her, forcing her to face the monsters of her past?"You will be divided into groups of four," Mrs. Wilkins said, her tone defying debate. "And these groups will be your lifeline throughout the entire application process and research project that lies ahead."A collective murmur echoed throughout the classroom, with some
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CHAPTER 36Miranda POV:The bell rang, marking the formal start of Willow Creek High's academic battleground. Miranda Prescott made a beeline for her boyfriend Caleb as students filed out into the hallway. "Caleb, we need to talk," she urged hurriedly, grabbing his arm and pulling him aside before his friends Trent and Maddie could distract him with their usual adventures. Caleb lifted an inquisitive eyebrow, but let her pull him away from the crowds.Miranda turned to face him after they had regained some solitude, her expression a mix of anxiety and frustration. "Babe, please tell me there was some kind of mistake with that group assignment Mrs. Wilkins gave you."Caleb sighed, his shoulders slumped slightly. "Do you mean being coupled with the Leaking Loser and her crew? Yeah, I wish I could say it was a mistake, but Wilkins made it plain those categories were set.""But how is that even remotely fair or balanced?" Miranda protested, her rage rising at the notion of her lover bein
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CHAPTER 37"Come in," Mrs. Wilkins' gravelly voice demanded from within.Miranda braced herself with a haughty flip of her blonde hair before clutching the tarnished doorknob and storming into the dingy office like an enraged prima donna. She held back a scowl of scorn at the small, barely lighted chamber crammed with stacks of disorganised folders and worn books."Mrs. Wilkins, we need to talk," Miranda said without hesitation, firmly placing her palms on the broken desk that separated them. "This pathetic little game you're playing with the group assignments is unacceptable."The desiccated teacher slowly lifted her rheumy eyes from the documents before her, completely unimpressed by Miranda's theatrical display of entitlement. She gave the glowering socialite a glare that might curdle milk."Is that so, Miss Prescott?" She rasped in her distinctive snarl of scorn and nicotine. "And which part of my precise instructions on the matter were too oblique for your pampered supremacist se
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CHAPTER 38Lila couldn't contain the little bounce in her step as she ran down the cracked sidewalk to her family's modest duplex home. Despite the lingering knot of dread in her gut about the Wilkins Group Thunderdome, she felt a sense of hope she hadn't had in years.This was her one chance to finally overcome the mediocrity and stagnation that had plagued her life for so long. She does this not just for herself, but also for her father. If she could just secure this prestigious Willhaven scholarship and receive access to their world-class speech therapy tools, it could be the breakthrough they've been waiting for.Her pulse raced a bit faster as she imagined her father's warm, careworn face beaming with delight rather than the continual undercurrent of sorrowful resignation that he could never fully cover. Not if his daughter became the first member of their family to attend a prestigious university and leave their humble beginnings behind. Lila was so engrossed in her thoughts of
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CHAPTER 39"This has nothing to do with petty material trifles, Mother," Miranda bit out, trying to keep her rage under control. "This is about my future - our _family's_ legacy - being jeopardized by the actions of that addlebrained old crone Mrs. Wilkins!"Now she had their full attention. Grant lowered his cigar, a concerned expression on his face. "Wilkins? "What did she do this time?"Miranda braced her hands on the back of the sofa as if to keep herself stable. "That woman is in charge of some savage scholarship competition in which kids compete like gladiators. And she had the unmitigated nerve to place Caleb in the same group as that...that stuttering little freak, Lila Emerson!""Good heavens," Judith exclaimed, putting a perfectly manicured hand against her chest. "You can't be serious, my dear. Even with Willow Creek's notoriously inadequate academic requirements, forcing your Caleb to socialize with such...undesirables seems out of the question.""I only wish I _was_ jokin
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CHAPTER 40The next morning, as students filed into Willow Creek High for the first period, there was a tangible sensation of expectation in the air. Following yesterday's terrifying announcements, it felt like the entire school was holding its collective breath, ready for whatever new chaos Mrs. Wilkins planned to unleash next.Lila kept her head down as she walked through the throngs of people, attempting to avoid drawing unwanted attention. She could practically feel the weight of furtive eyes and badly hidden whispers coming at her from all sides. No doubt, knowledge of her "elite" group assignment with Caleb Matthews had already spread like wildfire through the painfully incisive social circles.As she approached her first-period English lesson, Lila couldn't help but look around for her newly designated colleagues. Part of her was morbidly fascinated about how they would react in the harsh light of day. Had the dust calmed sufficiently for Caleb to resume his customary rude arro
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