All Chapters of The Heiress' Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
344 Chapters
Chapter 221 Is That Her Boyfriend
Aria didn't need to split her exams into two days. At this pace, she could finish all her papers by 3:00 pm. This unprecedented pace forced the teachers to adjust their grading schedule. They all planned to work overtime that night to get her papers graded promptly.Aria powered through the exams until 12:00 pm.The proctor quickly collected the papers and sealed them in front of the class. This time, even the grading process would be made public to prove Aria's abilities.Aria was starving by the time she finished her morning exams. Malcolm obeyed his grandfather and took her out to eat.When he appeared, there were many onlookers."Is he Aria's boyfriend? He's so handsome."Malcolm's appearance matched the latest trend. He had single eyelids, a high nose bridge, and youthful features. He was only three years older than Aria. He still looked like a student, making them look like peers.Someone already posted their photos on the school forum. "They look perfect together!"
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Chapter 222 My Girlfriend
Aria raised her eyebrows, thinking Landon had made quite a dramatic entrance.Landon's good looks and proximity to Aria caused the cafeteria to erupt in wide-eyed stares, especially from Malcolm, who nearly dropped his utensils on the table.Landon, impeccably dressed in a suit, seemed oblivious. He leaned in, tucking a strand of Aria's hair behind her ear with a chuckle. "Could you ask your classmate to scoot over a bit? I brought you lunch."Aria set down her spoon, propping her chin on a hand. "He's not a classmate but a friend from the Lowe family. Why didn't you tell me you were coming back?"Landon sneered when he heard the word "friend". Then, he loosened his collar and smiled brightly. "I just got off the plane and didn't have time to message you."As he spoke, he threw a glance at Malcolm. "Can I have my girlfriend back, please?"The request, delivered in a polite yet unyielding tone, was underscored by a dark, domineering glint in his eyes.Malcolm gulped and relented,
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Chapter 223 A Jealous Landon
Aria was devouring the ribs in the cafeteria while Landon looked at her from beside. It seemed he was only there to bring her lunch and nothing more.Girls flocked around, ogling at Landon. He responded with a raised eyebrow and the occasional sickly cough. He exuded an air of unattainable mystique, approachable only to Aria. "Aren't you going to eat?" asked Aria. "I have a business lunch later," Landon replied, his refined manners starkly contrasting with the students around him. Plus, he also exuded a commanding presence. He then sent a voice message in Nobeetan, his voice surprisingly dreamy. Seeing he was busy, Aria didn't disturb him.The roasted ribs, pork belly, and prawn suited her tastebuds more, and since Landon had a weak stomach, he was better off drinking soup. With that in mind, Aria pushed the mushroom soup toward him. Landon smiled, phone still in hand, before taking the spoon from her and bringing it to his lips for two delicate sips. The action was intim
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Chapter 224 Her Boyfriend Takes Care of Her
Landon's dismissal of her taste rankled Aria. She wasn't one to tolerate gaslighting. Just as she opened her mouth to retort, she caught his gaze flit to Malcolm. Understanding dawned, and a slow grin spread across her face. "Do you think I'm interested in Malcolm?"Landon remained silent, his eyes an unreadable storm. "You don't like Malcolm?" Aria pressed, arching her eyebrow. "The Lowe family raised him well," Landon hedged, avoiding a direct answer. Aria's smile widened. "So you dislike him, then? Malcolm's a good guy—righteous, innocent, and youthful."A dangerous glint flickered in Landon's eyes despite the lingering smile on his lips. "Oh?" Aria didn't plan to hide. "I only treat him as my subordinate."After Landon mulled over the word's meaning, he didn't seem as intimidating anymore.His behavior today was out of character. Perhaps it was the scene he saw when he entered the door, almost causing him to lose control. It seemed that he needed to head to the old mona
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Chapter 225 My Grandson Is Taken
The ever-polite butler informed Aria, "Mr. York is currently in a meeting. He instructed us to tell you that you can reach him on his personal number when you're awake. He will take your calls.""No need. Let him have his meeting in peace. I'll need to take my exam too. Thank you for your coffee. It's delicious," Aria replied smilingly.The butler smiled. "It's my honor to serve you."For someone under Landon's care, Aria displayed remarkable composure.Aria entered the examination hall five minutes earlier.Normally, students would be low on energy for afternoon exams. However, Aria was well rested. She completed her answers even faster than she had in the morning.By 4:00 pm, Aria had finished all her exams and handed in her papers.The grading teachers had been eagerly awaiting her answers.Once the papers were collected, Abraham used the PA system to announce to all students and faculty that Aria's results would be posted on the bulletin board tomorrow morning. Anyone inter
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Chapter 226 Prioritizing Her Career
Aria, who had just finished her exams, had no idea that she was the hottest topic of conversation between the socialites in Janovin. Her way of thinking differed from theirs, making it natural that she wouldn't be too chummy with them. Aria prioritized her career and preferred earning more money over thinking about men.Aria exited the examination hall and entered an SUV, where Harry awaited. He showed her the acquisition proposal he'd prepared. "The price can be lower," Aria said while circling something with a pen, "Shonda Jenner, the business manager of Kent Group, can stay, but fire everyone else."Harry nodded. "I'll arrange for that right away.""We're not in a hurry." Aria propped her chin on her palm as she fiddled with her amethyst pendant. "Wait till Marshall is on his last legs before heading over there."Soon, as if her words had come true, Kent Group came to be in a serious crisis. Both their business partners and the four largest banks in Southbury were no longer
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Chapter 227 Full Marks Once Again
"What?" Marshall was so angry he laughed out loud. "Are you offering only 50,000 dollars for a company as large as mine, Mr. Ingerton?"Harry seemed unperturbed. "You don't want it? Fine."He ended the call so fast that Marshall hadn't even managed to react to it. He remained confused for some time.He called all the noble families he was on good terms with the following day, but no one talked to him.This was Marshall's first time experiencing what it meant to be at the lowest point of his life. When he'd initially driven Georgina away with such delight, he hadn't expected to feel such anguish at this moment. Marshall, who was used to getting deference and respect from other people, was now bankrupt. He couldn't handle the immense pressure that came with it. After thinking of the external debts and the more than 100 employees demanding their salaries, he decided to call Harry. "Mr. Ingerton! I'm willing to sell the company for 50,000 dollars! On one condition—I want to sign the
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Chapter 228 The Best in the State
Abraham did not sleep well that night. He called Malcolm over for a chat. "Do you think Aria will pass the exams?"Malcolm was tortured for so long his eyes had glazed over. "This is the tenth time you've asked me this, Grandpa. Yes, she will!"Abraham was still worried. "Did I set the threshold too high? 590 points is impossible even for Cameron."Malcolm yawned. "You can't compare that useless lump who's my brother to Aria, Grandpa."Cameron was speechless after being insulted out of nowhere. He was still indignant as he said coldly, "I don't understand why you insist on helping her, Grandpa. She and Lily come from the same family, but look at Lily, then at Aria! "Not only did she get horrible grades, but she'd also cheated! The questions were so difficult, and yet she'd copied the right answers down on the answer sheets as if she wasn't afraid of being exposed for cheating at all!""Quiet, Cameron!" Abraham said crossly, "The next time I hear you say those insulting words, I'
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Chapter 229 Aria's Parents in the Countryside
Lily felt much more relieved after hearing about Aria's situation from Cameron. She'd seen Marshall's calls, but she'd blocked him—she didn't want to return any of his calls.Heartbound Hall's stream was performing so well that she couldn't just ignore it. However, it so happened that her family in the countryside had called to ask for more money. They were even more adept at exploiting her for their own gain than Marshall. It didn't hurt that they were privy to a secret concerning her, either. This meant that Lily couldn't just ignore them all the time. Olivia was audibly anxious as she asked, "So when can you meet us, Lily? Someone came here to ask about Aria again, and your dad and I really don't want to live in constant anxiety like this all the time. Maybe you can come over to the countryside and take us with you to the city."Lily had an idea. "Mom, I recall that the town chief's son has yet to get married."Olivia felt awkward bringing this up. "It's because you didn't wa
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Chapter 230 Her Grades Gave Everyone A Shock
"Why haven't they announced her grades yet?""Did she do so badly that they couldn't grade her papers properly?""She wanted you to apologize to her on your knees, didn't she? That was hilarious.""She's from the countryside. That's why she's boasting all the time. Look! She came with her grandma and the old lady stinks."Georgina heard that, obviously, seeing from how she looked crestfallen. Aria turned her gaze at the clique of students laughing and jeering at her, and the air around her seemed to have become frigid. Meanwhile, someone shouted, "Ms. Warsaw is here!"Deanie was in charge of sticking the results on the bulletin board. In order to quell dissent, she didn't dally, and she also pasted the answer sheets on the board along with the results.Everyone suddenly went quiet as they read the results, their eyes wide in disbelief. Aria scored 150 in Math and 150 in Angladian. Everything was the same as the previous time—she had scored full marks in everything aside from
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