All Chapters of Head Over Heels For His Billionaire Ex-wife : Chapter 21 - Chapter 24
24 Chapters
Chapter 021
ROSY I sighed and slipped into the SUV parked outside the inauguration center. “You must be very tired,” Evan chuckled from the driver’s seat and I smiled tiredly. Evan stuck to his decision of being my driver. He resigned from his job in Cuba and became my driver, one of the best drivers I have ever employed. “Why don’t you want people to know about our relationship?” I asked. He pulled to a violent stop, taken aback by my sudden question. “Let’s keep it a secret for now, I don’t want your rivals to use it against you,” Evan replied. “Does it matter, what’s anyone’s business with my private life?” I scoffed. “Your life concerns everyone now, you have become a celebrity,” he laughed. I blushed and twirled the ringlets on my hair. “You have a surprise waiting at home,” Evan muttered and I groaned. “I’m sick of surprises, I just want to be left alone,” I winced. “Don’t worry, this will be your last surprise.” He swerved into the driveway and I stepped out of th
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Chapter 022
ROSYMy eyes were shut as Veronica touched up my face. Did I just say touch-up? I have been sitting in front of the dressing mirror for an hour and yet it doesn’t seem like it is going to end soon. “You are going to look like the princess of the Connor group of companies that you are,” Veronica bragged and popped a bubble gum. I sighed and groaned loudly, “When is this going to end?” “Uhm… ugh… in an hour or two.” I snapped my eyes open and set my head sharply in her direction. Her lips pursed out as she stared at me. “I don’t have time, Veronica,” I rebuffed. She turned up her lips in disgust and gave me an eye roll. “Keep calm, I want to make sure that you will be the most beautiful woman in that conference,” she chimed, dabbing a rogue on my cheeks. “Be fast about this, Veronica.” “I know, I know,” she repeated, waving her hands in the air. “I have three hours…” “You don’t have to say that a million times.” “Veronica, please throw off your bad vibes,
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Chapter 023
CALEB Our eyes locked and my heart stopped beating. My breath seized and the words of the lady beside me began to swirl around, sounding like a continuous buzzing rhythm. What is she doing here? Why now, why? The collision of our eyes also had a drastic effect on her. Her eyes bored into mine, as we stood like lifeless statues. My mind spun in guilt when those beautiful laughing chestnut eyes changed to rheumy and dead eyes. She shook out of the shock trance and faked a smile towards me. My eyes dimmed in confusion when she took slow strides towards me and stretched out her flawless hand for a handshake. “Hello, Mr. Thompson,” she greeted, showing off her spotless dentistry. I stared down at her hand and averted the abashed stare to her pretentious smiling face. What is going on? Isn’t she supposed to be angry, isn’t she supposed to run away from me? Or perhaps, spit on my face and curse me for betraying her and flinging her away when she needed me the most
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Chapter 024
ROSY My blood boiled in joy when the name of my company echoed in the large hall. Thunderous applause rented the air as I was called up on the stage. I let go of Evan’s frozen hand and began to ascend the podium, my head swirled in pride with each step I took towards the microphone stand. I got on the podium and stared at the sea of unfamiliar faces of dignitaries and business legends. My dad used to be one of these legends, he was my idol, the one I looked up to. Even though we never had a heart-to-heart relationship, I have always wanted to be like him, a powerful tycoon, a well-known billionaire, one of the richest in Sicily. Here I am, standing before a crowd of strangers with an award that people die for. How did I get here? How did I make this dream a reality? I never expected this shocking surprise. I don’t even have any speech prepared for this moment. What do I say, how do I begin? I took a deep breath and stared intently at the stream of eyes that gazed at me w
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