All Chapters of UNSPOKEN BOND : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
73 Chapters
CHAPTER 11*** SUNDAY AFTERNOON ***Lila's footsteps rang on the sidewalk as she walked home from Mia's house. The weight of her handbag appeared little in comparison to the burden of her heart. Mia's illness had taken its toll on them both, and the prospect of her returning to school on Monday brought little comfort.As she approached the crossroads, the sound of a familiar engine sent shivers down her spine. Caleb's car sat still at the stop sign, its chrome glittering in the fading sunlight. Yuria's smug grin met her from the passenger window, and Lila battled the temptation to avoid her gaze."Well, if it isn't the mute freak," Yuria sneered, her voice tinged with disgust.Lila gulped hard and tightened her jaw in mute contempt. She tried to move her feet faster, but Caleb's tyres squealed on the asphalt, causing the car to accelerate forward and obstruct her way."Going somewhere?" Caleb teased, his gaze focused behind the tinted windscreen.Lila's heart pounded in her chest, and
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CHAPTER 12 "Caleb," she muttered, her lips softening into a smile that sparked a surge of love in his chest.In that instant, the world appeared to melt away, leaving only the two of them, trapped in a state of feverish suspense."Miranda," he rasped, taking in the sight of her like a mirage in the desert. "I've missed you."The words, simple yet full of profound truth, hung between them like a cord connecting their spirits across the chasm of separation.Miranda covered the distance between them without saying anything, her arms looping around his neck and pulling him into a burning embrace. Caleb reciprocated, wrapping his arms around her small figure, relishing the warmth and rigidity of her body against his.For a long time, they simply held one other, communicating without words the depths of their longing, their bond serving as a lifeline amid life's challenges.Miranda finally leaned back, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "This week apart felt like an eternity," she mutte
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CHAPTER 13*** MONDAY MORNING ***Willow Creek High School's hallways pulsed with familiar energy as students flooded through the doors, their laughing and talk echoing off the lockers like a discordant symphony. For Lila Emerson, the cacophony was a sharp reminder of the daily challenge she faced, with her silence a clear target for derision and torment.As she moved through the crowded corridor, her shoulders slumped instinctively, prepared for the usual barrage of jeers and curses. But tonight, a new undercurrent of excitement surged through the crowd, with whispers and furtive glances pointing to the latest drama occurring in their midst.Lila's attention instantly turned to her best friend, Mia, a lone beacon of hope in the turbulent sea of high school politics. Mia smiled tightly, her eyes darkened with a wary look that spoke plenty.Before Lila could ask any additional questions, the corridor was silent, a perceptible shift in the atmosphere that sent shivers down her spine. Sh
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CHAPTER 14The repetitive tapping of Mrs. Wilkins' foot against the marble floor broke the strained silence that had crept over the classroom. Her penetrating stare traveled across the assembled students, a silent challenge to face her scrutiny."Well?" she asked, her tone sharp and irritated. "Surely someone can enlighten us as to the central theme of Fitzgerald's masterpiece."A collective rustle echoed across the rows of desks, with the studious few frantically digging through their notes in an attempt to find the solution. But for the most part, the inquiry was met with blank glances and awkward shifting.From the back of the classroom, Lila could feel Caleb and Miranda's presence as a tangible force, their smug indifference in stark contrast to the palpable anxiety that seized their peers. She dared a furtive glance in their direction, her gut constricting at the sight of Miranda's perfectly manicured nails drumming an eager staccato across the desktop.Caleb, the epitome of fals
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CHAPTER 15The huge wood door slammed shut behind the final straggling student, leaving Mrs. Wilkins alone in the deafening silence of her classroom. She slumped into the ancient chair behind her desk, her shoulders sagging under the weight of her frustration.Miranda Prescott’s cutting critique still rang in her ears, a stinging condemnation of not only Fitzgerald's beloved work, but also Mrs. Wilkins' own authority as an educator. The girl's daring disobedience had struck at the heart of everything she held dear, including respect, decorum, and the sanctity of the literary canon.Mrs. Wilkins sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, hoping to relieve the searing pain behind her eyes. In her twenty-five years of teaching, she had encountered a fair number of arrogant students, each certain of their own infallible wisdom and superiority.But Miranda was different from the ordinary teenage rabble-rouser. It wasn't just her sharp intelligence or her utter contempt for convention; it w
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CHAPTER 16**** D-Day of the Surprise Quiz ****The last bell rang through Willow Creek High's hallways, signaling the end of another period and the beginning of the wild rush to freedom. Students flooded out of the classrooms, their laughter and talk forming a discordant symphony that echoed off the lockers.The last of the individuals had barely crossed the threshold of Mr. Henderson's History classroom when the door swung open, admitting a familiar figure - Mrs. Wilkins, her stern expression a depressing reminder of the academic severities that awaited."Clear your desks and take out a pen," she said as she went to the front of the room.The remaining students let out a cooperative groan, with looks ranging from perplexity to plain dismay."But, Mrs. Wilkins," the students protested, "we've already covered today's material."Mrs. Wilkins fixed the class with a steely stare, her lips pursed into a narrow line of disdain. "And yet, it would seem that some among us are in alarming nee
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CHAPTER 17"Very well, then," she said, her voice ringing with a rare note of satisfaction. "Let's see if any of you can match Miss Emerson's incisive analysis."A murmur echoed down the rows of desks, the pupils bending forward in rapt attention, their eyes gleaming with the excitement of the challenge."Next question," Mrs. Wilkins said, her chalk striking against the blackboard in decisive strokes. "Analyse the significance of the valley of ashes and its symbolic representation within the broader context of the novel."A beat of silence ensued, with the students exchanging apprehensive glances as they searched their minds for an appropriate response. Caleb's eyes raised as he locked an intense stare on Lila from the back of the classroom.Mia's hand shot into the air as she saw the change in the dynamic, she looked angry and determined. But before she could say anything, Caleb leaned forward, his lips curving into a sneer as he directed his mocking whisper at the target of his hatr
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CHAPTER 18Dylan couldn't believe it when Lila raised her hand to answer Mrs. Wilkins' question. He hadn't seen her voluntarily speak up in class in months, not since her vocal problems began. Over the year, Lila, who was once vivacious and gregarious, has grown more distant and quiet. Dylan was surprised and impressed by Lila's composed and articulate response, which included a quote from the assigned reading. Mrs. Wilkins smiled warmly as she complimented Lila on her "well said" answer. Dylan felt guilty for having separated himself from his old friend throughout her problems.Dylan hung back as the session ended, hoping to grab Lila and congratulate her on her breakout performance. But, before he could approach, Mrs. Wilkins had led Lila inside her office. Dylan stayed outside, unwilling to disrupt what he assumed were well-deserved favorable remarks.After a few moments, the office door reopened, and Lila emerged, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears of excitement. She was soon s
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CHAPTER 19Caleb's POVThe final bell rang through the halls, signaling the end ofthe day. Caleb swung his bag over his shoulder and approached Miranda's locker. His proposed girlfriend was always slow to pack up, allowing him to capture her attention before they left school together. As he turned the corner, Miranda appeared in front of him, her blonde hair flowing down her back and those big lips curled up in a flirty smile directed at him. Caleb felt his body react instantly, with desire stirring deep in his gut. "Hey babe," Miranda said softly as he approached her locker, one arm wrapped around his neck. "About time you showed up."Caleb grinned wolfishly and wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her flush against him. "Just being tormented by the notion of you all, period. "You know how crazy you drive me, babe."He dipped his head, seizing her lips in a hot kiss that had them both breathing rapidly when they parted. Miranda's green eyes were dark with want as she suggesti
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CHAPTER 20Lila's POVLila virtually danced through the front door and the beautiful spring sunlight that penetrated only added to her upbeat mood. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, pure, unadulterated ecstasy flowed through her veins.She eagerly dropped her backpack and started looking about for her father. They want to tell him about her fantastic day, every ecstatic, uplifting detail, caused an exciting flutter in her breast. "Dad, I'm home!" She signed, pouring extra force and emotion into her actions.After a few seconds of silence, Lila continued into the home, trailing the tantalizing fragrance of garlic and herbs coming from the kitchen. A smile tugged at her lips; it looked like her father was preparing one of his famous dishes.When she popped her head around the corner, she discovered Ethan methodically chopping vegetables at the counter, his powerful forearms flexing with the rhythmic slicing movements. Even at nearly fifty, the once-stout football star
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