Semua Bab The Heiress' Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call: Bab 251 - Bab 260
344 Bab
Chapter 251 A Woman's Inner Strength
Gregory's mind went blank when he heard the last sentence. He hadn't felt anxious when he'd heard that Perry Town had kidnapped someone and that Frank had come to seek him out, and he'd felt like he could deal with it even when everyone was waiting for him to surface on the Internet.However, he was now completely in a panic after getting that call because Ollie just had to lay his hand on someone backed up by Kenneth Kane. A heavy fog shrouded the mountains. The moment they took a turn into the paths leading to the village, their car was stopped by a horde of angry villagers. An old lady pounced forward, yelling, "Was it you who took that damn girl away?""Madam, calm down and listen to me, I'm—" Gregory raised his arms high. The old lady refused to listen to him. She spat on him. "I don't care who you are. Give us the girl!"Gregory was dumbfounded. He recalled how he'd been loved and respected by everyone the last time he'd shown up here. "Have you gone crazy? Do you know w
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Chapter 252 Landon's Here to Save the Day
Rainie hadn't had the courage to get out of the car at first, as this place was the beginning of her nightmare. Even if she escaped this place, she would forever be different compared to her peers of the same age. Why had she been so dumb? Why had she believed the old man's words? Her blind trust had led to her abduction and imprisonment in the mountains. She'd been raped and had given birth to a child while all her classmates had bright futures. Two years of constant fear and diminished self-worth had carved a deep scar on her soul. Yet when Aria looked at her with that radiant smile of hers, Rainie felt a flicker of hope reignited in her heart. "You're right!" she agreed. "A woman's innocence isn't the only measure of her worth!""Then let's go," Aria chuckled. She turned her gaze to the lavish mansion. "They're probably waiting eagerly for me, their future daughter-in-law."…Gregory couldn't bear to imagine what would unfold. Aria's every word would shake the very foundati
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Chapter 253 Consumed by Regret
Aria agreed coolly, "Sure."She then pushed Ollie to the side and let go of the rope she held. "You should be able to take fair action now, Mr. Barter."Dick immediately helped Ollie up. When he noticed that Ollie's legs were broken, his expression darkened. What wedding? He would just hold a funeral for Aria instead! "Tell me, miss, what did my son do to you?" Dick said with a sinister veneer of kindness on his face, "You should have considered yourself fortunate that he's set his sights on you. However, you weren't thankful at all! How dare you lay a hand on him!"Aria raised a brow. "He wanted to rape me, and you're telling me to be grateful? How is this lawful in any manner?""Here, in Perry Town, the Barter family is the law!" Dick bore down on Aria. "They kidnapped you because you look naїve and stupid—an easy target!"Aria fiddled with her amethyst pendant. "That was what you said when Rainie escaped from the village and asked for help from the town government, wasn't i
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Chapter 254 He Didn't Expect to Find Jeffrey
Dick failed to register why Gregory had come to Perry Town at first. This was a trivial matter to him, something Gregory needn't concern himself over. Had Gregory come because of the videos online? As Dick speculated, he made his way toward Gregory with a smile. "Mr. Webb, I—""Tell your men to leave! Now!" Gregory hissed as soon as he exited the car.Dick assumed that Gregory was putting on an act for Frank, who was sitting in the car, and so he replied nonchalantly, "Mr. Webb, I can deal with any videos that might damage our county's reputation. Why don't you join me for some drinks? Everything will be water under the bridge after a good night's sleep."Gregory was furious. Dick had just exposed him on a nationwide livestream!Ignoring Dick, Gregory immediately approached Aria. "Don't worry, young lady. You'll be safe in Uludon with me here."Aria's gaze darted between Gregory and Dick twice before a smirk played on her lips. "Really? Considering how friendly you seem to be wi
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Chapter 255 Arrogance
"Are you worried, Dad? Why are you worried about them?" Ollie had become increasingly dumb due to the drugs; no intellect was left in him, only unadulterated cruelty. "Kill them all! Who dares assert their dominance in Uludon? I don't care if they come from the Carver family or whatsoever. Anyone who dares ruin things for me must die!""What are you running your mouth about, Ollie?" Dick had no idea what was up with Ollie. He covered Ollie's mouth and turned to Jeffrey, whose expression was as cold as ice. He was filled with regret. "We didn't know that it was you, Mr. Carver."He crawled over to Jeffrey and grabbed Frank's legs, begging, "You've come to our town a few times before, Mr. Levin. Ollie and I aren't bad people, truly, and we'd never harm Mr. Carver."The sight of him disgusted Frank to no end. He kicked Dick away. "You took young women—wives and daughters—away from their families, and you're aware of the villagers' human trafficking activities. And yet you claim that yo
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Chapter 256 A Military Aircraft Appears
Aria's voice was indifferent. "There's a path in your 4 o'clock direction. Lead Rainie and Frank that way. Someone will be there waiting for you."There was indeed a special forces team waiting there.Aria didn't write the note for nothing when she left Southbury.It was just that the Special Missions Unit simply preferred to operate in secrecy. Their actions were always veiled, and not even the HOU could interfere with their decisions.This was because all the cases they dealt with were so unique that the public could never be made aware of them, and Aria was the team's core."Why hasn't Boss signaled us yet? Does she not want us to show up?" A black-haired teenage boy adorned in a long robe stood on the hillside, two big bikes parked behind him.A sweet-looking teenage girl, who was wiping a black knife, glanced back. "You men are disgusting! What do you think you are? How could you ogle the boss like that!"The boy then raised his hand. "Don't lump us together. I'm quite a ha
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Chapter 257 Kidnap My Girlfriend
Landon's black hair danced in the moonlight, accentuating his handsome features. Despite his chronic illness, his graceful landing betrayed no weakness save for his pale complexion. The way he landed on one knee, all while wearing leather gloves, was particularly impressive. The gold-rimmed glasses perched on his nose made him resemble a young medieval cardinal.As soon as Landon touched down, the other plainclothes officers emerged from the mist. They didn't arrive in ordinary cars but in modified Jeeps with red markings.The seven or eight vehicles' engines filled the air with a loud racket."Mr. Barter, what happened?" The townspeople were beginning to get anxious. They had never seen anything like this before.Not only them, but Gregory had never experienced anything like this. He had only seen a large-scale operation like this on TV for cross-border arrests.Dick also had an ominous feeling. Feeling uneasy, he wanted to use the townspeople again.The plainclothes officers
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Chapter 258 I Can Help You
Dick felt himself going numb.Landon knew so much about him that there was nothing he could refute!Meanwhile, the townspeople didn't know who Landon was, nor did they dare to speculate. Witnessing the imposing military aircraft and Jeeps nearby, their hands trembled uncontrollably. Only someone wielding immense power could command such resources. And that someone, it turned out, was Aria's boyfriend.The Barter family even thought of having their way with her!All the townspeople were afraid.The entire Barter family also felt extremely regretful. This was especially true for Sue, who witnessed the whole scene.When she saw her brother being escorted away, her brain was buzzing. Initially, Sue thought Aria was a clueless, gullible student. A carefully orchestrated mix of money and threats, she believed, would eventually bend Aria to their will.Olivia had told her the same thing. Aria was unlike her daughter, Lily, who was now living as a wealthy family's daughter in Janovin.
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Chapter 259 Unable to Dislike Jeffrey
When Aria heard that, she stopped fiddling with her amethyst pendant.Frank's jaw dropped as he grasped the connection between Aria and the kidnapping. Aria, rarely one to frown, furrowed her brow at his implication."I was switched at birth, not kidnapped."It was indeed what the couple had said. However, their words were obviously unreliable. Yet, Aria didn't elaborate. She felt completely indifferent toward Mindy.Frank mentioned the Carvers doted on Mindy because she resembled their daughter when she was younger. This struck Aria as a cliché plot device from a novel.The heartbreaking reality of a lost child was far more common in the past. Without the widespread internet, facial recognition, or DNA testing, finding them could be a nearly impossible task.Moreover, the human traffickers often held the upper hand, leaving many parents forever searching, even when they had grown old and wrinkly. Still, Aria couldn't reconcile with the Carvers' decision. If every missing chi
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Chapter 260 You Will Find Her
Aria had an astonishing memory. It was as if she had Coral Village's layout in her mind. "That family was severely poisoned by me, so they wouldn't be in the village. They should be heading toward a place where they can get treatment. I suggest splitting into two groups and checking Beacon Hospital."Landon listened to her silently and didn't interrupt. Aria looked at him. "Bring the couple over. I have something to ask them."Landon fiddled with his beads and readily agreed. "Okay."His straightforwardness was one of the things Aria appreciated about him. He didn't waste time with unnecessary questions.Frank wanted to butt in, but he didn't know what to say. He wondered if Aria was really switched at birth. Frank remembered that he mistook Aria as the Carver family's missing daughter when he first saw her. If it weren't for Aria's denial, along with the information the couple had given him, Frank would have pushed for a DNA test. The couple said the girl was petite and skin
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