All Chapters of Head Over Heels For His Billionaire Ex-wife : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
Chapter 011
“Bad news?” Karen fidgeted. My heartbeat accelerated as we anticipated a not-so-positive answer from the doctor. “We tried our possible best to save Mr. Connor…” he trailed, glancing down at his feet. “And…and what?” I stuttered, shoving past Emma. “Ugh huh?” Karen muttered. I could see fear building up in her eyes as she stared at the doctor. Emma didn’t feel moved, she crossed her hands against her chest and turned up her lips in disgust. “Just spill it already and stop wasting our time!” She snapped and regretted it as Karen shot her a glare. “Mr. Connor is dead.” My heart stopped beating, my eyes rolled up and the white smooth walls of the waiting room spun around me. I felt my head grow light and my feet get heavy. I couldn’t stop myself from staggering back. It felt like a force was dragging me farther away from them. “My… my father is dead?” Emma’s stammering filtered into my ear and I tried to shake off the dizziness seeping into my head. “What
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Chapter 012
The funeral service went smoothly even though they were a lot of hate, malice, and pretense between us, we put up a façade that we were on the same page concerning my father’s death. The real truth is that I was the one who felt shattered and broken by his death, Karen and Emma were the total opposite. When I watched my father being dropped six feet down, it struck me that all my dreams of reconciliation with him had been buried. How tragic can life be? I couldn’t even spend a moment of pure bliss with my dad before his unexpected demise. Same with Sherry, even though we were always happy, that ominous day was different. Sherry never heard me mutter a word of forgiveness till she died, I only heard myself screaming those words of forgiveness when the ashes had settled on the ground, when I never saw a glimpse of that smiling angel again. My dad never forgave me either, or did he? Did he forgive me on his deathbed, in my absence? When he knew he was going to take h
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Chapter 013
I couldn’t be less grateful as I sat in a corner, watching the guests drift away in little groups. No one bothered to talk to me, they all pretended that I didn’t exist, and those who mistakenly noticed me threw a hateful scowl at me. “Hey, I will see you later. I have to go now,” Veronica whispered beside me. I diverted my attention towards her and nodded sulkily. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay at my place?” She asked for the umpteenth time. I shook my head negatively. Veronica sighed in frustration and stood up. “Alright then, take care and ignore Karen.” “I have always been doing that,” I muttered. Veronica faked a smile and walked out of the building, ignoring the lustful stares she was getting from men. I got up and ascended the stairs without attracting toxic attention towards me. As I closed my bedroom door behind me, I slipped down to the floor and then let the bitter angry tears spill out in great measure. My hands clenched the hem of my
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Chapter 014
“Wait… wait… what?” Karen stuttered, her eyeballs bulged out. Emma gasped, swinging her head in my direction, her jaws were dropped in abashment. I stared at them, dazed. I couldn’t understand a single action displayed before me. The only thing on my mind was “Get away from here, Rosy!” What does he mean by me becoming the future heiress of the Connor’s fortune? I don’t even have the right to my dad’s company, talk more of becoming an heiress. Perhaps he was mistaken, I and Emma’s name must have put him in a confused state. “Do you mean Emma?” Karen asked, my eyes caught her shaking fingers and I realized that this wasn’t the joke at all. “He said Rosy,” Mr. Jones replied, narrowing his eyes at Karen. He never liked her right from the day my dad introduced her to him. I can still vividly remember that day because it was my fifth birthday anniversary. “I was just joking, I only said that due to the way you two treated her,” Mr. Hamilton apologized, chuckli
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Chapter 015
I smiled as I folded my clothes into my suitcase. A rasping knock on my door made me stop what I was doing and glance at the door. The door burst open before I could respond. Veronica sashayed into my room, her silver-colored handbag dangling on her arm. She is the only one that enters my room without my permission. I wonder how long I will have to put up with this crazy best friend. She took off the sunglasses she was wearing and glanced around my almost empty room. “It seems like you will be taking every piece of article in your room,” she chipped, popping a bubble gum in her mouth. “It’s not like I will be coming back to this house,” I muttered. “Seriously? You will never show your pretty face here again?” she asked, staring at me in disbelief. “Never in my life,” I responded. The serious look on my face proved to her that I had made up my mind concerning it. I have always prayed for a day when I will finally move out of the Connor mansion and never have a rea
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Chapter 016
Am I dreaming? What is he doing here? My frozen body was too helpless to kick him away from me, I glanced down at the disgusting hands wrapped around my waist, wishing that my body would come out of this paralysis and snap out the hands. “Do you like your new place?” He muttered, unclasping his hands from my waist. I spun around filled with anger, hatred, and bitterness. The murderous glare on my face dwindled when I saw Evan blinking confusedly at me. “Don’t you like it?” He muttered, feeling disappointed with himself. “You called me little Red Rose,” I muttered in a cold whisper. “What?” he craned his neck closer. “How did you know that I was called Little Red Rose?” That was the only thing on my mind, the rest weren’t worth thinking about right now. “Oh… that,” he thrust his hands into his pocket and raised his head as if he was trying to remember the answer to my unintelligible question. “I heard it from a guy when we were still in high school,” he
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Chapter 017
The continuous buzz under my pillow forced me to welcome the new day. I groaned and turned over, reaching out to cuddle with Evan. My eyes fully snapped open when I touched an empty space. I jerked up from the bed and stared at the unoccupied space next to me. Where could he be this early morning? My night dress and the clothes he shredded last night during our hot sex were still scattered around the floor. Even the room still smelt of heat and seminal fluid. His sudden disappearance got me traveling back to our escapade we had last night. I kept on searching for a moment he mentioned traveling back to Cuba. All I remembered was the promise he made that I would wake up in his arms. I stopped thinking about Evan when it dawned on me that the buzz under my pillow was my phone. I fished it out and stared at the unknown number flashing on the screen. I accepted it and placed it on my ear. “Good morning, who is this?” I mumbled. “I asked you to call me, Miss Rosy.”
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Chapter 018
I glanced out of the window, itching badly to say something to Veronica. She had been silent ever since our conversation at the dining table. “Hey, you don’t have to worry, I will certainly find a place for you when I settle down,” I said. Veronica finally glanced my way and nodded solemnly. “You don’t have to stress yourself concerning that, I understand,” she replied. “We will throw an inauguration party for you,” Veronica muttered, running her hands along my arm. “I want an inauguration ceremony, not a wild party,” I rolled my eyes and she chuckled. “This year will be your best year,” Veronica muttered. “I hope so,” I replied. Evan pulled up in front of the small hospital she worked in and she slung her bag across her shoulder. She leaned closer and pecked my cheeks fondly. “Bye, bestie, have a great day at work,” she bade, hopping down from the car. “You too,” I shouted out from the window. “You know there is nothing like a great day here,” she shouted back
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Chapter 019
CALEB “Rosy Connor officially declared the new CEO of Connor Group and chief director of Connor Foundation.” The headline was everywhere all over the city. The news of her penthouse was a hit in the media but this one was hotter than it. A few months after I and Rosy went our separate ways, things changed drastically. I turned to my worst nightmare, going to clubs and drinking myself to stupor. Despite how hard I tried to stop, the guilt of my betrayal and selfishness towards Rosy always turned my efforts into waste. I regretted pushing her away when she needed me the most. Mr. Reuben resented me for hurting his daughter and Karen bluntly refused to disclose her location. I have paid millions of dollars to many detectives to find out her whereabouts but no one has come back with a positive response I sighed and turned off the video of her speech which I was watching on my laptop. My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pant pocket. The name of my current private d
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Chapter 020
CALEB I swallowed hard as all eyes were directed towards my father and I. He seethed in fury and took heavy steps towards me, his eyes burning in rage. I remained fixed on the spot, not bulging despite the horrified screams coming from my aunt. Dad got to where I stood and grabbed me by the collar. “What the hell do you think you are doing here, haven’t I told you never to set your feet in my house again?” His hot breath fanned my face. I remained mute and stared blankly at him. He had every right to be angry at me. “You wanted the company, right? You have it now, you wanted that company in exchange for your own family,” dad spat, tightening his grip around my collar. My throat tightened and the flow of oxygen around my body became distorted. “Oh my God!” my mom’s horrific scream sliced through the air as she sprinted towards us and grabbed my dad’s shoulder, shaking him with every ounce of strength in her. My dad was heavier and stronger than her, so, a
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