All Chapters of The Heiress' Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
344 Chapters
Chapter 241 Teach You A Lesson
Rainie's eyes, which had lost their shine a long time ago, were rimmed with tears. She dared not cry out loud, so she could only push her emotions down. Aria had written "all of you" instead of just referring to Rainie alone, which meant that she'd caught on to what Rainie had hinted to her—she'd noticed the basement. Rainie stood beside the bed, her heart thumping fast. Liam entered, frowning. "Aria just told you to grab her bag for her. Why did you take so long in there? What are you looking at?"Rainie's scalp numbed. She suddenly grabbed his hand. "Take me out of here. Save me—""Bah! You're throwing another crazy fit." Liam didn't pay her any heed. He yanked the bag away from her and rummaged in it. Aside from a box of silver needles and a scrap of paper, there was nothing in the bag. Liam curled his lip. "She looks like someone quite well off, but she's actually quite poor."Upon hearing that, Rainie felt relieved. At the same time, she admired Aria for her attention to
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Chapter 242 Dealing with Them in One Go
Under the lights, Aria suddenly laughed. "I heard that you work for the town government.""That's right," Ollie replied, his eyes scanning Aria up and down. He wasn't really listening to Aria's question. Unexpectedly, Aria continued, "How would you handle it if I told you that I was kidnapped?""What are you going on about, you insolent girl?" Olivia exploded. She made to grab Aria, but Sue Barter, Ollie's aunt, stopped her. She was clearly unhappy with the unfolding events. "Did you not convince her to be Ollie's wife?""She wasn't like this before!" Olivia fumed, realizing Aria had been faking it their entire journey. What a good actor she was! Olivia feared the Barter family's anger, which would spell disaster for the Renner family. Luckily for her, Ollie was satisfied with Aria. His lecherous gaze never left Aria as he said, "It's fine if you aren't convinced now. We can marry first and develope our relationship later. Isn't this a trend in the city these days?"He steppe
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Chapter 243 Don't Even Dream of Running Away
Everyone reacted differently to Aria's words. Before Ollie could fly into a rage, Olivia's face turned red in anger—Aria was obviously doing this to ruin the Renner family's chances of getting wealthy!"Shut up!" Olivia barked, stepping forward to grab Aria by the hair. Sue didn't stop her this time. No one in Uludon would ever dare talk about the Barters in this manner—this young woman from the city needed a lesson. However, before Olivia could move, she felt dizzy, and her legs seemed to weaken. Thankfully, Liam was beside her. He caught her before she fell. "Mom, what's wrong?""She made me so angry that I'm feeling dizzy." Olivia shook her head. Ollie didn't throw a tantrum, but his gaze darkened. "She's hard to tame, but I like it—the more feisty she is, the better."He then turned to Olivia. "Olivia, perhaps I can consummate my marriage with Aria here tonight. We'll hold the wedding tomorrow."Ollie had never encountered a woman like Aria. She was cold and sharp, and he
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Chapter 244 Filled with Regret
Before everyone could register who Aria was talking to, the comments started flooding in. "111!""1! Don't worry! We'll complete our mission!"Aria was still smiling, but there was no hint of warmth in her gaze. "I'm going to commit an act of legitimate self-defense soon. This isn't something suitable for broadcast, so I'll end the stream here.""What?""Holy shit! Don't act so rashly! You'll be in danger!""@UludonTravels, why are you still keeping quiet? What are you doing?"Aria yanked off the button camera. Ollie didn't know what was happening. Confused, he said, "Is something wrong with your brain? Were you talking to yourself?"Olivia seemed to remember something. "You damn girl! She was livestreaming!""Yep." Aria bit on her candy. "Thanks to all of you, a lot of viewers flocked in."Ollie frowned. "What livestream?"Grant also didn't know much about it, so he turned to ask Olivia. A pale-faced Olivia was about to say something when she spat out a massive glob of blo
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Chapter 245 Devil Incarnate
Geoff warned, "Give us the antidote now, or you'll never get to leave Perry Town!""Who said I wanted to leave?" Aria smiled. "I'm planning to take him to the town later."The dismissive tone in her voice was directed at Ollie, even though no one in Perry Town would dare to get on his bad side. Rainie was dumbfounded from the beginning. She hadn't managed to react to what was happening. Aria had moved so fast and had incapacitated Ollie with just a kick to his knee.Ollie, who usually exuded brutality, couldn't even stand. When Aria fought, she didn't just do so with skill—she also took note to aim at the other person's acupoints. Ollie glared at her viciously. "Do you really think you'll emerge unscathed? I'm a government official! Do you think you won't be arrested after doing this to me?""Oh, I adore police stations," Aria said, her gaze fleeting over him as if he were something repulsive. She smiled. "I wonder how much you're worth. Though, I don't think they pay well fo
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Chapter 246 Final Operations
"After faking it the whole day, I'm tired now." Aria stood in front of the door, blocking everyone's exit. As nonchalantly as always, she said, "Okay, quit the act. Who will tell me where the keys to the basement are?"Olivia, who had taken Aria here, was barely hanging in there. One could see from her gaze the amount of regret she was feeling. Garrett cursed at Aria in the local dialect, which Aria couldn't understand. She wasn't dumb, so she grabbed Garrett and yanked him toward her. "You know where they are, I think."Liam threw a fit. "You dare touch my grandpa? I'll kill you!"Aria didn't bother looking at him. She'd hit anyone who came at her. "You'll never die in peace after beating up an old man!" Liam said, trying to catch his breath.Aria said slowly, "He's not an old man. He's more like a despicable creature. Your family's rotten from the older generations to the younger—your parents abduct other people, and your grandpa rears dogs that bite humans, so I'm dealing wi
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Chapter 247 Jeffrey Carver
Jenny turned back. She was still smiling when she collapsed into Aria's arms. Rainie was shocked. "Did you drug her too?""Her morals and outlook are already skewed, even though she's only six." Aria eyed her. "Some children are capable of greater evils than adults."While Rainie hesitated, Aria was already moving. Having studied criminology, she knew the importance of psychology.There had been cases where villagers had surrounded police cars in order to hinder officers from apprehending suspects. Despite identifying themselves, the villagers feigned ignorance and continued throwing bricks.These villages, despite pockets of kindness, harbored darkness. In one particularly egregious example, women were openly bought and sold. There, the concept of community was a cruel mockery, replaced by a living hell. Aria had assessed Rainie before deciding to trust her. Everyone else, including the children, remained off-limits for now. …The basement was vast and deep, noticeably cold
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Chapter 248 Jeffrey's Escape
Aria paid no heed to his expression. She pulled him up and said calmly, "It will hurt, so hang on tight."Before Jeffrey could get a look at her, his dislocated arm was popped back into its socket with a loud crack. Jeffrey furrowed his brows as cold sweat ran down his back. Aria gave him a look. She had to credit Jeffrey for his pain tolerance. As expected of a soldier—the average person wouldn't have survived this. Even without dehydration and starvation claiming him, the untreated wound on his shoulder would lead to a runaway fever. Even now, his temperature was dangerously high. However, his mental fortitude was strong. Aria had provided him with a makeshift crutch, which he used to haul himself out of the basement.When Jeffrey exited the basement, Rainie wasn't the first person he'd noticed. Instead, it was Jenny. Jenny was lying beside the basement door. He'd planned to escape with Rainie, but on his way out of the village, he'd encountered Jenny and given her a bag
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Chapter 249 An Unlikely Alliance
Sue only grasped Aria's plan as she began to drive. The injured Jeffrey disguised himself as Ollie. He had his arm draped around Rainie. Through the car windows, those outside couldn't discern his true identity.This village might have been small, but anyone leaving had to pass three checkpoints.It took Rainie a year to get past all three checkpoints. The first two were relatively easy, but the guards at the final checkpoint had very keen eyes. After stopping them, the guard peered into the car. He vaguely recalled that the Barter family car hadn't been so crowded when they entered the village. Rainie's face paled. However, Aria piped up casually, "Pull over and give him a scolding."Sue's hands trembled. "What?""How do you normally insult those in your way? Do it." Aria raised her chin. Sue met Aria's icy gaze, then at the pendant she was fiddling with. Sue contemplated using this opportunity to ask for help, but Aria's words chilled her. "The poison in your system will
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Chapter 250 Buy More Time
The authorities at Uludon could not ignore the serious consequences of what had transpired.Cold sweat ran down Gregory Webb's back as he rushed toward Coral Village, racking his brain for solutions. Frank sat beside him, looking equally anxious. He turned his gaze toward Gregory and said, "I asked you about Olivia and Grant, and you assured me there was nothing wrong with them."Gregory paled. Feeling guilty, he said, "I had no idea this is how they were earning money.""You should at least know what's going on in a town under your jurisdiction, shouldn't you, as the county chief?" Frank's words were sharp. "When we tried to trace Rainbow, our leads were severed in your county.""I didn't understand why at first," Frank continued coldly. "But now I see—it's how the people here operate, and your leniency had been the biggest obstacle!"Gregory tried to distance himself from the scandal, assuming the airs of a bureaucrat. "You shouldn't let a small group of people shape your opin
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